I’ve been a little lazy, as of late, in catching up with reading material. Somehow, though, I did manage to finish – finally – Shakespeare’s The Two Noble Kinsmen, which was well-worth the effort. I no sooner put it down when I picked up, again, Will in the World.
Finished it the other evening, with, no surprise, not much to question about the content. But it did spark a further line of inquiry, for a later date, and I’ll go back to an old gift – a copy of The Art of Shakespeare Sonnets. That hardback, however, is far too heavy to travel with.
As Bloom writes, “Critics of The Two Noble Kinsmen generally disagree, but I find Shakespeare’s style, in this final work, to be subtler and defter than ever, though very difficult to absorb.” (Harold Bloom in his reference, Shakspeare: the invention of the human, page 694)
I’ve also got an older copy of Shakespeare by Anthony Burgess. I tossed it in the pack, and I’ll see if it’s any good.
I can’t explain away my recent fascination with Shakespeare scholarship. Just a phase, I hope. I’m merely getting in the winter mode, although, I have picked up some new material.
I did find a couple of points in the Will in the World text that dealt suppositions about the creative process, how it works. Never will understand that myself.
Cherchez les petites poissons:
[style=floatpicleft>[/style> Just a couple of tiny bass from the other morning. I was supposed to be doing something else, I’m sure, but it was such a nice morning, and I just popped out for a few minutes. Later in the day, I did manage to catch a few perch, but I didn’t deem them worthy of pictures, just fodder for bigger fish. Which I wasn’t catching. Certainly could see them, though.