See and be seen, overheard

Stopped off at the venerable truck stop for one last dash through El Paso’s finest in dining experiences.

Observed a waitress with this uniform on:
“What’s that mean?” I asked.

“What’s cute is cute,” she replied.

Mentally, I came up with, “That which is beautiful is beautiful,” but I guess my King James roots are showing.

On break, another waitress was exchanging witticisms with a long-haul driver, “Hey you shouldn’t smoke,” she proclaimed, loudly.

“Hey,” he replied, “I don’t tell you not to have sex, don’t tell me not to smoke,” as he headed out the door.

“That Shakespeare persists in presenting so shadowy a figure, and when his friend Ben Jonson is as clear as a bell and somewhat louder, is one of our reasons for pursuing him.”

(Anthony Burgess’s Shakespeare, in the Foreward, page 10)

Back in Austin:
I shed long pants and boots, petted the cat, and i did a quick turn on the trail, just to shake the dust out, being a nice afternoon in Austin. Exchange stale airplane air for stale city air. Some place along the way, I think I was immortalized by a Gemini, randomized by a Sagittarius and loaded by a Taurus.

Unrelated links:
(More like “note to self, check this out again.”)

The weblog usability notes.

The hunnert best novels (glad to see Neuromancer and Snow Crash up there).

The price is right? What’s yours worth?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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