Two meat Tuesday

Two Meat Tuesday I can’t recall the source for the link, but a couple items about this one motorcycle accessories business and site got my attention. It’s green, it’s located in the Panhandle of Texas. And the site’s got a refreshing attitude. Goes back to my motorcycle roots, but alas, after too much consideration, I still won’t throw a leg back over a bike – some activities are best left for younger, more aware individuals. I can blame the stars, while I relish the thrill, my inherent lack of stability really does speak about me not belonging on a scooter. The other point is polite debate about BBQ.

Willie’s Bio-diesel. Hybrid cars – my whole family has ’em. Any number of items that suggest “green.” Personally, I tend towards public transportation, when I can. I was intrigued, from digging around on that motorcycle supply site to find that the owner was nothing more than a typical West Texas oil-field worker, who took it upon himself to turn a passion into a business.

The green part came later, but it’s not unheard of.

About the BBQ:
There’s a typical Austin BBQ place, literally, right around the corner. On a summer’s afternoon, I’m more than tolerated, even greeted, even though I stink like I’ve been swimming in the creek, which, in warmer weather, is a frequent occurrence. I titled a book after the Tuesday special, even.

Politics, religion and BBQ are the most hotly debated topic in Texas. Of the three, BBQ is the most important. Good Q is a better than manna from heaven. That one place? Oddly enough, at least lately, it’s been the pork ribs that are the best. But the “two-meat” moniker drives from the idea that there’s usually one item, like life, that stands out on any given day, and one should never bet that both will be outstanding. For me, that one place is close and convenient. That’s it.

I have, however, on occasion, enjoyed “transcendental BBQ,” be it the pork ribs, the brisket or perhaps something else. I tend to stick with basics because dependable is important. Then again, while I don’t figure that one place has the greatest BBQ in the world, I never realized how it was “passing good” as compared with other spots.

To wit, there’s a chain BBQ place in El Paso, the owners are friends of friends. Package deal, rent a big box location, buy the package, and soon you’re in business as a funky and charming home-style BBQ place. Part of the package includes a number of pictures of “famous” BBQ places. Oddly enough, just geographical coincidence, I’m sure, all of those “legendary” locations seemed West of the Mississippi – mostly in Texas. Just odd luck, I’m sure.

I’ve been to a number of them. Plus there are few I figure should be added. Then again, a number of the spots are now chains. Like Sonny’s in the Dallas area. Or Bill Miller’s and Rudy’s, both from SA.

As far the chains go? Rudy’s is pretty good, and I have made the pilgrimage to the Leon Springs location.

Plus, to talk BBQ, one must invoke Lockhart, TX, with a triumvirate (now a quadriplicity) of “oldest in Texas” places. Oldest in one location, oldest in the family, oldest in name, and a newcomer who’s pretty good.

And that’s just the tip of the BBQ trail, as it winds to Driftwood, out to Blanco, and even through the mean streets of Austin itself, with more than one legerdemain place here, Artz, Stubbs, Ruby’s, Iron Works, just to name a few within walking distance.

One place had some of the best PR, and I’ve noted this before, they called themselves “the second-best BBQ in Texas.” Good catch-all phrase. Leaves number one open for interpretation while firmly cementing that number two spot.

I have discovered places that help me, though. I’ve had bad BBQ in number of places. In Texas, no less. Not that it matters. That one place I tend to frequent? While it might not be the best, as I’ve discovered, being right in my backyard, it’s good enough.

I’m not sure what the point was, as I’ve forgotten now. But I hit on another idea, “All I need to know in life I learned from (Texas) BBQ,” perfect title for a book.

Morning fish
Cherchez les poissons:

Just a pair of small bass from the lake, what was driving me nuts, in as much as I’d let qa fish drive me crazy, was that I couuld see a number of larger targets, but I was unable to attract their attention.

Nice nod:
Just a quick tip of the hat to OK.

Better yet, in Chaucer’s Middle English?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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