Stan hit Veracruz, and yet, there’s a relative paucity of media data available. Veracruz shows up in Texas history, in as much as Texas and the Gulf are linked. And Veracruz was, at one time, a rather important point in history. But the exact reference currently escapes me. New Mexico: like Old Mexico, only more expensive (but no by much).
Without form:
Since I couldn’t put a coherent thought together about Stan and Veracruz, I figured I’d better work out a theory, or a simple hypothesis about the current hurricane season, as Tammy got her act together.
That’s a simple solution. Something like a dozen years ago, there was a freak twister, tornado, in England. Landed in a trailer park. Nothing we don’t see around here on a regular basis, I might add, but it must’ve been novel for the UK. So I’m thinking, all the hurricanes this season/ The real problem? Is it global warming? Freak conditions? Or just aluminum?
Travel bits:
Austin this weekend. Then on to fur West Texas, with an unrelated travel notation.
Inbound mail:
>On Oct 5, 2005, at 1:14 PM, fredlet wrote:
>Scruples are money in Russia and morals are paintings on walls and ethics
>drive cabs in New York City.
Swiped from Scott:
Can’t say anything about it myself, but my own dear Ma Wetzel liked it. (that link)
For the “never eat anything bigger than you” department:
Snake explodes with meal. Lunch was a 6-foot alligator?
Apres fish:
At some point, yesterday, I popped downtown to grab mail, run around to a coffee shop for an afternoon libation, here it is, first week of October, and I’m still dependent on iced espresso, it’s been that warm. While I was waiting for the ice to melt, I noticed a lad with a nice Apple ‘book, and as he was accessing a news site, I watched – BBC Online – a site I tend to prefer for global news. Just because.
Cherchez le poisson:
Just one. Tried that clever bit from the other afternoon, only, this was the crappie pole – ultra-light gear. I’m guessing three-plus pounds. Gave up a tremendous fight, too.