Second Part

Second Part? K.S.A.L.
The first part was just the pictures. I’d read the somewhat limited press material, and, for some reason, the idea of a parade on the river, with macabre overtones thrilled me. Seemed like a worthy road trip.

The Austin slogan, now a trademarked moniker, is “Keep Austin Weird.” As if that’s any kind of a challenge. The flips side is “Keep San Antonio Lame.”

Must admit, the town does like any excuse to drink.

“Why wasn’t there more press about this?” I asked.

“Like, it’s San Antonio, you know, any excuse for a party, right? Besides, like, last year? There were only about five boats that just keep going around and around. But, any reason to drink is okay with us.”

So it was just a few river boats, decked it in marginally Halloween looking outfits, and the one with the drums in the front, a rather tribal rhythm that had the three or four scantily-clad young girls dancing, on the front of the boat.

The little water nymphs are just barely visible in one picture.

Weather was just turning “cold,”at least, cold by my standards. Cold front ripped through, dropped rain and then the high, clear, really cold weather hit.

Halloween, it’s a time of change. Plus, as All Saints Day, leading into Day of the Dead, it’s time to remember where we’ve been. And it’s Lyle Lovett’s birthday around now.

“If I had a boat, I’d go out on the ocean, and if I had a pony, I’d ride him on my boat….”

(Lyle Lovett -“If I had a Boat”)

“If I were Roy Rogers, I’d sure enough be single… I couldn’t bring myself to marry…”

“Kemosabe, Kiss my ass I’ve bought a boat, I’m going out to sea…”

“If I had a boat, I’d go out on the ocean, and if I had a pony, I’d ride him on my boat….”

“To watch the courses of the star as if you revolved with them. To keep constantly in mind how the elements alter into one another. Thoughts like this wash off the mud of life below.”
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (Book VII, chapter 47)

“Without love, where would you be now?”

“The Illinois Central and Southern Central freight, got to keep on pushing mama, know they’re running late…”

“The pistons keep on turning, and the wheels go round and round. And the steel rails are cold and hard.”

(It’s a good train song – where I’m writing from – commuter special.)

“Hello, hello, hello, hell no…”
(Smells like Teen Spirit, as some would say, Nirvana.)

Two part harmony
first part, just the pictures:

Copyright 2005 by Kramer Wetzel for All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior written consent from the author.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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