Some things I can’t explain
Holidays and dysfunctional families? Or, as Sister has implored, time and again, “We put the fun in dysfunctional…”
After years of listening to people talk abut their issues, though, I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone has a crazy family. What is that statistic? 89% of the families are dysfunctional and the other 11% are in denial?
Yeah, sounds about right. So that’s a “jette” note about the holidays.
Inbound mail:
|> On Nov 29, 2005, at 10:13 PM, you wrote:
|> You looked a little like Shakespeare in the last video.
Pure coincidence.
(Link only works with paid subscriptions – login and password required.)
Planet notes:
As I was prepping this week’s column, a Dec. 1 start date, I looked over the planets’ schedule. Mercury is backwards just yet, as is Mars. Turning around soon enough. But ‘lo, what is that on yonder horizon? It is Venus, and she’s going backwards this month.
Targeted advertising?
Got a website? Want to make money? Sign up for AdBrite advertising.
Now, the question is, why is this better than that other branded type of “smart” ads? Think about it. If I ran that other brand of advertising, the ads would all be fishing and astrology sites – competition. What I want is something that compliments the site, not throwing people off on sites that might not interest them. Or might take away possible sales from me?
Yeah, I like AdBrite, links to books. Stuff that matters. Matters to me, anyway.
More adverts:
As I was cruising along, tending to business and minding my own business, I realized with the sudden price increase at Sandy’s, my monthly subscriptions now cost less than the Thursday-Saturday special.

Copyright notices:
The copyright question. Again. What I do? I put the copyright notice on my material, then, at the end of the year, put a year’s worth of columns in a book and assign it an ISBN.
But so far, it hasn’t been an issue with me. I don’t think anyone can steal my style. I mean if I showed up someplace and didn’t get paid for it, I could have a lawyer on their ass so fast it would make their heads spin. Right before the lawyer chewed them up for lunch.
Use my material directly, and receive compensation for it? I’m thinking about about a new Ranger Bass Boat I want, or Blue Wave bay boat be nice, too.
Cherchez le poisson:
Because of the planets, or because I’ve lost data before, I do back up. Regularly. So while I was waiting on that to happen, I flipped a worm in the lake. Missed one. Missed a second. Finally got on on about the third try. There were more, but alas, duty calls.
Requisite Firefox plug:
New version, major upgrade, they say here.
Copyright 2005 by Kramer Wetzel for This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior written consent from the author.