For the Week starting: 1.12.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 1.12.2006

“There is nothing left remarkable
Beneath and visiting moon.”
Shakespeare’s Antony & Cleopatra (IV.xv.67)

Aries: “Lick his neck,” I said. I was answering an astrology question from a young woman who was interested in an Aries guy. Not that I have much experience with Aries, but nibbling the ears, or, like my first words, applying a form of tongue pressure to the neck region, that usually works. Why would I be interested in helping in the hunting of an Aries? It’s part and parcel of my work, and I was endeavoring to add a degree of levity, as well as some real astrological insight, to a given situation. Plus, from my efforts at research, that’s an action, which usually yields positive results. Action that yields results — any results — is a good step. In the hunting of the Aries, I’m not sure what the next chapter will be like, but in the Aries world? With Mars in his face-off position these days? Action, take some kind of action, and hope for the best. Never can tell what will work best, but you’ve got to try something.

Taurus: I was standing in line at local coffee shop, listening to the barista banter, “Do you want a small, medium, or large?” The next person in line — ahead of me — asked, “Tall or Grande?” “Small or medium?” queried the barista. There’s a growing globalization of a certain trademarked chain, and that outfit doesn’t have “small medium large.” But a locally owned and operated place? Nice, clear, un-clever sizes, small, medium, large. Fight the power. The barista rolled her eyes. She wasn’t a Taurus. You are. Someone will show up and ask inappropriate questions, or ask for a “grande,” which is really supposed to be a medium. Such a scenario can go two ways, one path is fraught with peril and bad customer service. An alternate path comes at the expense of the good barista’s patience, the Taurus patience, but the problem has an easy solution. Do the right thing and take the time to translate from one chain’s marketing lingo to real-world-speak. Since the customer, since the folks dealing with Taurus, all seem determined to act stupid, or order from a chain store menu in a decidedly non-chain-store location? Go easy and just repeat your question. Nicely.

Gemini: “BBQ Pork Ribs are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Is this true? I can’t vouch for anyone else, but in my worldview, I’m pretty sure that it rings true. I was sucking on the remains of a pork rib while I was working on the scope, and I was trying not to get grease on the keyboard. Difficult task. But there’s a point in this exercise, besides having to clean the keyboard, about what one uses to define happiness. I am concerned about Gemini happiness as the new year starts to unfold. I’m concerned that you’re not spending enough time doing what brings a degree of happiness into your world. Could be something as simple as leftover pork ribs for breakfast. It could be a little more convoluted than that. But be careful, because just as you have one greasy mitt wrapped around a rib, you’ll be tempted to type with both hands, hence a problem. Not an immediate problem, but I can tell, from long years of experience, BBQ grease is hard to get out of a keyboard.

Cancer: We had one of those balmy winter nights, one of the evenings when it was rather comfortable outside, and I was, as is my wont, fishing. I had a little Styrofoam container of worms, and nominally, I was feeding the fish. I was one with the fish, really, just nice and relaxed. I kept shifting around, looking for a comfortable spot to sit on the dock. In the dark, I sat on the worm box. Container. As I hit it, I felt something squishy, and I just assumed it was leaves or something and I sat harder. The good news is a few of the worms escaped, and I recaptured them and stuck them in another box. The bad news is that a few of the worms wriggled free from the mess and escaped into the wild. It was just a clumsy mistake on my part, in the dark. No one to blame, and I was none too worried, more like amused, rather than anything else. Due to the nature of the planets and where everything is? Plus that full moon, which is good for fishing? When you sit on a box of worms? Or pull some other clumsy move? Consider that the nature of the situation, the worms, a few of them needed to be set free. Free-range worms for free-range bass (and perch, cichlid & sunfish). Consider it any way you want to, and maybe, just maybe, look before you assume a position of repose.

Leo: There’s a point that occurs as the weeks go marching by. It’s the first part of the new year, and most of us astrology types are either predicting dire circumstances for Leo — thanks to Saturn — or we’re full of love & light — and basically blowing smoke. First of the year, and I’m reminded that most folks want to know about true love and money. I can’t help with the true love in Leo. Either you got it or you don’t, and that’s one, which is best left alone for the time being. Then there’s the money thing. Work. Work hard. Roll up the sleeves and work. There’s a focal point, a place where this whole picture becomes very clear, in the next few days, and you can map out where you’re supposed to be. Plotting a course direction, figuring out what steps need to be taken in order to get there from here? That’s what this focus is all about. Instead of planning numerous events, concentrate on just one item. Making money. Long-range, economic planning. Then, let’s look at what steps need to be taken to get there from here.

Virgo: A big, red truck passed me on the street. A hand snaked out from the driver’s side and waved. There were a couple of leftist leaning bumper stickers on the back of the truck. It was an old Virgo friend, but I didn’t snap to that conclusion for several minutes. Welcome to the new year. What’s up ahead? Lots of stuff. There’s a lot of activity, but most of that action is best done alone. Like that one Virgo passing me on the street? I didn’t realize who it was for a moment? Your sweet Virgo self is like that, too. Passing folks as you scurry off to important meetings and such. Wave at us as you go by. Some days, folks like me? We won’t realize who it is until later. Doesn’t mean we’re ignoring you, but that quizzical, befuddled look on the face? That should be an indication that our memories aren’t working as well as the Virgo memory. Realize, too, that this is an ongoing kind of situation, as you might feel like you’re not getting recognition that is due to your Virgo self. We get it, and we’ll acknowledge your able Virgo self, just takes us half a step, half a beat, half a minute longer.

Libra: Tenacity is a virtue, but stubbornness is considered a vice. Same expression of energy, and yet, it’s viewed in different light. Now, the problem isn’t in Libra, per se, yet there’s a quality to the nature of events that lends itself to being stubborn. Or tenacious. Which will it be? Virtue or vice? I like the way a Libra approaches a problem, and if there is no immediate solution to that conundrum, the obstacle is avoided until such a time as a solution presents itself. Or that’s the way it works in an ideal world. Too bad we don’t all live in a Libra perfect world. If the problem can’t be set aside for further consideration, then there’s not a lot of choice, but to tackle it head on. Is that a good idea? From where I sit, I have to wonder if a darling Libra needs to be running headfirst into this obstacle.

Scorpio: I pulled on some jeans, boots, a tee, (faux) pearl snap shirt, and tossed a sport coat over the ensemble then headed out the door, off to meet a client. I was barely out of the Shady Acres parking lot when there appeared, on my brow, a thin bead of sweat. Weird Texas weather. I guessed wrong, when I looked at the weather forecast for the day. Cloudy, to be sure, but it was warm-like, too. Not nearly as cool as I’d expected. I’d already committed, and while I wasn’t running late, I was clearly over-dressed for the day. I shed the jacket, but I still carried it because it had all that stuff I needed, pens, pencils, paper, astrology charts, dead cell phone, beeper, the gadgets that go with my stock and trade. Before you set out for this week, before you make a guess at what to wear, what to carry? I’m suggesting that you open the door and test the outside atmosphere, first. What the computer says, what the paper says, what the guy on the weather channel says? Can’t trust them. You can trust your own, usually very sound, Scorpio judgment. Hint: this isn’t just about weather, either.

Sagittarius: I was watching some bull riding, Pro Rodeo, on TV. Then I got to thinking about it, and you know, those were some mighty healthy-looking cowboys. Probably ate right. But consider it, too, do you really think that a vegetarian cowboy, it could happen, would expect the bull to be more docile, just because the rider was a vegetarian, too, like the bull? Likewise, in Sagittarius, can we expect the planets to treat us in a more docile manner since we’ve been so good? I’m not sure about that. Our good nature, easy-going style and eloquence will be tested under the waxing and waning aspects of the moon. Yeow. Hold on, enjoy the ride, but don’t expect everyone to be nice back to us, even though we are unfailingly polite to them.

Capricorn: Buddy of mine was watching me fish, “What’re you throwin’?” He was referring to the lure/bait combination. It was a soft plastic, of color called “cotton candy,” and I remarked as such. “Won’t work, fish in this lake don’t like cotton candy,” he told me. When I pressed for details, he explained that it was bad for the fishes’ teeth. Which then evoked a real long and slow, “ooooo-kay,” from me. I caught a fish on that cotton-candy colored worm, a few minutes later. So much for theory and bad fish teeth. Maybe they’ve been to fish dentists. I tend to listen to local experts as they can offer some advice that’s tried and true, but sometimes, I fly in the face of convention. In this example, it was more a matter of convenience than anything else. That worm was left on from the previous fishing trip. So it’s okay to fly in the face of convention, especially when supporting evidence backs up your Capricorn position. Supporting evidence can be something as simple as a fish on the end of your line. Or whatever it is that works for you.

Aquarius: I listened as an Aquarius friend listed a long litany of complaints, transgressions and sordid messes. There was a problem with career track #1. More problems with back-up career idea #2. Hobby wasn’t gong well, either. And, of course, in this long list, there was also a problem with the significant other. Romances, finances, past times, all were in complete disarray. I took out a piece of foolscap and started to scratch down some notes, “Keeping notes to understand the full depth of the problems?” I just nodded. What I was writing down was a rather colorful use of the language, not fit for publication, but the next time I’m in a boat and the fish aren’t biting? You can bet I’ll use some of those expressions. Very funny associations, at least, to me they were funny. This also helped the problem because, after unloading, that Aquarius felt better. Plus, it looked like I was taking notes. Which I was, but I wasn’t bothering with that list of problems. I liked the way the adjectives, and certain adverbial forms ran into nouns. Impossible anatomical situations, plus a color and timbre of range that would make even a trucker blush. After venting for a spell, though, that Aquarius felt much better. And as I checked back, a few days later, all was forgiven and forgotten, as the work situation, the significant other situation and the play situation? All that worked out. Give it a few days before you make us blush.

Pisces: I was going to try and explain this week in terms of musical theory, but then, I discovered that I know next to nothing about musical theory. I know what I enjoy listening to, and I know what I appreciate, even if the music comes across as discordant sounds to me. What I was going to drive home, though, was a point about repeating recurring themes, and that seems to be a popular part of good music. A certain composer, just about any musician, will look for a musical notation, or a lick, and then keep repeating that combination of notes, or variations on that theme, and string the whole mess together as a song, a melody, set it to orchestration, maybe make a symphony out of out. And it all starts with a single note, then a couple of them back-to-back, and suddenly, it’s a got a life of its own. The trick is to start with the pieces that need to be repeated, and then, repeat those parts. Harmony, and all that other stuff? Whatever. It’s about repetitively doing the same thing, or something similar, and keep at that action until the melody, the symphony, the song, starts to emerge. You might not be a musician. You might not understand music theory any better than I do. But look for that lyrical hook, and let something develop. Keep repeating — remember — variations on a theme — until the song — the Pisces song for the week — starts to make sense. Repetition.

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copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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