For the Week starting: 1.27.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 1.27.2006

“The taste of sweetness, whereof a little
More than a little is by much too much.”
Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part One [III.ii.72]

Venus is still retrograde.

Aries: Seems like my little Aries friends all crawled out of the woodwork at once, just to borrow a slightly hackneyed expression. It’s mostly the phone, but there’s been a deluge of e-mail, too. All at the same time. Like three or four in a single afternoon. The questions usually have to do with romance issues, but I’ve discovered, not that this is a scientific analysis, the romance question is usually an issue. So it went from a quiet afternoon when I was hoping to fish to a long afternoon of phone consultations, and rapid-fire e-mail responses. As the romantic theme began to emerge, I took a closer and rather detailed look at the Aries chart. Charts, actually. Lots of them. The theme and the questions all seemed to be closely aligned. I’d blame Mars, but then, I live by the stars so I can easily blame the planets. The emergent “issue” has to do with timing, pacing and speed. Most of the darling little Aries were ready to be serious, perhaps too serious, about a particular situation. Too fast? Quite possibly. While I appreciate the Aries ability to recognize and understand a situation immediately, this isn’t shared among other signs, hence the frantic calls and question. Answer? Slow it down, the issue will resolve. I can hear it now, “But I don’t want to wait until next week!”

Taurus: Next week is a good one, perhaps a tad bit better than the remainder of this one. Not that it’s bad now, either, there’s just a little bit of long-term work that’s required. And it’s not getting done. Therein is a problem. Long-term goals, some summer-time destination planning? And some way to get from right now to there? Yes, it’s a problem. You’ve been fried sixteen different ways, and life is a nothing if not a little up-in-the-air. I can’t make it smooth out, and I can’t make it any less problematic, but I can make a suggestion. Long-term goals. Let’s look at some of those. What are you really looking for, what’s the ultimate goal? Ultimate destination? Where you’d really like to be? Best possible outcome? Good. Let’s reach for that, our Taurus selves. Mr. Mars is frying along, merrily frying along, oblivious to the fact that he’s doing anything wrong. So you’ve got some extra energy, and you’re not sleeping well. Dare to dream. Dream big. Make some plans. I’ll promise it’s going to cone through, if you can only look at the long-term image. Imagine that your “Life of Taurus” is like a satellite image of our planet. Then imagine that pinpoint of light is where you’re at. Now how do you go about getting from where you’re at to where you want to be, like on down the road? The biggest problem with Mars in your sign, this week, is getting too narrow of your focus point.

Gemini: Narrow your focus point. It’s really simple. Instead of looking for the big, over-all picture, instead of trying to do a nice panoramic shot of the problems at hand? Try to zoom in and grab just what the exact problem is. Just one. Just a single, nit-picking detail? Yes. It’s just one, almost minor, detail that’s driving you crazy. Maybe “driving you crazy” is the wrong term, but you’ve got one item that needs more attention, and the important action requires that you focus on this one item. Look, Gemini dear: Venus is backwards. Ain’t going to kill you. Isn’t the end of the world. But figure out what that one item is that you’re supposed to concentrate on. What’s really worthy of your attention? This? No, that? Over here, this one? No, maybe that’s not it. The point is to concentrate on the one item that really needs your attention. Realize that you might not be as smooth and suave as usual; therefore, what requires your attention might not be the relationship issue but might be something else. Career? Work? Making more money? That’s a good place to start, as you try to sort through the incoming material this weekend.

Cancer: This weekend is a good one for starting fresh, yet again. It’s all about how you time the events, and about how much leeway you leave in your schedule. We were supposed to fish, me and a Cancer dude, and I left some extra room in the schedule. The Cancer dude showed up half an hour late. No big deal, as I looked at the chart ahead of time, saw that the moon was dark, and I knew that this was going to happen. Regretfully, not everyone else is as astrologically aware that Cancer. As a sign that is heavily influenced by the phase of the moon, Cancer is going to have one or two interruptions in the normal, orderly flow of day-to-day interactions. Like being late for fishing. Late to start which then meant we were late getting off the lake, and late for lunch, which then turned into an early supper, and then the rest of the day was toast. Except that I knew to leave extra “fidget” room in the schedule, when dealing with that once Cancer dude. My schedule wasn’t interrupted. But then, I knew with whom I was dealing. I made allowances.

Leo: “I made allowances? No chances!” It was my little Leo friend, and she was carrying on about one of those little Saturn issues that seemed to have pushed up from the quagmire of Leo Life. Again. I’m just reminded of what I said before any of this happened, and how I did warn your magnificent Leo self about this. But you’ve got a situation that requires some allowances. I — perfectly well — understand that your little special situation is a problem that could be solved by cubic dollars. Very few difficulties can’t be surmounted by an over-abundance of cash. But there’s always that Saturn rub, and he’s making sure that you have to think a little more creatively about the problem. And its solution. There is one, you know, but first you have to cover up that lovely Leo mane with a thinking cap. Careful, you might look a little silly with a beanie and propeller on you head, but if it helps you think in a fashion that find a way out of your little Saturn problem? Then I’m all for it. So are you, right?

Virgo: “So are you right? Monday’s a good day?” Yes. Simple term, simple, declarative sentence. One word. Yes. Prior to Monday morning, though, there’s bound to be a high degree of confusion. Nothing that a Virgo can detest more than unclear, confused, convoluted problems with no easy remedy. A buddy of mine was trying a new type of fishing line, supposedly the slickest, cleanest easiest to use fishing line available through the miracles of modern science. Plus a good deal of marketing. Every cast, though, resulted in a tangled line, professional backlash is what we call it, and each tangle evoked a snarl. After an hour of “cast, detangle, cast, untangle, cast, unknot, and so forth,” the pole with the new line was retired for the day. A few choice words were used. If my fishing buddy had waited until Monday, the pole would’ve been less of problem. The line, I mean. Maybe not, but I’ll bet he would’ve been less concerned with the problem. In this case, it was simple. After a few casts and snarling, he would just leave alone. So Monday’s good, and the problems, or items that seem to be problematic? It’s easier to drop what doesn’t work.

Libra: What doesn’t work is getting in an all-fired-up tizzy about this, got it? It’s really very simple. Someone is trying, “There is no try. Only do.” Who said that? Anyway, there’s a particular person making a concerted effort to push one of your Libra buttons. The secret to success? Don’t go for it. I’m always afraid this will have an adverse reaction with my fishing wherein certain fish fail to take my bait. But that’s not usually the case with my fish. However, in your case? When that button-pusher shows up? When some fisher-person dangles a piece of plastic that doesn’t look like it occurs in Nature? Don’t bite. Don’t take the bait. Don’t react to getting your buttons pushed. It’s only a single, isolated event, but that’s no reason to let your gentle and kind Libra self get all worried about something that really doesn’t matter, not in the long run.

Scorpio: In the long run, it’s all good. In the short run, it’s still a little tough. Not as tough as it’s been, or for that matter, as tough as it could be, but it’s still difficult. Your normal, quiet, easy-going routine is still being interrupted by untimely folks who make too much noise. Leastways, that’s my guess. I’ve mentioned this before, in one of the old Spanish Land Grants, there’s a clause which dictates that every trailer park must have a cranky old man. He likes to go to bed around sundown, probably eats supper at 3 in the afternoon, and he cruises the grocery store for whatever is on sale, cheap & stale. Pecuniary illegitimate reprobate is term that’s often bantered around. On some days, I wonder if I’m turning into that requisite cranky old man. I’ll need to check with the landlord. You might wonder, too, as someone is set to disturb your peace, and there’s no recourse, other than to go out and tell them to be quiet. The trick is to assert your normally sweet Scorpio self without upsetting the folks you’re talking to.

Sagittarius: “You’re talking to me? I hope that comment wasn’t directed at me!” It was a forceful interchange between two clients. I was sitting at the bar, and I had a female on either side. They were both there for readings, a special “two-for-one, three-way-action” kind of a deal. Supposedly, these two girls were good friends, shared everything but boyfriends. However, there was nasty, barbed comment that caught one’s ire, and there I was, stuck in the middle. Within moments, both clients were banging their wee little fists on the counter, and I was edging backwards. Wasn’t my battle. I finally worked up some courage, sipped on the espresso, and announced: “Don’t. Make. Me. Stop. This. Car.” One girl gave me the fish eye, and the other one slapped me across the back of my head. Didn’t work exactly as planned; however, it did relieve the tension. Moments later, it was all happy tears and “I love you so much” comments. I had almost nothing to do with this cat fight except that I was physically located between the two females. “Don’t make me stop this car,” and “don’t make me turn this car around,” as well as the more modern variation, “Do I feel a hug coming on?” are useful comments. Especially for a Sagittarius who is stuck between two warring parties. We’re not normally peacemakers. Usually, we’re troublemakers ourselves.

Capricorn: We’re troublemakers ourselves, here in Capricorn land. That’s the way my Capricorn half wants to look at it. With Venus backwards and still stirring up mischief, someone’s got to do this, and who better than ourselves? Our Capricorn selves? The rest of the planets have finally moved on, leaving lonely and backwards drifting Venus to trouble us. And instead of letting one little love planet trouble us, what we should do is cause trouble for other people. Of course, this is not intended in a malicious manner, not in the least. That wry Capricorn humor, so often overlooked by other astrologers? I’m calling up that sense of the absurd, obliquely dark and occasionally brooding, but funny, nonetheless. Use it. It’s all you can do. Look at some of the events occurring. What can you do? Make a weird joke, crack a thin smile, mutter something under your breath? Venus tends to create an unstable pattern for romantic interludes, and instead of fighting against this, use that weird sense of humor to lighten up the situation.

Aquarius: Lighten up the situation. Or just lighten up. Can’t do anything about the nightmarish quality of Venus and her pattern, so lighten up. The Aquarius birthday celebrations are now underway, officially, and with some pomp and a few circumstances. I can’t get everything lined up for you just right, but I can get a couple of points working better. Communication, as long as it’s not of the romantic variety, that should be working fine. And if it of the romantic-(psycho/sexual)-relationship variety? There’s going to be a freaky sense about it. You have that ability, nay, a god-given talent, to come up with the worst, or the best, comment, at the best, or worst time. Yeah, well, “welcome to my world,” the quote from a buddy of mine. His name is not Bubba, even though everyone usually refers to him as such. Now that you’ve been warned not to make stupid comments, now that you’re forewarned, and armed with knowledge that you’re inclined to open your mouth and insert your foot? Now that you know all this, what’s the next step? Step right on into that mouth of yours. It’s your birthday time, and as such, there’s usually an excuse that you can use — I use most of the year myself. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” Plus, since it’s your birthday, you can really get away with it. I rarely enjoy that pleasure.

Pisces: You can really get away with it, I know you can. Even though Venus is backwards, your delicate and sweet Pisces self can get away with whatever it is that you want. AS the moon passes through Aquarius, and then rolls on her orbit into Pisces, you’re going to become a little more excited. This whole Venus thing, and all the stuff that everyone else worries about in association with the Venus being backwards thing? Skip it. Doesn’t apply to your Pisces self. Oh, to be sure, it does apply in some cases, but I’m not so sure that every dire prediction that I make for the Venus phase is really that bad. I’m wondering if some of this won’t be pretty good, and there’s no time like the present to start getting ready. I’m all for getting a jumpstart on the next chapter, and so are you. In the life of Pisces chapbook, we’re both ready for this. Make it through the weekend with the usual “Venus is Retrograde” mindset, and then, as the first part of the week starts out, once that New Moon hits your sign, you’re good to go. Actions. Lots of Pisces action. In fact, your action seems like my little Aries friends.

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copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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