For the Week starting: 2.2.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 2.2.2006

“Our houses, and ourselves, and children, have lost, or do not learn for want of time,
The science that should become out country.”
Shakespeare’s Henry V [V.ii.56]

Patriotic bit from Shakespeare’s canon, and then, a note about Venus beginning to get herself un-retrograde.

Aries: What not to expect is another sad, long and miserable horoscope, not from me. I’m tired of listening to the Aries complain, and you know what? You’re tired of complaining. As Miss Venus turns herself around, there’s a gradual shift in the way business goes. Instead of looking for love, even though that holiday is next up, instead of giving into the marketing hype from the greeting card companies, think about work. While everyone else is worried about social matters, turn your attention to a career objective. Remember New Year’s resolutions? You’ve all but forgotten them by now. But stop and look over that list. Skip the “get in shape part,” you’re in fine enough shape. Skip the “eat more healthy” part, too, as that got waylaid by some stress eating last month. Career goals, now that’s something that leaves a lot of room to grow in the next couple of days. Challenges and opportunities abound. Grab one, take it. Run with it. Folks are still a little confused about the relationship issues floating around, and my suggesting is to avoid thinking about those problems. Or frustrations.

Taurus: Those problems or frustrations, which have plagued you for the past few weeks, gradually sink into the west, kind of like the mythical sunset of the western landscape. Depending on time of year, location on the planet, and several other immeasurable factors, a sunset can last from about three minutes to over several hours. All depends. The sky can be a bright orange with a deep fusion of magenta outlining the clouds. Or it can be a picture-perfect orange globe slowly sinking into the horizon. The days are getting a little longer, if only by degree, and the nights are just tad bit shorter, but still cold out, at least by my standards. The western sunset is mythical in proportions, mythical in color, and rather elusive. Doesn’t just show up like it’s supposed to, and the good news you’re waiting on, it doesn’t show up like it’s supposed to either. But like the sunset, there was spectacular one the other evening, when you least expect it, there it is. I was headed home from meeting a client, and as I ambled along, wishing I’d worn more warm clothing, glancing heavenward, there it was. The pale orange silhouetted by a couple of fingers of high, thin clouds. When you least expect it, there it is.

Gemini: Expect it, there it is: right on schedule. Like it’s supposed to be. Better yet, just in time for Halloween. Or Valentine’s Day, I can never keep those two sorted out. But Miss Venus is getting herself straightened up just in the nick of time, to use a hackneyed expression. The recent spate of problems that resulted in a spat? And the source of those troubles, to begin with? That’s all getting much, much better. As this weekend approaches, be prepared for a little bit of a clean-up, like me, just getting in from an afternoon trip to the post office, to meet a client, and maybe drink a little coffee. Takes time, once I roll on into the trailer itself, and then I need to wash the BBQ sauce off my hands. For a second time, usually, I mean, that stuff doesn’t just go away. So it’s like that, taking maybe a second try to make sure that everything is worked out the way it’s supposed to be worked out. I’d be a little careful, too, as you start to make plans for the next holiday, don’t pull my trick and show up in a costume for what’s supposed to be a romantic interlude. Don’t get the dates confused, a lingering side effect of Venus.

Cancer: A lingering side effect of Venus being retrograde is the mechanical fall-out. I was thinking about this because a buddy’s truck dropped its tranny the other day. As if I could really do anything about that, or, for that matter, as if an automotive transmission is really governed by the stars. But that was, like, a signal of some kind, a symbol, if you will. And I will. The transmission, in a truck, takes the motor’s revolutions, and the tranny transmits those to the appropriate gear ration to mesh and synchronize with the wheel. The tranny transmits the power of the engine and places it — theoretically — in the best possible range for the forward (and occasionally backward) motion of the truck. What the Cancer transmission was doing? It was reacting to an inappropriate speed. Trying to hurry too much? Therein might be the problem. Trying to downshift from too high a speed? Again, trouble. It’s a matter of matching the vehicle’s relative velocity to the engine’s revolutions. Most of the older vehicles lack all the safeguards the new ones have. So this could happen. Don’t try throwing your Cancer self in reverse while you’re still moving forward. Or don’t try going forward while Venus is still backwards. Going a little slower will probably prevent leaving a transmission out on the middle of the highway.

Leo: Out on the middle of the highway, cool wind in my hair, rolling on down that highway of life. Maybe I’ll write a country song about it. Then again, maybe not. Roll your Leo eyes once at one of my ideas, it’s okay. I know you’re not particularly happy about the state of affairs in Leo-land, but that idea of a road trip, perhaps an adventure of epic proportions comes to mind. That’s the problem, too, as the road trip has to stay etched in your mind as an idea. I’d consider a goal, a plan, an ideal to reach for rather than actually loading up the truck and hitting the road. I’m reminded of one character from antiquity, as he tried to make his way home from war. He had a dueling gods and goddesses from his pantheon of mythology, and some of the big guys were rooting for the traveler and some weren’t. You know how this feels, right? All you want is for everything to be safe and sound, and that’s the one item I can’t promise just yet. You’ve got both good and bad teams upstairs, and both sides are having it out. Now, the happy tale, at least the happy ending to that one epic tale, results in the traveler finally getting home, reuniting with the wife, and they live happily ever after. So it’s up to you, whether or not you want to embark on an epic travel filled with many travails, or maybe, now that Venus is un-retrograde, perhaps you’ll want to put off that arduous trip – at least for this week.

Virgo: At least for this week, I’ve got better news than before in the Virgo section of the sky. In fact, by the time this scope rolls up and another rolls out, you’re going to be thinking I’m a nice guy. Which isn’t true, but let’s not worry about me at this moment. There’s an apartment parking lot I’ve passed a few times, a little off my beaten path, but it was winter and I was changing up my route. So one afternoon, there’s this guy out in the lot, working on his late-model Mustang. Hood’s up, greasy jeans were poking out from under the car on jack stands. Two days later, car’s in a different parking spot, but the same apartment lot, and the hood’s up again. The guy’s messing around with something on top of the motor, a turbocharger be my guess. The rest of the car is clean. Always clean. Like, not even any dust on it. Is this car a hobby, an obsession, or a job? Next week, same thing, car’s hood’s up, the guy is doing something under to the motor again, tweaking, tuning, or even, just changing the oil. I don’t know, I didn’t ask. Made me remember an era when I spent that much time working on a race bike — and no, I don’t long for a time back yonder in the glory years. But I’ll wager, just from casual observations, that the guy working on his Mustang rather enjoys what he does. Plus, despite it looking an awful lot like work to me, he seems to derive pleasure from it. Point of pride, too. And judging by how clean the car itself is? Probably a Virgo. Not all Virgo cars are clean, and this might not be the best time to be outside tinkering with mechanical devices, but if it makes you happy? Then I’d go ahead and do it. The planets are stacked up to make life good again.

Libra: The planets are stacked up to make life good again, with but a single warning: don’t over extend yourself this week. Go easy with the shopping. I didn’t say don’t shop, but take it a little bit easier on the old pocketbook (or bank account or line of credit) than you were planning. “But I thought it was a good time to buy a car (plane, house, boat)….” Are you sure? Is it a screaming good deal, or have you fallen prey to a salesman’s charm? Worse yet, have you fallen for the car salesman’s tricks? I went with a girlfriend while she was car shopping. I figured I was just moral support, only, the car salesman would either talk to her breasts or my face, addressing all the concerns and questions to me. I wasn’t buying the car. Me and that girl? We don’t share a last name. We live in different cities. I was just there because it was a Saturday afternoon lark. For me. It was car buying expedition, under the advice of her astrologer, for her. But that was weeks ago, when it was a good time to look at cars, or something. But now isn’t the time to be affixing your name good Libra name to the bottom of a contract that entails you shelling out large quantities of (cash) resources. Little items? Fine. Big items? I’m not so sure. And look out for the big-ticket salesmen who only address your chest, but it’s not personal, at least to me.

Scorpio: It is personal, at least to me. It’s question of taste. Most of the Texas town that inhabit my world, most of the places are built around a town square. One of my all-time favorite little towns is Lockhart Texas. It’s been featured in a number of movies because it is, precisely, photogenic. To me, though, the town hall, the center point, the focal spot for the square, and thereby, for the whole town, and by extension, for all of Caldwell county? The town hall is one of the ugliest buildings I’ve ever seen. It was restored to its glorious splendor, maybe a dozen years back. It’s part Victorian, part parochial, part provincial, part bad architecture. It’s glorious. It’s glorious in being bad. But this is a question of taste, and I’m not noted for being a good judge of anything aesthetic. Given where two planets are, I’m not sure that your normally good Scorpio judgment is any better than mine. Before you alienate a whole county in Texas, maybe think twice about making a judgment call about taste. Doesn’t mean that you can’t hold that idea in your own, Scorpio brain, but you don’t need to broadcast it. Or publish it, unless there’s a very clear heading that supports your position of the idea as being opinion, and in this case, maybe opinion that’s not based in actual fact.

Sagittarius: Opinion that’s not based in actual fact is a skill I’m rather adept at. I learned it from my Scorpio mother, bless her much “dragged-through-the-mud” soul, long suffering at the hand of her son, and so forth. Get the impression that I’m not always popular at home? She doesn’t take kindly to some of my Scorpio comments, when, in fact, I have nothing but live and admiration for all things Scorpio. Particularly that Scorpio tenacity. Especially that Scorpio ability to stick to the objective, long after me, or any Sagittarius, would have gotten bored. What I was looking at for the next couple of days, a strange influence cropped in the Sagittarius chart. It’s a little on the side, but there’s a problem, more like a challenge, and I’d suggest a little more Sagittarius tenacity, borrowing from the Scorpio corner of our collective charts, to get through this task at hand. It’s one of those situation, like a cool winter afternoon when the fish just aren’t biting, and normally, I’d just pack it in, and figure out something else to do. But that’s not the option, see, if you stick with the fishing long enough, you’ll be rewarded. Or, it might not be fishing, but it could be some other activity. It’s a matter of sticking to the task. I had a Scorpio roommate once, a long time ago, and he eventually made it as a musician, but it took close to decade for this guy to “make it big,” as they say. A decade is a long time to a Sagittarius, but we can win, if we use a little more than our average “stick to it ness.” See, my roommate was in punk band.

Capricorn: “See, my roommate was in punk band, and he told this story in front of an audience, so you know it’s true…” Just because a performer told a story in front of a large audience, does that make the story true? I’m wondering about this. I’m also wondering, with this Venus position, what you’re going to believe, or not believe. Plus, a punk band? Would that qualify as a musician? I’m not sure that it counts. Consider the source. Consider that the banter from the stage is sometimes a little dramatic, because, like the sounds or not, the punk groups are good at performing. But the way I heard the tale, it was from a friend of friend, and that third-hand evidence becomes highly suspect. Not that tall tales are endemic to my neighborhood, or my locality, but I’m afraid that a few stretchers are finding their way into your Capricorn life, courtesy of Venus. I’m not saying to completely disbelieve everything you hear in the next couple of days, but bear in mind what Venus is doing. Figure that some stories are just entertaining, not necessarily to be considered gospel.

Aquarius: To be considered gospel, in the truest sense of the word, it’s supposed to be infallible truth. Perhaps posited as a guiding principle? What I’ve observed, especially with Jupiter making a tough angle to your fine Aquarius self, is that there’s a time when the truth will be laid bare, for all the world to see. That’s good. The problem is that one of your illusions, a belief that you’ve held onto? That’s going to be rent asunder. Instead of arguing with either me, my prognostication, or worse, arguing with an ideal that you’ve held so near and dear for so long? Instead of arguing for your position, consider what’s happening — planet-wise. Consider that Jupiter shedding light where there was once darkness. Consider that maybe, just maybe, in this one, closely held Aquarius truth, that maybe you had some erroneous information. Instead of the solid foundation you counted on? I’m not saying you have to embrace the new and leave the shattered truth behind, but it’s always worthy of consideration.

Pisces: Worthy of consideration for the darling Pisces section of the sky? Something to look at? Allow for the weirdness of the days to be just that, weird. Even by your Pisces standards. Now, I tend to regard this as a “good weird” as opposed to something that’s not really particularly enjoyable, but this only applies to Pisces, as there’s a strange little hook to the days. There’s that unexpected quality, that event which catches your Pisces self off-guard. It’s not always bad, though, just not something that you expect. What comes to mind was a Pisces, looking for a job, and she kept submitting application and resume, one after another, and she kept hitting the newspaper (the local version isn’t a good source), the job boards, and friends. About two months back, she submitted an application, summarily forgot about it, and kept hitting the virtual bricks, looking for a gig. What happened? It took more than three weeks for her paperwork, I’m guessing here, to percolate to the top of the stack. Maybe they hired someone else, and that someone else quite in huff. More like about a three-week snit. But eight weeks later, something clicked, and she got a job offer. After she’d already accepted a new position with all the benefits and so forth. So it might no be what you expect, but somewhere along the line, you do get a bonus. All about expectations. What to expect and what not to expect.

All Rights Reserved
copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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