For the Week starting: 2.9.2006

For the Week starting: 2.9.2006

“His words are a very fantastical banquet–just so many strange dishes.”
Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing [II.iii.19-20

It’s a bit from Much Ado that’s Benedick talking about Claudio’s waxing poetic now that Claudio is in love. Perfect for this rapidly approaching holiday, right?

Aries: It’s warming up some, at least locally, and that means the Aries blood is starting to stir. Should be a good holiday, coming up. The trick with this holiday is how to manage your expectations. I stepped out to the river’s edge with a crappie pole, very light, almost translucent line, and tiny hook. I threaded a squirming (Fisherman’s Best Fried: Canadian Nightcrawlers) worm on the hook, and tossed it in the water. Expectations? Maybe feeding some perch. Perhaps a little brim, or something similar, just to keep my hand in the game. Instead, something took the bait, the bobber disappeared and popped back up before I had a chance to reel in the line. Somebody sucked that worm right off the hook. I put another worm on, and I tossed it into the same place, but I was ready this time, and I hooked me a decent hybrid bass, sort of a cross between my preferred black bass and a white bass. Or a Guadalupe Bass, weighed a couple of pounds, Got a picture and the fish splashed back into the lake. I wasn’t expecting anything. Or maybe something small. Not a big fish on light line. Certainly made my day, that’s for sure. But it’s all about expectations, and in February, I’m not expecting much. Same thing for Aries, it’s about what your expecting for the big holiday, and what shows up. Took two tries to get that one, but it was certainly worth the effort, especially since it was testing the limits of my gear.

Taurus: The limits of my gear would suggest that I’m ill prepared to do battle with really large fish. To date, only one fish has bested me, locally. Two, if you include that unfortunate incident a few years ago, but I have witnesses; that was a big fish. Never mind the fish tales, the Venus situation is all but corrected by now. Therein is the good news. Mr. Jupiter is still on the opposite side of the wheel from you, and I’d be watching that, as much as anything, since it has the biggest impact on your lifestyle. This is one of the periods when you’re up there, at 6 in the morning, buying super-mega-lotto ticket because you’re feeling “lucky.” I seriously doubt that the odds are in your favor. It’s like 100 million to one odds. Not good numbers. But you’re feeling lucky and that means you should go ahead a pop down a buck for that ticket. I won’t refund the money to you, because, as I pointed out, the odds are not in your favor. However, that pervasive feeling that something good is coming your way? I’m all for that. I’m all about the lucky Taurus feeling lucky even if that luck fails to materialize as a big win. Because, in my terms, a big a win could be any number of win-win situations. Could be a break at work. Could be a mere three bucks on quick lottery ticket which then translates into a coke, a hot dog, and another ticket. But there’s always hope, and if you do win big? All I’m asking for is a 1%.

Gemini: All I’m asking for is 1%. It’s the tiniest fraction I could come up with to get a point across. When I started spinning up the chart for your Gemini stars, there was one planet I kept looking at. Mars. Yes, the little red orb has had some extra attention lately, and that would suggest he’s worthy of your Gemini attention. Mars is in Taurus, and he winds up, almost sitting there, right at the very edge of Taurus, but not quite in Gemini yet. There’s a relatively new bridge on the river, here. Around the pilings for that bridge, the big fish I like to catch have found a new home. Didn’t take them long to take up residence. I haven’t bothered to fish there, even though I can see the fish, because there’s really not much of a chance of catching them. If they can see me, then they know I’m angling for them, and that greatly reduces the chance of me fooling them with a bait. See the problem? And see how this applies to your life these days? It’s really just a function of Mars and his position. You can see a solution, but you can’t reach it. Besides that the problem is that you can see the target, but the target can also see you. Unless you’ve got a really clever bait, and I’d like to know about it, then I’m suggesting that maybe it’s better not trying to go for something that you know is not obtainable — for now.

Cancer: Obtainable — for now — goals? I’m not talking about some unrealistic dream, no, I’m talking about goals — desires — that well-within your reach. Something you can grasp, hold onto firmly, some desire, notion, plan of action? Yes, like that. What I’m suggesting, get out that little list of items that you want, and the bigger toys, the new car (better yet, a new boat), those aren’t easily obtainable in this little cycle. But the smaller items, a few trinkets that you feel like would really help the workflow around the old Cancer trailer? That’s what I’m talking about. That’s easy. It’s well within your capable grasp. No, I can hear the complaint, you’re thinking you really shouldn’t. But a little splurge. Not a big one, but just one tiny item that helps you. I tend to use lap top computers more than anything other arrangement. It’s just easier, I live in a tiny (miniscule) space. Works out better for me. But a keyboard was the nicest addition to what I had. It wasn’t a big keyboard, in fact, I found it in the closeout bin at the superstore. Just slim, trim keyboard that I can plug into the back of the laptop, and suddenly, I feel like I’ve got a new computer. Nothing’s really changed. But I felt better. Sometimes, it’s not the big things, it’s the little things, goals that can be accomplished.

Leo: Can be accomplished — and concomitant — can’t be accomplished? It’s matter of looking at the Leo list of duties, and figuring out what’s doable. Oh yeah, and don’t forget the little romantic holiday, punctuated by a full moon — in Leo, no less. I don’t really arrange this planets, but given where all the negative influences are, that little full moon comes as a gentle reminder that yes, someone does love you (besides me). Only, the way things have been, it looks like, to me, that you’ve been chasing after some deal that you and I both know won’t happen. It’s not that it won’t happen, but it won’t happen soon enough for your kind Leo self. Therein is the problem. On either side of the impromptu party brought about the lunar phase, the holiday and all, there’s that little ray of clarity, like a sunbeam finally breaking through a sodden and cloudy day. There’s a little chance, a single, shiny bright spot, and as you see what can — and can’t — achieve? You also get a little dose of happiness. Might not be the “shout for joy” kind of happiness, but a smug Leo is a good thing, at least in my book. Should be in yours, too.

Virgo: Should be in yours, you know? The list. Check the Virgo list. I was shocked to discover that not all Virgos have a list. But even if it’s not a list that’s carefully scrawled on a piece of paper, perhaps a special “Virgo-esque List Special Foolscap,” there’s still a running list in your head. And there’s just one item that you’ve forgotten. For me, it was simple, it was the color inkjet cartridges that I use on my home printer. Not really a big deal, or maybe, it was. But it also necessitated a trip to the office supply superstore, in the middle of an lazy February afternoon, when I surely had better things to do. But the printer had been out of color for a couple of days, I couldn’t put the task off any longer. Suddenly, a chart needed to be printed, and just black figures wouldn’t do. Mars should be red, Venus is green, Leo is gold (yellow, but don’t tell them), and Virgo? Sometimes I choose blue, like a certain Virgo’s eyes. Other times, a verdant green, not to be confused with the forest green of Taurus. Plus, as an earth sign, some shade of earthen hue, like a variation on a wood-type of color, that works as well. But with the inkjet cartridge, it’s all either black or white. Might not be a color inkjet cartridge that you forgot to get. Cold be something entirely different. But there’s something on your list that needs attending, and it will crop itself up, and you’re sliding out the door to attend this matter. I’ll bet it’s really a simple a solution, you just forgot, and I’ll assume that you have a perfect Valentine’s Day week.

Libra: I’ll assume that you have a perfect Valentine’s Day weekend, filled with all the romantic promise that a good, deserving Libra like yourself wants. Or something akin to that. Got it? Full of hope and promise. Or, if it’s like those stupid, insipid greeting cards? Filled with something good. Good wishes, anyway. There’s much that’s good in the Libra chart, but alas, there’s also much that’s not so good, elsewhere in the charts for this little period of time. That means, unless you’re dating a Libra, married to one, or otherwise engaged with a Libra, or, at the very least a very Libra-like person, then there might be problems. Not big, deal-breakers, but sometimes the cute intent of card doesn’t carry well. That’s what I would look out for, as your intended message might not get across to the intended person in manner that your Libra self intended such a message to be interpreted. Clarity is important. It’s not you, it’s not your darling Libra self, the problem seems to be on the other end, as some (non-Libra) folks just don’t seem to understand.

Scorpio: Folks just don’t seem to understand the Scorpio way. Which is too bad, because, just between you and me, astrologer to Scorpio, the Scorpio way is the best way. Valentine’s is a big deal. I wouldn’t worry about the outcome, though, as I figure life is good in the Scorpio quadrant. Unrelated to this romantic issue, however, there’s another little spot of trouble headed your way. It’s not bad, but you’re going to look like me, the other morning, as I was trying to juggle a phone, a fishing pole, a fish on the end of one line, and a client on the end of the other line. All at the same time. What I finally did? I told the client I’d have to call back, as I needed the phone to take a picture of the fish I was in the process of catching. No, I don’t really fish during a real reading, but at that point, the tape was done, and I was just chatting. I’d stepped out to the water’s edge to try a tricky new bait. Didn’t think it would work. It did. This is not an unenviable position to be in, if you think about it. Too much happening at one time, all good. More or less. But on a February morning? You’ve got a little too much happening, even though it seems like it was a cold and windy morning.

Sagittarius: It was a cold and windy morning when I was working on this, gray clouds scudding by overhead, a stiff wind from the north adding icing to everything. Happens in February. We get a couple of teaser days when it looks like spring has arrived then the cold weather returns. Venus is making merry and moving in a direction that helps us out, in Capricorn (an Earth sign). At the tail-end of Taurus (an Earth sign), Mars is just getting ready to exit that place. The answer to the Sagittarius question? It’s someplace in between those two love planets. Now, you’re going to feel like me, standing here on the south shore of the lake, a cold breeze chilling everything, right down to the bones, or so it seems. I had a fishing pole in hand, and I took one, tentative cast, discovered that I couldn’t fight the cold wind, nor, for that matter, did I want to fight the cold wind, or, for that matter, the chilling cold. I retired to the trailer, once again, zipped it up good and tight, and pondered my next move. As I looked at the charts, I kept thinking to myself, “Self, there’s got to be an answer.” What I came up with? The answer? It is some place between Venus and Mars.

Capricorn: Between Venus and Mars, I’m guessing that life is really getting back into a structured, ordered array, away from the recent mess. In fact, I’m guessing that life is starting to look pretty good. There’s a little burst of inspiration that you’ve got, too, and that’s a little bonus point. I’m thinking, could be me and my way of looking at the world, but I’m thinking that there’s a Cap who will sit down with a blank sheet of paper and some crayons, and that Cap will draw a Valentine’s day card that just blows away the competition. Heartfelt, romantic, funny, obtuse, weird, whatever. Something special about that Valentine note that sets it apart from a store bought variety. I’ve yet to find a girlfriend that would be just thrilled to pieces that I brought in a picture of fish that I just caught. So my preferred art form might not be the best example. But for Capricorn? Whether is some other art form or what you know about bass fishing in Central Texas.

Aquarius: What do you know about bass fishing in Central Texas, in the winter time? Probably not a lot, except for a few rare individuals, and you probably don’t care. It’s just part of my world, as I have a little “incubator” right outside my back door: the lake. River. Whatever. Sort of hard to refuse, too. The bass, usually in February, are in a “pre-spawn” mode. Getting ready for the spawning season, and the fish are carefully attuned to subtle climatic changes. I’d suggest, for my little Aquarius friends, that just such an attuned state is a good place to be. Is the day a little bit warmer than yesterday? Are the people you encounter a little more open to suggestion? Folks seem a little friendlier? Or do you need to try a littler harder to attract their attention? It’s that “pre-spawn” mode. Or, as I like to look at it, the springtime is right around the corner. Which means? There’s an odd bit of luck navigating through Aquarius. Still have a few Aquarius birthday parties to attend, as well. Try the right bait, the right way to attract what you want, and I’ll suggest that there can be some success before Aquarius ends, and long before Pisces starts. I can get really lucky fishing, every once in a while, in February.

Pisces: I can get really lucky fishing, every once in a while, in February. It’s matter of timing, and that’s what this is all about, timing. What’s the secret to land a VD fish? There is no real secret, it’s a matter of luck, more than anything else. The local bass, the sporting population that I pursue most frequently, they are all just getting ready for the bass version of spring break. Spawning time. On some days, that means the little critters are hungry. Ravenous, even. Means they’ll eat anything I through at them. Other days? Those boy bass wouldn’t touch a voluptuous and tasty treat, even if it was naked. Now, during the next week, especially this weekend, the fish (bass AND Pisces) are particularly rambunctious. That’s good news for me. I’m looking forward to great success one way or another, in the next couple of days. I’d like to think that it looks good for you, too, even though the Sun is still technically in Aquarius, the sign in front of Pisces. It might not be bad at all. It’s warming up some, at least locally, and that means the Pisces blood is starting to stir.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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