Midnight trains

I wonder if I could do this as a Mystery Train?

Unrelated questions:
Is this even comical? How to survive a cable outage?

This is just a sidebar note:
When I checked the above-mentioned link, what I noticed as I re-opened the page, the top half of my screen was advertising, 50%. Then, one half of the bottom, the right-hand side, was advertising. In other words, 75% – or more – of the screen was material not related to the story.Think I’ll do that.

The cable outage story amused me on a different level. As of now, yes, I’m hooked up to cable, but only for net access. No TV. I’ve bounced between broadband providers, going cable to less expensive DSL back to cable, then back to DSL in a cost-cutting effort, then back to cable because of a sweet deal. And when the alternative cable arrives, I’ll probably switch again, if it’s substantially less expensive. Cable is faster than DSL in my neighborhood. Costs almost the same, right now. And when the phone or cable dies? Actually, I might not even notice – I might be reading a book. Or fishing.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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