There’s a picture, most recently, I’ve seen it on the cover the Johnny Cash Album, Cash. Man in black, with a guitar case, walking away. I know I’ve been exposed to this image a number of times, in varying degrees and different locations.
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I keep imagining I can do an image like that, something similar, maybe shared elements. Only, I’m not about to pose with a guitar case. Not going to happen. I get enough “musician” and “guitar player” comments as it is. No need to make it any worse, and frankly, in my case, that would be false advertising.
Maybe with laptop in tow? But doesn’t the image lose its effectiveness when there’s a bright shirt? I hit the b & w button, but that doesn’t really change the timbre and tone. Still doesn’t work.

There’s still something missing, and I’m unsure of what captivates and intrigues the audience. What type of image is emblematic of a wandering sol like me?