I’m not even sure what it was. The e-mail included a press release that I neglected to read, and then, only later, wished I’d read so I’d have a some kind of clue. But being clueless has never interfered in the past….
Or something.
However, it was amusing, and the quality of the participants in whatever it was? That was good. I must assume, any regular denizen – or even casual visitor – will recognize the venue from the sign in the foyer. Heh, “foyer”? Not exactly what I would call it.
His little (cute) blond (Taurus) girlfriend kept telling me that he was an introvert, but I watched as he unlimbered while talking about what his paintings meant. He was eloquent, with a good command of the language and understanding of the nuances. Plus, I thought, anyway, pretty decent work, and ultimately, the work should speak for itself.
“Everyone has a passion,” he was explaining, “you just have to be brave enough follow it.”
I ducked out the back gate, just a little before midnight. I plugged in some earphones and made quick, long strides to get home. Not minutes after I got in the door, the faint patter of raindrops on a tin roof echoed.
Timing is everything.

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