For the month of March, 2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the month of March, 2006

“Beware of the Ides of March”
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Quick hint: Mercury spends most of this month in apparent retrograde motion. It’s a matter of understanding what that means, and how its impact is felt.

Aries: The first part of March is a hippie-jam-band’s long guitar solo. It just goes on, seemingly pointless picking at times. Be patient, the end of your single effort holds a surprisingly brilliant conclusion.

Taurus: Decisions are usually ill-advised when Mercury is backwards, yet, you understand — and see — better than before. In matters of love, be careful, maybe don’t throw down the gauntlet, but, at the very least, consider setting a glove down in front of the question.

Gemini: Austin Fire Department has strict rules — BBQ grills and apartments don’t mix well. Rather than becoming a statistic, why not just follow the rules set down by the city, enforced by the fire department, or better, why not just go out for BBQ? It’s not like there isn’t enough of it around Austin.

Cancer: That old significant other, having some problems getting your point across? They just don’t get it, do they? I don’t have an adequate solution, either, other than the Ides of March will serve as a turning point and either they get it, or you kick them out.

Leo: Situations vary from Leo to Leo, but it’s a weird time. I’m never comfortable with this advice, because I can’t follow it myself, but work hard now, get paid later. And this applies on many different levels, but it’s also going to be your new mantra.

Virgo: A Texas Roller Girl had a special name for me, “Freak.” Endearment or not, it always disturbed me a little. That’s also exactly how Virgo faces this upcoming Mercury backwards in Pisces time. No platitudes can assuage your feelings and ruffled feathers, nothing but time (and few cold ones) will help.

Libra: Get up, out of the house, and on the road again. The Austin’s March weather is a fickle mistress at best, yet there’s a hint that no matter what it’s like, hot or cold, cool or sultry, your fine Libra self needs to move. Remember that Mercury will mess up your schedule, so deal with the little exigencies that the smallest planet has to offer.

Scorpio: Times like this require a double effort. Perhaps two of everything? Can you make the Rodeo and SXSW? Sure. Double and redouble your efforts to combat stupidity, Austin drivers, and no downtown parking. You can win, just work twice as hard (as everyone else).

Sagittarius: Between Mercury and Mars, this is going to one of the longest 8-second rides. Mars is like a bull ride at the Austin rodeo — this month — only, it last longer than 8 seconds. Remember: points for the dismount, too.

Capricorn: I’ve got a Capricorn buddy who takes a week of vacation during SXSW to volunteer, see shows, party, the usual madness. Except, this year? Can’t get the time off. Work or play? You’re call, but with Mercury messing up schedules? I’d concentrate on that deadline for work, first.

Aquarius: The Austin Rodeo booked a hip-hop act to headline one evening. Perfect arrangement for an Aquarius. Take two items that might not belong next to each other, and see what happens. Odd choice, but the outreach program might work.

Pisces: With Mercury retrograde for most this month, it’s all about what you’re feeling. Confused emotions aren’t always bad, it’s like looking at the SXSW band lists and trying to decide which ones you should see. Relax, as a Pisces, you always wind up in the right place, even though it isn’t where you planned to be.

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copyright (c) 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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