Or not frustrations, too, as those of us with advance warning know what’s happening. At least, that’s the theory.
Via Greg:
“Modulated anarchy”? (that internet trend)
Astrology and Generations:
First a learned academic piece about generations.
[style=floatpicleft][/style] I do a different division for generations, using separate methods than what is pointed out there. Plus, in that article, the “urban tribes” are not separated from the Gen X group. In my mind, the two have very different signatures, although, in certain respects, similar goals. Pluto into Virgo, briefly in the late 1950s, then both Jupiter & Saturn in Capricorn, in 1960 or thereabouts, and then the “in between generation, basically, 1960 to 1970, Xer’s, 1971-1979, plus or minus a year or two. Like 1960 or so, there was another Saturn & Jupiter conjunction in 1980-81 (plus or minus), and that lends an “urban tribe” feel to the those years. And this where it gets weird, to me, anyway, the Saturn & Jupiter in Virgo, then in Libra, the division vacillates, but it that’s like a dividing line. Consider someone you know, your own age, and therefore, should be similar and yet, seems completely different. Different set of values. I like the article’s separating of the “millennial” group, as that fits with what I’ve observed in clients, charts, and casual conversation.
Now, there’s one other point, and I figure this is important, see: marketing to urban tribes or Gen X or the millennial(s), each group abhors certain marketing tripe.
Utterly unrelated:
How does Death Metal warrant a WSJ mention?
It’s a laugh a minute here:
Actual voice mail, “Hey, this is (name) from (company), and it looks like you’re doing some interesting stuff there, if you need any help with staffing, or if you can just connect me to HR, we’re good.”
Not a very observant lad, huh?
But some observations do yield results:
It’s the only item I found vaguely exciting, from the Left Coast (or Peoples’ Cooperative of Southern California).
Even better:
Some silliness from College Station, just to made the day.