Just the way it goes, some days.
C & C
It’s an old term, to me, about compare and contrast.
Wednesday morning I headed out to meet a client. We were getting together at a coffee place, noted for it’s “leftist leaning liberal” policies. Vegan food. No meat in the place at all. Sort of scruffy, with that neo-hippy flavor to just about everything: ambiance, music, political notices. Really good food, too, but that’s just my opinion.
Thursday, by way of contrast, I’ll be heading towards a BBQ place, get me some seared animal flesh, and hang out with a Republican buddy. We’ll talk music. Beer, bait and ammo. Yee- (something) -haw. Really good food, but that’s just my opinion.
West Texas has its own, special flavor. It’s Western, yes, that’s true, but not the arching canyon-lands of Arizona. Nor the stark beauty of Northern New Mexico. I was reading about the area, actually, reading about Southeastern New Mexico, and I found a reference that called SE NM “Little Texas.” Apt nomenclature, in my mind.
The singular memory was a Kettle Restaurant. Loved the chain, back in its day, and the one outside the hotel? Regrettably, it had changed. It’s now, or was, a car dealership of some kind. Too bad, used to be good food. Good road food, anyway.
Unconnected music notes:
iTunes for audiophiles?
Connected musical notes:
I was updating an iPod as a travel accessory, Same problem as before, wouldn’t write to the iPod. Erase, reformat, creative use of language. Search the web for a clear and concise set of instructions. Search again. Finally give up, and start rearranging wires on the desk. Finally, on a whim, sort of a last effort, I tried a different cable. Problem fixed.
Begs a question, though, how can a simple set of wires encased in hermetically sealed white plastic go bad? If it was the hardware, I could understand that, jogging around with me, but this was just a set of ires that have lived on the desk for the last couple of years. No abuse. Not even much use. Well, some use, but no abuse. How does a simple wire connector go bad?
Wait, wait, I know, I do astrology, stars and stuff, it’s Mercury. Right, whatever. I’m not buying it.
Die hipster scum:
I’d forgotten about that one, until I pulled a scrap of paper from my wallet, with that notation. T-shirt, on a Pisces. Earlier reading? Pisces. Another coffee friend? Complaining about? Pisces. Hat I had on? “Fear no fish.”
Fish on!
Just an afternoon idle. Really, it turned too cold for my pleasure, but I was out, and two fish were dutifully hauled up for photo-ops. Hungry, fighting fish. The first one even jumped back in the lake before I had a chance to gently place her back home. Kept the bait, too. Some people.