Happy Aries:Two phone consultation, Monday night, and this is weird: One was with the sun in Pisces, and the other was with the sun in Aries. Local time, adjusted.
(Tipping) Points, revisited:
I was looking for something else, and stumbled across an older older post with that title. But it wasn’t what I was looking for.
All about ugly websites.
Why we like catch and release fishing.
And I’d bury this in s a scope, but no one would get it, a Chaucer blog in Middle English, which, in and of itself, was a cause of mirth.
Lyle Lovett:
Caught my eye the other afternoon, a notation that one Lyle Lovett album was close to the top on a top ten list. Then, on an iTunes celebrity playlist, again, near the top.
Dollar for dollar, and this one where the iTunes collection sorely lacks, Lovett’s Step Inside This House deserves recognition. First off, it’s a double CD set. Secondly, it effectively spans and covers several decades of musical influences. Cover songs, really, that’s all it is. But the style and musical qualities, plus the enclosed artwork, makes it great stuff. Finally, as I understand it, Lyle Lovett is Scorpio. It’s got to be great.
The Flat Earth:
Pa Wetzel passed on a copy of the book, The World is Flat, to me, and I was reading it the other evening. I found one passage rather disturbing, though, around pages 39-40, wherein the author was observing at a military base in our current war zone. Three screens displayed images – live video feed – from an airborne drone. The fourth screen had baseball game on.
I appreciate that the Marines and Infantry are risking their lives to preserve freedom. I wasn’t comfortable with the author’s analogy between sports and war-time. That seemed to trivialize the war. High School football, on a fall Friday evening in Texas? Life and death. Professional baseball? I don’t find that as serious as the current conflict. However, that could just be my take on the analogy, and I might have misunderstood the point the author was striving to reach.
That Libra flavor:
Mentioned Pa Wetzel (Libra), and I was in the bookstore, looking at rough, lonely travel on $5-a-day guides to London 2006 because I’ll be going for a little trip to celebrate a June wedding anniversary – in London – this coming June. He called. Another Libra called. I called another Libra. The new Chris Moore book is in stores now, and that author is Libra. Just weird.
French lessons:
The rowers are out on the river these days, and I noticed that one of the Cincinnati teams had a special tri-color set of oar paddles. Looked like the French flag. At first, I worried about political affiliations, and how that kind of flag-waving might be unpopular, but then, Austin (East Austin) is home to an old French Embassy, yes, France recognized Texas as a country.
I stopped at one coffee shop downtown and there was a quartet of gentlemen standing at the counter, nattering on in French, looking at coins, trying to figure them out. I pointed out – in proper French with a correct accent – that those were quarters, worth Van-Sank pesos.
The quartet, probably real Frenchmen, all ordered tiny cups of espresso. I have a mild regret that I didn’t get to stretch my French some more, but it was nice to listen, and nice to point out that some of us do speak their language. Which, I have to add, is a really pretty language. Even bad words sound nice, in French.
My only problem with cussing in French is that it lacks the visceral catharsis of its English, Anglo-Saxon counterparts.

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