Life of as road warrior, some days, some nights.
Ghost stories:
When Darkness Falls San Antonio (area) ghost stories. So far? I hate this book. Maybe I don’t hate it, but I certainly can’t recommend it as either a good source for ghost stories, paranormal question abstracts, or even for a readable writing style. Even the typeface and layout annoys me. Style, content, and substance all lacking? Not that it ever bothered me, but for one, I’m stuck in a motel in West Texas, and for two, I’m spending enough time in San Antonio to warrant some research. But that book was a bad call. Another example of good marketing but miserable content.
They were sayin’
“Yessir,” (extra sibilance and make sure them vowels are long, drawn out, and twangy) “there was snow up near Abilene. I was tellin’ them, they wuz snow clouds all-righty.”
It rained Saturday night, for a few minutes. Seemed like it was both big news and a big problem, maybe an hour’s worth of rain. An hour’s worth of rain left the streets flooded.
And from back in Austin?
(Actually, yes, but then that’s just me.)
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