Dates and more

Dates? Coming up? 01:02:03 – 04/05/06? Just odd, means nothing. Or does it? Guess it really occurs twice, not to split seconds, but 1 AM or 1 PM?

Too wore out from travel and work to make much sense. One item bothered me, from Monday afternoon, I got flipped off by a driver. I just passed a gas station, and it looked like gas was as high as $2.80, so I can almost understand that lard butt’s impatience with me. Almost. But I was crossing in the crosswalk, with the light, and the little “walk” sign was flashing to walk. Don’t blame me for the other vehicles observing the law.

Self-fulfilling prophecy?

A quick dip in the springs, the water wasn’t that cold, and then I wandered downtown to check the mail and grab some coffee. As one of the delightful baristas was cavorting with large iced tea jug, I made the day’s fateful comment.

“Nice jug.”

Much hilarity ensued.*


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*One out of two agreed the comment was rather (dryly) amusing.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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