Breakfast? Pastry Chef. (German) Potato Pancakes. Traditional Mexican pastries, too. It’s a combination of elements, which, I’d like to think, aren’t normally found together.
Get Fuzzy redneck reference –
Robin floated me some kind of herbal remedy, a dose of energy in a little bottle, “Yeah, Ginseng and Royal Jelly,” and assured me it wasn’t harmful.
I gagged it down, then I asked what happened if I started to hallucinate, what would happen?
“Kramer, how could we – or your clients – tell the difference?”
Good point, I guess.
Business notes:
Too bad I didn’t think about this earlier, but there was an article in some magazine about a class at, I think, West Point, about how teacher was challenging the class of soon-to-be officers about peace in the Mideast, the ethics of war.
As I recall, and I might have this a little wrong, but the article suggested the warriors were almost universally opposed to war – and violence – however, if ordered to fight a fight, they would do so with all they could command.
The business note, and in part this comes from working in towns like El Paso and San Antonio, but I should offer some discount to active military. That would be consistent with both good business practice and in keeping with my own philosophical outlook.
Many thanks to Grace the Psychic Lady for all the assistance.
“Even if you’re going to live three thousand more years, or ten times that, remember: you cannot lose another life than the one you’re living now, or live another one than the one you’re losing. The longest amounts to the same as the shortest. The present is the same for everyone; its loss is the same for everyone; and it should be clear that a brief instant is all that is lost. For you can’t lose either the past or the future; how could you lose what you don’t have?
“Remember two things:
“i. That everything has always been the same, and keeps recurring, and it makes no difference whether you see the same things recur in a hundred years or two hundred, or in an infinite period;
“Ii. That the longest-lived and those who will die soonest lose the same thing. The present is all that they can give up since that is all you have, and what you do not have you cannot lose.”
Marcus Aurelius Book II, #14
I might reread that quote and wonder what I was thinking – I’m sure it was noble, or something important at the moment. But I don’t recall, now, rereading the notes. Something about late night flight back from El Paso.

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