Rambling notations

“How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears.”
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (act V, scene I, lines 63-5)

Fishing – on the lake – Saturday morning – then I’m thinking, is down in Helotes Saturday night. Time to let the sweet strains of honky-tonk music “creep into our ears.”

What to do when someone (or something) steals your stuff (on the web).

Added this astronomy note to this week’s Pisces scope. Important news. And a wink, between the lines, to astrology.

Deep scale:
I wandered in a very southerly direction, from Shady Acres, way down onto Lower Congress Ave., off to see the dentist, again. Southbound on Congress, three times, I mean, this is weird to me, but three different folks identified me, hollered a “Hello,” 2 Leo’s, another Leo and Capricorn. I don’t guess I can count an officer blipping his siren at me as a real greeting.

In front of St. Ed’s, there were a few struggling Bluebonnets, but there was a veritable plethora of Indian Blankets. Camera was starting to flip out a little, but that one shot did turn out nice.

And it’s another:
imageWee fish from the wee fish file – I spent a late morning then a late afternoon, chasing perches, and while I could interest a big fish, none of them seemed that interested. Twice, I had the wee fish’s big sister come swarming up from the depth to see what was on my line, only to take one look at me – and bolt back to the safety of the deep.

While I was trying for a single picture, I hit the buttons wrong on the camera, and rather than dispose of useless file footage, I did it as a clip, experimenting, again with the file format and size. Look at the fish here.

I’m still having images of the fish talking to me, I mean, that’s three time this week, I can just see him (her) cussing a blue streak, “Next time, I’m taking you down, big boy.”

I’m sure that wee fish is thinking, “If I can just get a good bite out of that thumb, I’ll eat him. Just gobble him right up. Watch me.”

Uh-huh. Funny, though, I was waiting on the moon to rise, and as I was watching my line sink into the lake, the moon crept up without making any noise. Caught another turtle, but that was about it.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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