Ready – set – road

I picked up a book a few weeks back, Iron Sunrise, and I’m having a devil of a time with it. Oh no, it’s a good book. Possibly great. Tight pacing, plot, and not too many “off the shelf” characters. Good, hard-boiled Science Fiction. Material I used to love, and this book can make me fall in love with the genre all over again. However, maybe it’s just the pesky planet Mars, I’ve had a tough time getting around to reading. But it’s a good novel, if one likes cyberpunk. Which I do, although, I’m wondering about that taxonomy anymore. Taut, stylish, rich prose is hard to find.

The underlying problem has to do with me, not the book I’m currently reading. If I were a student, I’d be one of those kids who sits in the front and acts distracted.

Not a chicken ranch?
I was doing a little research on what I recall as a bucolic backwater, this coming weekend’s destination, San Angelo. History book had a short bit about a whore house. I did a quick search, and it turns out, there might be just such a place. Oh, but look, there’s a web site.

Last time I made a trip to San Angelo, must’ve been ten years ago, it was like, about three Wal-Marts away. I’m guessing that’s up to six by now.

Used to be it was BBQ in Llano, then DQ in Brady, and San Angelo had TexMex, two spots, one was my kind of a dive. Doubt it’s still there. I’ll look and see. Also: Brady’s, like, the “purt-near” the geographical center of Texas. I’m sure that means something.

How this works:
Couple of years back, I was impressed with TFG’s command of Texas music. I burned TFG a CD with mix of H3 stuff on it, from lyrical to hardcore, mostly from the first two albums and the second bootleg – personally – I like the “hellbilly’ stuff best. TFG writes a review, and then some guy in Houston agrees.

One of the comments, though, and I’ll have to agree, I feel myself getting ripped, just listening to the latest. It was like that 15-year old rum, smooth, sweet, and perhaps, a bit too strong.

There’s an added layer, too, the latest, and I’m wondering if it’s me, or is there a dangerously intoxicating level of parody and satire in the music’s production values.

H3 is a Sagittarius.


Fish on:
What’s a day without a little fishing?


Plenty of attitude, in fact, Thursday morning’s fish was probably the same feller from Wednesday noon, except it found its self in my hands for a moment. Not exactly a bright fish, same green worm trick, same place, but, to the fish’s credit, a great fighter. Lots of spunk for a youngster. Tried to slap me with the tail several times. Poor fish, wound up thumping against the dock like one of those singing Bass Plaques. Not very bright but plenty of attitude –

As long as there’s fish:
More news on the apocryphal texts – more conspiracy theories, probably.

Dulce periculum.
(click to visit)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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