Urbane lifestyles

Sister in the news.

Gas prices:
It’s getting there, getting to the point that a monthly subscription is less than a gallon of gas.

Fish on! (in the rain)
Couple of bass, while the website was raining record numbers of page views. Lots of traffic, peaked early, too. The fish were feisty, and there was comical episode with the camera, the fish jumped out of my grip and the suddenly splashed back in the water. A good time was had by all, I’m sure. Nice kids, look like they’re growin up to be a healthy little gang of bass who live in my backyard.

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Ranger Girl:
Tim Pratt’s The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl has an intriguing tagline, good cover art, and host of off-the-shelf characters in Santa Cruz, CA. The protagonist is faced with a primal evil, and the world between fiction and reality gets blurry. To me, this book is in the same vein as much of Joe R. Lansdale’s earlier work. And while Ranger Girl is richly imagined, there was something missing.

I think the the problem is the book’s covers are too far apart. In the book’s defense, though, it is a pulp masterpiece. Not a great book, but then, for its genre, a very decent start. The denouement did evoke a small rush of shared emotion, but all in all, it’s not that wonderful. But I did feel for the characters, even if there was a comic-book quality to the text.

Hat tip:
Can I get an all-mighty “Amen, brother!”


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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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