By quarters

Morning math, might be another way. The weekly video spot runs between three and five minutes.

Round average would be four minutes, then. Times fifty-two weeks? That would be over three hours of video footage in a year – longer than a standard-issue movie.

I’ll be the first to admit, some weeks are better than others, but I happened to enjoy this one.

New material:
Nylon Angel seems to be Australian computer-punk. Might be interesting, as it is eerily reminiscent of vintage William Gibson. But that could be me.

I finally finished the Shakespeare biography, notes to follow, and I picked up Bloom, again, to look up the upcoming plays. And therein was the fun stuff, see, from the biography, it’s easy to see that Shakespeare’s Titus Andonicus was produced almost every season – an early play, but a popular one. Whereas Bloom can find no redeeming qualities for the play, other than the authorship. Amusing.

Since there are scant, like audio/video recordings of those early performances, was it done as a farce? Low comedy? Tragedy?

Plagiarism Today and that fine, dark line between theft and fair use. Ticklish subject for me. When I’m quoting, especially an academic source, I tend to make sure that full (and fair) attribution is accounted for. Then again, I co-authored a text, and the other author somehow forgot to include my name on the finished product. Much hilarity did not ensue. It’s also why I don’t collaborate.

and In The News:
Astrology and archeology intersect. Well, I doubt they’ll call it that, but I would. Same dif.

Pictures don’t do it justice:
Fished some in the afternoon, and the little one felt like it was almost a bass. But a small one. But that second one? Much hilarity did ensue. Bent the rod fully in half, worked his way up and down the shoreline before I swung him up for a photo. As I looked at the picture, I realized he sure acted a lot bigger than he was. Think I’ve caught that one before. He just glared at me, when he wasn’t trying to tail-slap me. Feisty one.



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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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