Odd endings

“You sun burn’d sicklemen, of August weary,
Come hither from the furrow, and be merry:
Make holiday.”

Shakespeare’s The Tempest (IV.i.144-6)

Mindless rambling:

At some point, and this was a very clever interview, it rang a distant - and pleasing - note with me. It’s about sustainability. Doing the job for love, rather than for anything else.

Road Dogs I:
Real time air traffic.

Road Dogs II:
I think it’s from a Cory Morrow song:

“I’ve got some fond memories of San Angelo
And I’ve seen some beauty queens in El Paso
But the best looking women that I’ve ever seen
Have all been in Texas, all wearing jeans.”

Road Dogs III:
It’s a really cheap ticket to the airport, one whole dollar. Just means it takes me a little longer because I prefer public transportation. I got conflicting stories, no carry-on, no liquids in the checked baggage, and two-hour delays. It’s not an international flight. It’s not a national flight. It’s just between two cities in the same state. Hardly a target, but to the credit of the staff and crew? Flawless service.

Miscellaneous quotes:
If you’ve seen the present then you’ve seen everything - as it’s been since the beginning, as it will be forever. The same substance, the same form. All of it.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book VI, #37

If they’ve made a mistake, correct them gently and show them where they went wrong. If you can’t do that, then the blame lies with you. Or no one.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book X, #4.

Road Dogs IV:
My little Scorpio friend walked up and sat by me at the airport, while the two of us gossiped. Told me to save her a seat on the flight, but, as might be expected, a long-legged Gemini popped down, before I could protest too much.

Road Dogs V:
Flooding in El Paso? Rainmakers, huh. “Let it roll. Down the highway!”

Road Dog VI:
Upon arrival, and only after I got off the airplane and out of the airport, only then, late into the evening, did I get chance to catch up on the international news. Ended with notes about travel, and how that’s going to change again. I travel pretty spartan these days, looks like I’ll be even more restricted. Or something.

Mangled Latin: In Vino Veritas, In Servicio Felicitas.

Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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