Two-fish Tuesday

Checked the weather, 40% chance of rain, prediction was that scattered showers would rumble through in the morning. As my civic duty, I just figured it was good to help that chance of rain increase tenfold by sitting on a boat in the middle of Lake Austin. Urban fishing, in and amongst some of the finest real estate anywhere. And good fishing, too. It’s really all about the fishing, isn’t it?

The general consensus is that Lake Austin, while full of fine fish, is problematic, especially on a weekend, as all matter of leisure craft infect the pristine water’s surface. Water fleas, skiers, wake boards, allegedly drunken and disorderly behavior. As a safety tip, remember: alcohol and water don’t mix.

The morning did not start well. Stopped at the Whataburger, corner of S. First and Barton Spring to get a breakfast taco, because, at 5.36 AM, that’s all that appeared open. Sign outside says, “Open 24 Hours!” Doors were locked. Guy inside motioned us to the drive-thru window. Lady inside said we needed to be in a car. Back in the truck, tow the boat and its trailer through the drive-thru, pick up coffee and breakfast things, then motor off into the darkness. Drove right past a McDonalds that appeared open. If we ever do this again….

Get the boat in the water, still quite dark out, heavy cloud cover, and an occasional flash of lightening, beyond the western horizon. Went no more than 50 meters and there was a fish on. See? I’m good luck to have around. Watched as a boat was towing a skier, in the dark, and the boat didn’t have proper lighting.

Motored part of the way up the lake, tucked into a cove, let the rain pass overhead, almost got thrown into the water by an over-hanging branch, and there, more fish for my buddy. Still no luck for me, but it’s not that I wasn’t trying. That also was the beginning of the rain suit dance. If I wear it, it stops raining, if I don’t wear it, it rains. We need rain. I’m taking one for the team. Until I got wet, then, in and out. We finally parked in an empty boat slip while the rain dripped down. Not much rain, but anything is welcome.

Rain Suit Story: see the Scorpio scope (for Dec. 2004).

Out on the lake again, I pointed us to spot, landed that special lure in the right place, and I had my first one. Not very big. But he did put up a good fight and was kind enough to pose for a picture.

We took off upstream again, and my buddy suggested a certain place, “I think this is Sandra Bullock’s new boat dock.” She was in a movie, right? Dated some local musician? Something like that. However, I did get a nice fighter there. Not really as big as I thought it was, but reeling it in? Felt much bigger. Nice fight. Over my shoulder, in the picture? Supposedly, that new dock. Don’t ask me, not in my world.

Does that qualify as a brush with fame? Probably not.

Cockpit of the boat, 40 knots

Hula Hut

From there, it was a blast down the lake which resulted in a cockpit picture. Or poop deck picture. And then we fished on into the Hula Hut, both of us grabbing one more fish on the way in. Between the camera, the fish, and rod & reel, I let that one go before he made the picture.

Couple of ideas, not that I’m mentioning this for anyone else, but it sure would be nice if Mozart’s (coffee shop on the lake) added easier boat access. Better yet, how about “boat thru” window for coffee to go?

There’s also something amiss here, fished all morning, kept throwing them back. Then contemplated fish tacos for lunch.

What was supremely nice about the whole morning, between the rain and overcast cloud cover, no measurable boat traffic. Saw a couple of guys fishing, on our way out, but then, not a lot of traffic. No wake, no waves, just drizzle. And a few fish.

Waiting to pull the boat out, I took a few last casts from the dock. One landed on top of a boat house. Another landed in a tree. I think it was time to say enough is enough. Can’t blame me for trying, though.

Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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