For the Week starting: 9.28.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006
by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 9.28.2006

“Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.”
Shakespeare’s As You Like It [I.iii.108]

Aries: That short phrase, an introductory quote from Shakespeare, it’s timed just for Aries. Mars and before long, Venus, as well as the sun and to a certain extent, even Mercury, are all bouncing along in Libra. Means that there’s a tremendous amount of “personal planets’ pressure” from across the sky. However, a little bit of the Aries trademark quick response actions? That will help ease your way through this time. The next couple of days, on into the beginning of next week? You’re not going to be feeling like you’re at your best. However, you are, actually, doing rather well. A quick answer is required. Fast decisions, split-second timing, render up an answer as fast as possible. What’s going to happen is that about 90% of your answers will be correct. I might be a little off on the percentages, but the overwhelming numbers do, indeed favor you. Provided, and that’s my single caveat, that you answer quickly, precisely, and do so to the best of your Aries ability — with no second-guessing yourself.

Taurus: One of the people I frequently encounter is another fisherman. He’s usually parked with a couple of poles, underneath a particular bridge. I stopped and chatted with him the other morning, inquiring as the bite, how the fish were treating him, and he allowed as how he was having better luck on the other side of the lake. It’s like that with Taurus. According to my buddy, he caught one fish midway, one to the left and one right there off the center, all nice enough fish. He was then on his way, pedestrian like me, elsewhere, but he had to stop and try one last time. So far, no luck. I passed him again when I doubled back on path, and he was still there, although his five minute stop had stretched into a good hour. Happens when one is fishing, I certainly understand. But he hadn’t had any luck there, not yet. If his wife wasn’t calling, I suspect he’d still be there, determined to fish until he got one more fish. Again, I can empathize with this sort of delay. The lake, river really, isn’t much more than a 100 meters wide, and who would think that changing locations would result in no fish? Or no more fish? But there’s the Taurus fidget factor, and that itch must be scratched. You keep moving, although, conventional wisdom would suggest that you just sit tight, and the fish — or whatever your quarry is — will come to you.

Gemini: The way I’ve read the concept, bass will take the same bait no more than three times before they get wise and start refusing that particular offering. I’ve watched as the same fish would chase one of my baits then refuse to stick it in her mouth, realizing that the chase was fun, but that the bait does, indeed, have a Kramer Hook in it. Other times, I’ve watched as my little friends will sniff at a bait, then stubbornly refuse it, no matter how enticing I wiggle it. Feel my frustration? I would hope so, since I share the same frustration with Gemini. What that means? Some days, especially this next few days? You get to see the fish — or the Gemini target — look at, tastes, touch, feel, sample, but otherwise not really get hooked on whatever you’re proffering. They will nibble, but not bite. Which is the point. Most of the Gemini folks I encounter, they all have a certain willingness to be just like those fish, though. Taste, sample, cruise, look at, inspect, detect, nibble even, but there’s no need, under the current influences, to jump in and take a big bite.

Cancer: it was a hot September afternoon. To some, it might have seemed unseasonably warm. To me, it was normal, just summer kind of rotisserie afternoon. I ambled along the trail in Austin, down by the river because it always feels a few degrees cooler there. Still, I was drenched in sweat. I hopped over the railing under the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge, looking for fish. What I was really doing was pausing in the shade. That simple pause, cooler temperatures, out of the searing sun, that little break gave me a moment to cool down. I was much refreshed. Ostensibly, I was searching the water’s depth, trying to ascertain what the fish were feeding on, and at what depth, they were all hanging out. Couple of pilings there, plus the shade, and the current is not too swift, but it moves along at the river’s bucolic rate, and it was just refreshing. It was the merest of pauses, maybe three minutes while I pretended to searching for nature’s clues. Pause. Stop. Refresh yourself. Take a minute — or three — before you move on. If nothing else, before you render a big decision? Taker a deep breath and ponder the outcome. Before hand. The planets in Libra make you want to jump first, then look to see where you’ll land. All I’m saying, like me, take a quick breather before you plunge ahead.

Leo: In a couple of weeks, you are going to be faced with a monumental Leo-centric decision. Could be a big problem. Here’s where I prove my worth: prepare now. Untended to “business” that you’ve been putting off? No one can procrastinate as well as a Leo. And I’ll agree that one, or more, of these tasks that you’re handily avoiding? These are mundane matters that are really below your royal Leo self. However, what’s happening, what’s coming up, ten days, two weeks? Day of reckoning. Solution? Prepare now. This could be as simple as routine maintenance, it could be a little more convoluted like an important conversation with a significant person in your life. Could be as simple as looking the paltry budget you’ve got to work with, and figuring out how to make ends meet. Could be a high-finance venture. Can be any — or all — of these scenarios. You know which one I’m talking about, though, the one you’ve been avoiding the most? That’s the one. Prepare now.

Virgo: The beauty of my job is that I can say and do whatever I want. Doesn’t matter, though, I still listen to clients and get all kinds of weird stories. Consultation, in person, the other afternoon. So yeah, she was explaining, we sorta had sex. Excuse me, but I always figured sex was like binary, either you did or you didn’t, but that wasn’t the case because it was a sorta had sex deal. There’s very little that can shock me, too, and no, that’s not an invitation to Virgo’s everywhere to send me their shocking stories. Sex, it’s usually binary right? Takes two people, last I checked, I mean, one is enough, in the safety of your own home, but it’s not nearly as much fun as two. Waffling with your astrologer is one thing, indecision about other matters is another. Or not being completely honest. I’m not bothered that it’s not complete honesty with me, that’s not a problem, I’m used to innuendo and supposition. But to hear this from a Virgo? That’s a problem. Do or don’t, there is no middle ground here. Not this week.

Libra: for the longest time, I refused to fish in the drainage ditch that runs in front (or behind, depends on one’s orientation, I suppose) of my place in Austin. Just didn’t seem like a good idea. But one afternoon, I was in need of testing a certain pole and reel combination, and I caught a fish. Wasn’t much, but a sporting game fish at home is fun. Which led to a number of problems, eventually, because I discovered one of the best-kept fishing secrets in the area: my little river (lake, body of water), it’s a good as place as any for fishing. Not too many big fish, but a lot of medium-sized fellers and while quantity doesn’t always make up for quality, the quality of the game is pretty good. Plus there’s a major convenience factor, too. Can’t get out to a real lake, or down to the Gulf for fishing? I step out the back door and there’s water. Fish away. For a number of years, there were warning signs about not eating the fish because of pollutants, but that’s long-since been cleared up. I was here for a good half-dozen years before I discovered the fish. I was scared, like a lot of people, by the signs that had dire warnings about not eating the fish. Not that I would, anyway. What I discovered, right here in my own backyard, such as it is, just a dozen paces from patio? A place to fish. Maybe not great, but certainly not bad. Think about it: sometimes, you never have to look any further than your own backyard. Or that drainage ditch behind your Libra trailer.

Scorpio: It’s a light, delicate touch. That’s all that’s required. Light, easy, gentle. Scorpio groans, not another fishing analogy. Yes, that’s what this all about. But you can apply it in your own, Life of Scorpio, and particularly, over the next few days. It’s called “finesse fishing,” and it requires that self-same light, gentle touch. Must maintain contact with what’s in the water, and must handle it with care. Gentle, even. Twitch it, but ever so slightly, more like a tiny jiggle. And like that finesse touch required for catching spooky fish? Scorpio needs to employ a more gentle and delicate approach. Instead of trying to use brute force to coerce a situation into grasp? Consider a more stealthy approach. Coax, don’t manhandle. Brute force has its application. Force is useful, at certain times. But when the water’s still and calm? And the fish are wary? Perhaps they still have a sore jaw from our last encounter? Maybe a more stealthy approach is what’s required. Gentle, even. Coax them to take the bait because it’s fluttering like wounded prey instead rattling, making noise, and screaming “bite me!” Finesse goes a long in making this rough patch for Scorpio a lot smoother.

Sagittarius: This is supposed to be a weekly forecast, but as I looked out our Sagittarius chart wheel, all I could do was let out an expletive. It’s a long, slow slide into oblivion. Its not happy. It’s not good. It’s all downhill for the next six weeks or so. Not entirely, and it’s not like there won’t be some happy moments between here and there, but there’s still an inescapable, inexorable downward motion. Sort of like a slow slide on into oblivion. That sets a tone. While a normal, happy and care free Sagittarius, like myself, this sort long and inexorable downhill motion shouldn’t get to us. But it will. Not all at once, maybe not even in the next few days, but it will. “Oh, it will, it will,” echoes in my head. Part of this is a couple of movement and planets exerting forces on our psyche, and part of it is just the time of the year. Not all bad, but it’s matter of aligning our Sagittarius selves with this kind of planet influence. Time ourselves a little bit easier. “Time easier?” Yes, allow a little extra, I think it’s called “wiggle room” in order to get what it is that you want. Allow a little extra space so we’re not so upset when some particular action takes longer than it should.

Capricorn: I was picking up a usual Thursday afternoon burger (fries, drink special), and I was watching while someone else walked up to the window, and asked, “How much is two cones?” I can answer that, it’s $2.14, with tax, “Well, I’d like one cone,” ($1.07, obviously), and then, two cones were offered out the window, “but I can only pay for one, that’s why I asked, first,’ she plaintively explained. I didn’t catch the other half of the conversation, but what it amounted to was that she got the second cone for free, but not without a little explanation about the price and structure. Plus, I’m guessing the place does a really strong business, a hot afternoon in September, didn’t really feel like Fall weather. So it’s like that, in Capricorn, too. You ask before hand, and while you can’t bet on it, often as not, there can be a little mix-up that goes in your favor. Problem being it’s impossible to bet on the outcome, or that the counter help, or the sever, will be willing to give a little bit of extra for free. But it could happen. Again.

Aquarius: “I FAIL to see how you can call that a ‘lucky break,’ smart guy.” Just another typical Aquarius, and just another typical sideways stab at me. I’m used to it. Aquarius, on the flips side of this equal sign, isn’t used to it. But you should be. And you’re not. What’s with the snide little dig? I was calling a tumultuous turn of events a lucky break, and the dear Aquarius was failing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Used to be, back in the day, way back when, in order to get to Barton Springs from the trail, the easiest route was under Barton Springs road, through the little toy train tunnel. I was there, it’s been several years now, with an Aquarius lass, and she was blithely about to go into the tunnel, just narrow walkway with a toy train track down the middle. I suggested she stop for a minute. The “Zilker Express,” or whatever the amusement park ride was called, it was just approaching from the other end. Tiny train, kiddy train, really, and, as a sidebar item, I’d love to be the conductor. In Aquarius fashion, she paused, the little train slows to crawl, I wave at the kids; they wave back. The train inched its way through the tunnel, and that afternoon, there really was a mythical “light at the end of the tunnel.” But I can’t arrange a schedule for walking, hiking, swimming and other diversions that will guarantee “a light at the end of the tunnel.” But like we did that afternoon, a little pause, and let something pass before you plunge into a narrow recess.

Pisces: Late summer’s eve, fall, really, although, around here, it still feels a lot like summer on some evenings, and anyway, I ran into a Pisces client. We sat out under the burgeoning twilight, and discussed matters of the heart. A focal point for Pisces these days. She was in love — again — but there was a problem. It was less of a “love interest” and more of situation wherein she just “kinda liked the guy,” because, in her words, he was too clean-cut. He wasn’t skanky enough for her tastes. Having spent decades in Austin, I’m rather over the “hairy-legged, patchouli-wearing” crowd myself. I remember it all the first time, then the second time, and these days, I prefer a lover who does, indeed, bath frequently. As opposed to myself, who will sometimes substitute a dip in the clean creek water for a real bath. But never mind that, not now. Apparently, the Pisces really liked this one guy but he was a little out of her league. Or not someone she would normally be interested in. This might mean a theme, or change in themes, for the Pisces crowd, though. Look around. Look at what usually attracts your attention. Then, look outside of that circle and see if there is someone — or something — that you wouldn’t usually go for? Might want to give it a try. Cold be a surprising kind of bliss.

All Rights Reserved
copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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