For the Week starting: 9.7.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 9.7.2006

“[You] silken-coated slaves!”
Shakespeare’s King Henry VI, part II [IV.ii.122]

(The holiday work week made me think of that quote, more than anything else.)

As this week starts out, looks like there’s a new silly season. I’m expecting irrational behavior from certain irrational signs, a little more than usual.

Aries: Mars is moving into a position that is in the opposite side of the chart from your fine Aries self. As Mr. Mars moves forward, and the full moon serves as a trigger, the reaction time in Aries might be too quick. Hold off before you fire off a “first response.” Personally, I’m a big fan of the “shoot first and ask questions later” Aries school of thought. Which is more like a school of action than a thought school. But my warning (shot across the bow), it’s all about not shooting first. Regrets. What’s worse than missing on that first shot? Hitting the wrong target. So slow down the delivery, maybe take time to aim properly before firing that Aries first shot. Consider the consequences, and realize that several items, the Moon and Mars, are pushing you harder than you expect.

Taurus: “I was just sitting there, and this strange guy comes up to me, and …” I’ll trust that the good Taurus corner of the sky, those folks are going to be able to fill the blank spot. Might not be a strange person, might be a familiar person with a strange tale. Either way, it’s going to come in from out of nowhere and hit you with a curious smirk. Smile. Silly grin, if it were me. But it probably won’t be me. Take that suggestion, comment, editorial stance, and look at it. Consider it. This is not an item that requires action on your part, that’s for sure.

Gemini: Sooner or later, and probably in the next couple of days, you’re going to run into a certain kind of frustration. “Don’t get even — get odd.” I could almost end the advice for this week, right here. I’m guessing it was a bumper sticker where I picked up the words of wisdom, but I’m unsure of the source. However, source notwithstanding, it’s really rather valuable advice. I’m basing this on several factors, but the most important is that you’re going to be moved towards some kind of irrational behavior. Instead of taking it personally, or trying to come up with a serious justification, “Don’t get even, get odd.” A healthy non-sequiter helps to ease through the frustration. “Dude, Kramer, man, I can’t ‘connect the dots’ on this week’s scope for Gemini.” That’s the point.

Cancer: “Fish are just like women,” a sage fishing compadre was explaining, “they do what they want to do, when they want to….” He went further with his expostulation, pointing out that the same bait, in the same place, on some days would catch a horde of fish and other days, nary a nibble. He smiled. I grinned. I couldn’t agree more. He also pointed out that any fisherman who claims to have all the answers probably doesn’t. “That’s like some guy saying he knows exactly what women want,” he explained. There are many mysteries in life. Why the fish bite, why the girlfriends (wives, spouses, whomever) act and react like they do. More mysteries than I can shake a stick at. Or a fishing pole. AS this weekend gets here, watch it, you’re going to be tempted to throw a lot of words at a situation, and like me throwing bait at fish, whatever you toss out probably won’t be successful. Consider this a process rather than a destination, though, and it’s the idea that you’re just looking for the right Cancer connection. Process, not destination, process, not necessarily resolution. Maybe they will bite, and you’ll be a lucky one.

Leo: The way I heard the story, a buddy was getting married. As his bride came down the chapel’s aisle, she was upset to see that he had a fishing pole by his side. She looked at the minister then her groom, before the service started, and she asked about the pole, to which, so I’m told, my fishing buddy replied, “This isn’t going to take that long, is it?” Recycled jokes are a little tedious at times, but I was thinking about the story, and what I was figuring, here in Leo land, there needed to be a little humor. The problem is that the tiny fishing tale might go either way for a kindly Leo. Might be funny. Might not be. Or, worse yet, in a similar setting? That “bride” might be a Leo. “This isn’t going to take that long,” some other party asks. It’s a textbook example of how to really generate some Leo ire. Consider the circumstances, though, and consider the way things are going, and plus, there’s a little planet shift, early next week, and again, this will lend an air of frivolity. Just when you need it. Except no Leo like to be the butt of the joke.

Virgo: Looking at the date, one would expect it to cool off a little; however, it’s still the dog days of summer here. It’s hot and the weather played a little trick, looked like it was going to cool off for a spell, but that didn’t really happen. Got hot again. Happy Virgo birthday, enjoy the summer-like attitude pervasion in your sign at this point. After this weekend is over, Mars moves his happy self on over to the next sign, on to bother someone else. Likewise, there’s shift in your own feelings, temperaments, or even, in a best-case scenario, a genuine shift in your attitude. As Mars leaves, in his wake, like the little ripples that echo all the way to the shoreline, there’s going to be a gentle reminder that there was some passages in the last few days. There are very few powerboats on the lake in front of Shady Acres. But occasionally, a cop boat goes by, full throttle. As its wake — like Mars — reaches the shoreline, there’s a brief flurry of aquatic action. Stirs up the mess along the shore, and that means food for fish. Which means I can cast a line right there at the edge and do pretty well, if I time it right. Starting on Monday, or thereabouts, the time is right. Fish in the Mars wake.

Libra: Rails and trails are both popular forms of travel, for me. I’m bit of an odd person when it comes to this kind of travel, but that’s never bothered me. Besides, rails and rails works. Plus, there’s that added bonus, for me, of seeing portions of the countryside that is otherwise not visible. On trails, that’s obvious, it’s mostly nature. But on a commuter rail line, such as there is in Central Texas, what I got to see was a little slice of life that I’ll suppose most folks don’t get to view. It’s a backyard, someplace between here and there, and in that backyard, there’s a permanent, in-ground swimming pool. And the domicile is mobile. “Mobile” as in pre-manufactured dwelling unit (wheels still attached). Then, a little further along the same railway? A nice, new suburban backyard, new construction, with a temporary pool, the above-ground variety. Seeing these two back-to-back, along the same right of way made me think about you. Mars. Mars can mix it all up. Keep your eyes open.

Scorpio: Know when to say when. I was sitting in a fashionable BBQ joint. Okay, so maybe it isn’t that fashionable of place, but it’s close and the food is good. Maybe not the best in Texas, but who cares? Good food, sassy help, cold ice tea, smoked meats, it’s good enough. I deviated from my usual fare, though, and the behest of the waitress (not a Scorpio, mind you), I tried the Pecan Pie that afternoon. Again, like the BBQ, it wasn’t great, but it certainly wasn’t bad at all. If I was in a fine dining situation, though, I’d be having that Pecan Pie warmed up (probably in microwave but don’t tell) and probably with a big dish of vanilla ice cream on top. But that afternoon, just a thin slice of Pecan Pie was all I got. Perfect way to top off the meal. Nice little punctuation to the repast. Perfect. What’s important, and this does apply to my fine Scorpio circle — understand what’s enough and what’s too much. Don’t overfill. Don’t over achieve in traditional Scorpio style. Know when to say when. The pie’s fine, but you might not need the extra dose that comes with the ice cream on top. Sometimes, doing something just halfway is really good enough.

Sagittarius: I’ve been hammering out horoscopes for years. 12 years on the web, longer in various print media. I’m used to having folks completely misunderstand me. I can almost bet on it. Due to the way the planets unfold with their various influences, especially this weekend, and then again, on into next week, I can promise that your Sagittarius self will feel just like me. Completely misunderstood. It’s not a function of Mercury, not really, it’s more the stack of planets in Virgo, plus the way the Sun and the Moon don’t cooperate these next few days. I could show you some of the letters and mostly e-mail that I get, but there’s a little problem with the misunderstanding. As a fellow Sagittarius, you feel my pain and you understand the intent of the message compared with what some un-Sagittarius folks get. You get it. They don’t. Way it is. To help us through this weekend? Let’s practice not saying as much. Folks tend to take our verbosity, turn it around and then fire it back in a mutilated form, bereft of its original content and intent. I’m not trying to silence us completely, I’m just suggesting a little peace and quiet will go a long way in keeping our feets out of our mouthes.

Capricorn: In some parts of the country, Monday is a holiday. I’m not sure what we’re celebrating, but it’s a day off — for some folks. What unfolds in Capricorn, tends to be a little different, it’s less like a day of vacation, an extra day for rest and relaxation and it’s more like a swift kick to the backside, a not-so-gentle reminder that some action requires Capricorn attention. Thank your lucky Mars. I can add a little padding, consider it like strapping a pillow to your seat, you know? I can help with this. You can’t see this coming unless you’re prepared, and that’s what I’m here for — to prepare you for what might transpire. Instead of taking this as a blind shot, you’ve got two extra days to get ready. What’s that mean? Look around, or, more importantly, instead of blindly following your normally good instincts? Glance back over your shoulder. Assess where you’ve been. Second-guess this kick. If you’re caught napping, or otherwise in a recumbent position, you might miss it. Then it will hit you blindly. But after reading this, perhaps you can be a little more light on your feet, and when you see the kick coming? Step out of harm’s way.

Aquarius: The plot of one of the trashy murder-mystery novels I recently read? There was a clue, buried in the first portion of the text, an obvious clue, but like the author intended, I’m sure, a clue that was missed by the everyone but the most perspicacious of readers. Me? I thought about the surprise ending, the little “twist to a twist,” and I went back the passage that held the clue. Which is why I like books, easy to find that reference point again. More or less. I recalled that it was about a quarter of inch into the book. Maybe a third. Plot devices like that are amusing, and I like it when a really clever author pulls a good trick like that. In order to proceed to the finish line in the Aquarius world, we all might have to leaf back to the beginning and check a point that we might have missed. Or might not have addressed properly. The Aquarius plot seemed to veer in another direction, and we all forgot that point. Don’t hesitate to look up an old point-of-reference before you proceed. I want this one to work out for Aquarius, and times are a little weird, to say the least. Before you read — or participate in — the exciting twist to a twist in the Aquarius plot? Make sure you know what happened before. Look for that clue.

Pisces: I’ve got this one lucky cigar lighter. It’s a butane-propane-welding-torch type of flame. Clean burning gas, I’m guessing, and the lighter itself is in the shape of a fishing lure. Which is how it became the good-luck lighter. Plus it works in high wind situations. That’s a plus. Best yet, it’s survived more than a few swims in the lake. I just let it dry out on the desk, and about a week later, it seems to work again. The first time it ran out of fuel, the fish stopped biting at the same time; therefore, and it only seems logical, that the lighter was what brought the luck. So that’s the story. I was thinking about the lucky lighter, as its paint is peeling and the poor thing is little worn out, just like the poor Pisces chart. No, it still works, but like the lighter, you need a new source of fuel. That’s what’s important. Fuel. Stuff to burn (for energy). You’ve got a full tank of gas, as we hit this weekend. but moderate some of your Pisces excesses. When my lighter runs out of fuel, the fish stop biting. I don’t want you to run out of fuel, like on Monday, with a day left in the vacation. Pace yourself, despite the good influences.

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copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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