Odd bits

Musical notes, to start: Golden Earring, don’t even guess the connection.
Nice hair. Dude.

And Top of the Pops?

Says it all, innit?

No coherent thread.

And now for something completely different:

I picked up a thread, and it spurred a few moments’ considerations.

I used to fly a lot more, and when I did fly, I used to be the obnoxious character making bad jokes. Can’t do that anymore. I can’t make jokes in line - I’m sure I could - but some of my humor would be ill-suited for the situations.

I sort of imagine it’s like that line from Charlie Daniles’ Uneasy Rider, “Watch him folks, cuz he’s a fairly dangerous man….”

“He may look dumb but that’s just a disguise.”

The musical counterpoint, call and response, is “I ain’t even got a garage, you can call home and ask my wife.”

Hard to connect an old cross-over song to the loss of rights in the air. But it’s there, and that’s why I can’t make jokes when I’m headed towards the checkpoint. Much as I would like to.


All in my book, but then, there’s new scientific material here.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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