The title really should read, “One Fish Tuesday.” Way it goes, but it was such a glorious day….
The weather just changed. First night it was cooler - like - like fall was about to happen. Don’t be fooled, it’s still hot. But there was a nice morning running around in a boat, looking for fish.
Last shot of the day, last chance, a certain lure across the grass, and there it was, a little fish. A pretty small fish, too, not, like a trophy or anything, but a good end to a decent day on the lake. One fish. Saw several, but when we can see the fish? Sometimes, they see us, too.
Until the sun came up, though, it was cold. As an after thought, I’d pulled on a long-sleeved shirt, and I only wished I’d worn a warmer shirt. By ten in the morning, though, it was warming up. Almost hot.
Enjoyed it, though. Wednesday morning promises to be more of the same. The single part of the trip I’m looking forward to, as I’ve got a quick up and back for family business in Dallas, is going to the airport barefoot. More secure that way.
Odd picks:
It’s either the old news about (Saint) Willie’s bust or something about a bloodless coup - one night in Bangcock.
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