For the Week starting: 11.9.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 11.9.2006

“The rarer action is/In virtue than in vengeance.”
Shakespeare’s The Tempest [V.i.27-8]

Mercury is heading into retrograde motion, in Scorpio. Prospero, noting, for the Scorpio side, that being nice and not getting revenge is sometimes a better route. For the less evolved? Sometime the open possibility is better than real action.

Aries: It’s all about the money, isn’t it? Simple, straightforward, all about he cash. Regrettably, this is a situation I understand. It’s like, there’s really not quite enough of the liquid assets to go around. I mean, there’s enough money, but in your far-reaching mind, you realize that what’s here in this stack of cash, in front of your Aries self, that one stack has to stretch a little further than you would like to make it go. I rather imagine that this is like an old-time poker game, the kind that used to be in old Westerns, on TV, in the movies. I’m not suggesting that it’s like the more modern variants, with picture-in-picture, touchdowns and statistics on-screen, I’m suggesting it’s like the old, grainy black-and-white version. A guy with a black hat and six-shooter has large pile of chips. You’ve only got a small pile. Bluff your way through? Are you sure that’s what you want to do? Bet the deed to the ranch? Again, are you sure that’s advisable? While there’s a palpable risk at hand, there’s also a chance to win big. But what are you willing to wager to win? Mercury, backwards, remember? So are you that sure?

Taurus: I had some ear buds in, and I was listening to a portable music player (iPod). I wasn’t paying much attention, as it’s not something that I do with frequency. And I didn’t recall stacking the songs up like I did, but, apparently, that’s how I did it. I had one song, a single, from one CD, then, the same song, in the album version, then, another longer version of the same song, the extended dance mix version, and after that? The radio version. So I listened to that one song, about four or five times before I realized what was happening. It’s a repetitive process, same tune, slightly altered, and I wouldn’t normally put those songs all back-to-back. But in a hurry to get out the door, or maybe I keyed something wrong on the player, or whatever the mistake, there it was, again and again. And again. I mean, I’m glad I like the song, but still, four, five, even six times in arrow? Not a process I’d like to repeat. I’m sure I could just adjust something on the player, but that would require more action, and it was just such an action — on my part — that got this whole process started. Why risk screwing it up even more? So you’re like me, stuck with that one song in your head, on the player, over and over. Might as well sit back and get comfortable with listening to that same tune, different variations, over and over. It’s part of a process by the planets, to hammer home a point in Taurus land.

Gemini: I wandered off on a clear, cool fall afternoon, and I was on a trail, someplace, Probably locally, and probably not far from here. I slipped on sunglasses and I was wearing shorts. At first, it was a tad bit chilly, but the afternoon wore on, and I warmed up nicely. Typical afternoon, as I was shooting for some mileage to warm my bones and stretch, to get out of a cabin-fever feeling. I didn’t realize it, but I hadn’t been outside for a few days, or so it felt. And the sun, even the weak winter light, wound up leaving the faintest sear of sunburn across my copious forehead. Not that this is unusual, but in the fall, in the winter light, so it seemed, this was out of place. What I needed was a hat. Simple as that, I should’ve worn a hat that afternoon, and I didn’t. I was thinking about this as a piece of skin peeled off, thinking how a hat would’ve saved me the trouble. Then, as I was looking at your chart, I was thinking along the same lines. Gemini needs a hat. Mercury is backwards. Can’t do anything about that. But what would help? A hat. Just as simple as that. I’m not talking about an expensive, fancy cowboy hat of 5X Beaver, no, just something as a simple as a ball cap. Or a gimme hat. Call it what you want. Maybe it’s got the name of a “feed & seed co-op” on it. Maybe it has the name of a certain brand of tractors. Maybe it has no logo and no name. Doesn’t much matter. Something to protect your head from the rays of the “Mercury is backwards” light. Could be as simple as a hat.

Cancer: When Mercury backslides, I’ve found that a number of associated signs feel the effects, albeit in strange ways. That’s what this is about, too, that strange way the planets have of blessing and cursing you at in the same instance. There’s no easy and graceful way to handle this type of action, or is there? I’m wondering if there isn’t a little clue, a hint teased out of the planets, as a way around the problems with Mercury mayhem. Understand that Mercury is associated with commerce and communication. Understand that those two areas will be affected by delays. Then consider some repeats. As this is time when you might want to try the same question, positioned differently, phrased in challenging format, perhaps worded with other wrappings? Consider, too, that you’ve got an extra lift from some planets and fortunately, you’ve got the energy to try two, perchance three times, in order to get the point across. Then again, consider putting your point across as a question instead of demand. Think it will work if you pitch it that way? Wouldn’t hurt to try, would it? Even if it takes three times?

Leo: Some days, the folks you deal with, they just aren’t happy. You plead, coddle, cajole, joke, sing, dance, beg, whimper, no matter what your fine Leo self does? Them folks just ain’t happy. Keep that thought in mind. You can please some folks all the time, and some folks, no matter what you do, you can’t please them. Personally, I’ve found that Leo people are very easy to please. Personally, I’ve found that Leo folks are stalwart, trustworthy, loyal to a fault, and the most upstanding and outwardly honest folks I deal with. Leos are easy for me, but I’m a compatible fire sign. We share an understanding. So what’s going to happen? You’re going to encounter people that are normally easy for you to get along with, and those self-same characters are going to be reluctant, recalcitrant, and refuse to admit submit to your humble Leo antics. What I’d suggest? Lower your voice. Instead of the grandiloquent Leo style, instead of counting on your usual copious charms, try toning it down. Way down. I’m not talking about taking it down a notch, I’m suggesting you crank it way down. Being more reserved will help ease your way through the morass of the next few days.

Virgo: It’s that time of year when folks start succumbing to the hype about the holidays. Shopping, at least locally, is becoming more of a pastime than before. Holidays. Gift-giving. A good Virgo is thinking about this. You’re good Virgo — you’re reading this. So along those lines, and what with Mercury backwards, I need to reiterate a certain point. It’s about a double effort. I was looking at a fishing pole, a rather expensive model, and I turned to the (bored) woman next to me, “Honey, how much do you love me?” Quick riposte? “Not $500 worth, that’s for sure.” Roll of her eyes. Always like to know where we stand, don’t we? She looked at me again and commented, “I could spring the bucks for the pole, but it’s the fishing reel that’ll be a catch. Another expensive model to match the pole, I’m sure. You and your fishing gear, poles and reels have to match. Just like shoes and purse for me.” I might be remembering this wrong, but I think she started tapping her foot in an impatient manner. Couple of points to consider, rods and reels, like shoes and purse? They match. So when you’re lining for the gift-giving ideal, think about that before the purchase. The other point, what I was hinting at, for real, was the concept that everything is in two. Two items, not one, It’s a matched set. As Mercury bumbles along, remember that everything comes in pairs, like rod and reel or shoes and purse.

Libra: I was working, such as it is, with a client on the phone. From my end, what the cat heard? “Yes. No. Uh-huh. Sure. No, I don’t really think so. Maybe. Could be. Probably not. Sure. Uh-huh.” If I thought I could get away with nothing but a grunt, I probably would’ve been doing that. Libra. Libra call. Libra answers. It was more like I was just listening instead of actually interacting. Which, to some, like the cat, it would appear that way. I was actually doing a detailed analysis and the interaction was based on what the chart suggested. But that didn’t stop me from sounding, almost like I wasn’t really doing a whole lot. When Mercury goes backwards, unlike the Libra on the other end of the phone, Id suggest you work towards my kind of answers. I would suggest, too, that just a grunt? I’m not sure that will suffice.

Scorpio: “Revenge is short and sweet,” a Scorpio once advised me, “but resentments can be nurtured for a lifetime.” The free advice was given with an evil-looking grin. Just to make sure all was clear and understood. That’s the idea. My excellent Scorpio friends understand this sentiment. Why get mad, when you can get even? Or better yet, why not follow Prospero’s advice (c.f., opening quote)? The way the planets fall on your birthday, the way the planets are lining up in Scorpio? You get a perfectly acceptable time to extract some revenge. Kick them when they are down. And, to make even more inviting? When they are down and their backs are turned. Who could possibly pass up such an opportunity? You can. If you’re reading this, then you are mighty, ascended Scorpio, more like the phoenix, risen from the ashes, no longer worried about mundane matters on the earthly plane. You’re above all that. You’re the better person. So you’ve got an old foe that is down and out. Do something unexpected; act nice. What’s even more fun? While you’re lending a helping hand to an old nemesis? Let them know that you haven’t forgotten, but you’re not going to act on it. Not now. I didn’t say to promise not later, either. Leave that implied. Make them worry. Have some fun with charity.

Sagittarius: Some days, as a Sagittarius, I can do no wrong. Other days, weeks, even, I can’t do anything right. I’m sure you’re more than familiar with this feeling, this sense. As the Scorpio conflagration continues, and amplified by Mercury’s mayhem, this feeling of “doing nothing right” heightens. Yeah, you and me. A couple of weeks back, I got into it with some fish. I had this one spot, and while I was really targeting bass, I kept getting one hit after another from Crappie. Perch. Blue Gill. Call ’em what you want, they were feeding on just about anything I’d throw at them. I have no desire to be a “crappie master,” but for a little while, I was sure that I had that kind of a title, if only for an afternoon. Sort of embarrassing as the fish were none too big. But it was fun, as long as none of my real fisherman friends were watching. However, when I went back this last week, same bait, same place, same weather and all? No luck. Not even the littlest and stupidest of fish would deign to take my offerings. I cold get upset, but a bad day fishing? Still beats work. But like me, you’re going to encounter a situation, and you’re just going to have to remember, like me, that the fish-less afternoon? It’s still better than some things.

Capricorn: I found these tokens in a local store, but I’m sure the little coin-looking items must be available anywhere by now. Called “love tokens,” they’re about the size of quarter, probably molded out of some cheap pot metal, with a slightly artistic flair to the design. One side is stamped with the handwriting, “love token,” and the other side came in a number of different messages. “Good for one hug.” “Good for a one roll 1 the hay.” “Good for a long kiss.” There’s a shape of heart, cut out of the middle. So I had this idea, and I’d like to pass it on to my more pecuniary Capricorn friends, imagine that “love token,” and imagine its uses. Now, let’s go one step further, tie a little bit of monofilament fishing line, lightweight leader material, through the center hole of that token. I was worried that I’d seem cheap, but then, you know, it’s just a matter of recycling. You hand over the token and when the message has been delivered, you can sneak that token back in your pocket, only to be reused, as time and situations permit. Will time and situations permit? With Mercury backwards, and Mars plus Venus in Scorpio? I would think so.

Aquarius: I’m essentially text-based. Therefore, when I look at my notes, I don’t usually have a complete visual. I will suppose that some kind of visual was part of the message, but I’m not sure what that graphic image was. The text note merely refers to the message that was on a T-shirt, it said: “Know your limits.” In the swirling and fervid Aquarius brain, that message on T-shirt can be multiplied, folded, twisted around, and the accompanying graphic can change. It could be a tall mountain. It could be a pair of mountains, under the shirt. It could a death-defying scene of a daredevil “getting some air” on a skateboard. Drawing from sporting events, there are number of images that can be inserted there. But the text of the message itself? I figure that’s the most important part, it’s about knowing — and understanding — what the limits are. Most, if not all, Aquarius folks don’t like to figure that there are limits. Normally, I don’t impose any limits whatsoever on the Aquarius slice of the sky. But these aren’t exactly normal times, and there’s an intense pressure making its way through your sign. Not really opposing you, just making itself felt. That’s why I like the T-shirt slogan, about knowing what your limits are. Consider your own limits, as defined by your Aquarius self. Whatever the situation, though, don’t let some one else impose restraints on you. That’ll never work.

Pisces: Old song I was listening to, it has a lyric that goes something like this: “Is the fiery gates of hell, or is the lights of Houston?” I might have that wrong, too. It could be the “The bright lights of Houston or the fiery gates of hell.” Perhaps this will offend people in Houston, but that town has produced at least one the songwriters, so it’s not like they can fault a home-town-lad. I’m not about to pass judgment myself, not on Houston, I’m just quoting from a variety of local song lyrics that confuse hell and Houston. To an amateur driver, like myself, traffic in Houston, or as a traveler, stuck in Houston for layover, it could seem like hell. In the summer time, I’m sure it does resemble that. At least, to some. But that’s not the question, the question, for the Pisces contingent, is this hell or Houston? Houston has more than its fair share of cultural delights, plus there’s always the food, and the town does offer a wide number of diversion that I find engaging and amusing. Due to the way Mercury is moving, plus a host of other planets nearby, you’re standing at the gates of Houston, wondering, in your Pisces brain, “Is this hell? Or is it Houston?” I’m inclined to vote in favor of Houston and Pisces. But Mercury might confuse you for a moment. Don’t let the Mercury situation confuse your thought process. I think it’s just Houston.

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copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Kramer Wetzel, for

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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