For the Week starting: 12.14.2006

Fishing Guide to the Stars
by Kramer Wetzel
(c) 2005, 2006 by Kramer Wetzel for
For the Week starting: 12.14.2006

“These deeds must not be thought
After these ways; so it will make us mad.”
Shakespeare’s MacBeth [II.ii.32]

Aries: Little clue, here, mostly a Mars thing, and that’s going to add some kick to the Aries corner. If you’re a wise Aries, and you’re reading this, so I’m assuming that there’s a hint of wisdom there, but a smart person knows when to be quiet. Some times, it’s better to shut up rather than open your mouth and let the other people confirm that you’re a fool. I’m not calling you foolish, but you’re going to get a chance to open your mouth when a little more tacit approach would stand you in better stead. What’s this about? More along the lines of a compatible energy, it’s more about the idea and ideals that you hold near and dear. Plus it’s about knowing when to shut up. The same could be said about me, too, but I’m not one to let folks wonder. If you don’t have anything to say, maybe don’t say anything. There’s a certain power in silence.

Taurus: I’m looking for a lot of tension, a lot of folks visibly agitated, and the sound of some folks not being too happy with themselves, other people, the service they receive, the way the stars are lining up, and the holiday crush in general. Got a good image now? Things go from bad to worse to worst. It’s not a happy time, not for the next few days. There will be more than one bright spot of cheer on the horizon, and the good news is that there is a way out of this. It’s simple. Part of the crush is holiday madness, an artificial sentiment foisted upon us by merchandising and marketing. Part of it is guilt that we all feel because we just know that we’re forgetting something. Part of it is residual end-of-the-year crap that stacks up and needs attention. Okay, now, for way around this? Take a deep breath. Look at the list, you did make an impossibly long list, didn’t you? Then start at the top. One item can wait. Then another item can be moved to the bottom of the list, and as you go through this list of items that have to be accomplished, then you’re ready to start realizing that some of the gargantuan task you’ve saddled yourself with? Some of those items can wait. Or, at least, be put off until a better time. Like after the holidays. I’m not suggesting that procrastination is a viable lifestyle choice, but to obtain harmony, personal harmony, put off as much as you can. Have a good time, instead.

Gemini: I was strolling along the hike and bike trail, as I tend to do, and I was thinking about food. Valid concern. What I had in mind was a salad, low-calorie dressing, something healthy. When I passed a familiar dinner, I decided to stop. What I wound up getting though, was a “blackboard special,” although, I suppose the correct term should be “blue plate,” but I haven’t seen a real blue plate in years. I do know here the term comes from, and I’m sure you can find out, too, if you dig a little. So there I was, enjoying a piece of chicken slathered in creamy chipolte gravy, collard greens, and some mashed potatoes with regular cream gravy. Not exactly the healthiest of meals, but on that cool winter afternoon, it hit the spot. It’s all about expectations, too, because, after a meal like that? I was expecting time for a siesta. A little nap. Sleep off the carbs, or something. What happened though, me with my oversized belly, we got home and I had to start answering the phone, Return a call. Set up business. Next thing I knew, I completely missed the window for a nap. I was horridly busy until late in the evening. Same thing should happen Gemini — coming up. One plan gets sidetracked and suddenly, you’re very busy because everyone wants something from you. It isn’t really so bad, although, you’ll agree, a little nap would be nice.

Cancer: I’m still insisting that life in the Cancer world is pretty decent. I might be a little off with my timing, but given that Mars is frying along in Sagittarius, I’ve got a built-in excuse. Tends to make me hurry up faster than usual. Like as not, you’re going to encounter ones just like me, too. Great, it’s great, it’s new and improved, and it’s going to be wonderful, plus you can get it right now. Familiar tag lines, I’m sure, to the Cancer listeners out there. Perchance a little too familiar? Overwrought with the way folks keep the hype coming in? I can’t change that. But I can suggest, and I’m back to that again, that life in Cancer land has turned the corner, and there’s a certain quiet yet festive spirit. I also figure, just to remind you, that there’s one last detail that needs to be cleaned up before the end of the yea gets here. I’m a little ahead of schedule, but like I noted before, I’ve got a good excuse. Unlike me, though, you can’t cash in on my excuse, blaming Mars for heightened expectancies. But you can grab that one little detail by the throat and wrestle it into submission. With that one task accomplished, it’s time for fun and games in the Cancer sector.

Leo: There’s a city worker that I’ve run into from time to time. Affable lad, perhaps a little older than me, and he works at cleaning the pavement, watching the parking lots, and greeting everyone. Ask him how he’s doing? His reply, and he means it sincerely, “I’m blessed and highly favored.” When he’s short of time, and the winter weather forces more clothing on him, the response is sometimes shortened to “Blessed and highly favored.” But he tries to smile, every time, just to deliver the news that he’s still, “Blessed and highly favored.” In the face of s stinging north wind? Same reply. On a sweltering summer’s day? Same reply. I’d consider his attitude, and I’d consider Leo. A few of my Leo friends are not so blessed at this moment, but a number of them, and this what’s important, are blessed and highly favored. Maybe it takes repeating that comment, over and over, to get to the sincerity but I know, in my little astrologer’s heart, that Leo is going to be blessed and highly favored in the immediate future.

Virgo: Sure to get the Virgo fur raised, hence creating a fur problem that must be addressed, but the deal is simple. I was in a little place, seaside, in the fall. At that one restaurant, which was more of a shack and less of fine-dining experience, although I did enjoy some good food, the server was joking about the ineptitude of the kitchen, “Yeah, the food will be out as soon as the cook is sober enough to see again….” Not exactly the kind of comment we all like to hear, but then, it was amusing, at least, to me it was amusing. That one place, I’ve counted on it for excellent fusion cuisine, if somewhat unusual in some of the choices. Saucy help, too, always a plus. That image, though, of the waitress making a comment that might offend some people, might make certain Virgo folks get up and leave? It’s a type of humor, really, and the delivery was important. Consider that when someone delivers a gift that might, or might not, be what you’re looking for. Consider the intent rather than the actual comment. Less fur that way.

Libra: In the past, there’s a famous place in San Antonio where I’ve dined. I like the place, redolent in the heady aroma of high-quality low-tech Tex-Mex cuisine. Open 24/7, the place gets busy at peak times, and there’s a number system for getting a table. As the numbers flashed across the display, and the announcer called out the for the party to be seated, I noticed that the display random numbers looked a lot like a Keno system I’d seen in another diner, in Las Vegas. I got to wondering if there was some sort hidden betting system at work there, the way random numbers came up, not in any kind of sequence. The display itself was what reminded me of the Keno system. I’m sure you’ve been to places where it’s a like a gamble on when you’re going to get a seat. Take the risk. Take the bet. Go for the whole enchilada. I can’t promise you’ll win, but concept of nothing ventured, nothing gained is the key concept. Whether it’s Keno or just a table at a busy rstaurant.

Scorpio: I’ve got an oversized desk that I use for stashing all my goodies in. When I was working with the little web cam, getting ready to record a quick weekly update, I figured I’d try a new position for the camera. I tucked it up into a cubby hole, up over the desk, and I started to talk, like I do once a week or so. The audio pick-up the camera’s tiny microphone was situated in such a fashion, after a fashion, I guess, to cause the weirdest reverberations. Not feedback, but an echo. And that audio clue is what’s happening with Scorpio, too. It’s a self-inflicted echo. A self-induced reverberation. An audio clue. It’s right there, and sometimes, I wonder if you listen to yourself. I was in a situation where I could adjust the placement of the camera and its microphone so I didn’t have to sit through the self-induced echo effect. Can I suggest the same process to you?

Sagittarius: Skip Shakespeare, I’ve got an old translation of the Tao Tse Tung, #43, and that line reads, “The softest thing in the universe overcomes the hardest.” With Mars and his march in Sagittarius? I’d be prepared for some oppositions. I’d be prepared for folks to “just not get it.” I’m not even sure what the individual “it” really refers to, either. Not that antecedents matter, either. The point being, how to handle the toughest jobs, the weird push and strive to survive, nay, dare I suggest it? Succeed? How to handle that pressure with all the extra Martian and martial influences marching through our sign. There’s got to be a way, right? There is. Listen, or read, what that text suggested, the hardest is overcome with the softest. Instead of taking a Mars-influenced hard-line, consider a softer, more gentle approach. Mars can make us hasty, and that’s why I’m urging the softest of patterns to deal with this exigency.

Capricorn: I was with a friend, and after he’d had a couple of shots of tequila, he was getting himself limbered up right nice like. In good form, so to speak. “Look,” he explained, “I AM NOT drunk. By my nature, I’m an obnoxious, loud, and rude person. Deal with it.” That was his story, but I had to wonder whether it was the tequila or the individual doing to the talking. Wile there was no slurring, and I’ve been around this one lad when he does have problems talking, I was wondering if it was more the amplification of certain details about his persona that was enhanced with the liquid courage. Therein is the problem, too, because the holiday season has many inviting favors. Maybe, like my buddy, you don’t need to partake of the goodies, don’t hit that punch bowl too often, in order to have a good time. It’s not all about the chemical enhancements, either, whatever it is that you might do too much? I’d be a little careful. This isn’t a time for talking loud and acting brash, holiday material notwithstanding.

Aquarius: Usually happens in November, but looks like it might have been a little late this year, we get this blast of very cold air, literally, Arctic Air, and it freezes everything. In Texas, this is called a Norther. One day is idyllic with fleecy clouds painted against a blue sky temperatures hovering in the cool but comfortable range. Then that icy blast wends its way and foists itself upon us. I tend to spend time inside, doing “indoors” activities, under such conditions. It can get a little cramped, after I haven’t budged to brave the weather, after a day or two, but then, the siege of the weather doesn’t really last that long, either. Some winters are exceptionally mild, never getting close to freezing. The problem is being adaptable to the winter conditions. Shorts and sandals one day, jeans, sweaters, overcoat, hats, gloves, long underwear the next. It’s December in Texas. Might not be weather like this where you’re at, your fine Aquarius self, but you need to be prepared. It can go from toasty to frosty in no time. The other part of the equation? After that blast of cold air? It can warm up nicely, to the point that shorts are almost an option again. When I looked at your astrological weather, and it depends on what you’re seeking, but what I saw was a warming trend. Not global warming, but a specific kind of nice day, or days, in the Aquarius world. Not everyone is going to feel this weather shift, but you will. And you’ll be happy with whatever the weather delivers. The astrology weather, that is.

Pisces: I don’t think it was a challenge, but it’s such a rich example for Pisces, I just couldn’t pass it up. Happened the other evening, as I was doing a load of laundry. Two loads, really, about three weeks’ worth of dirty clothes. Every time I pulled a shirt off a hanger, I’d leave the hanger out, and so, at the end of the three weeks, I had a stack of hangers, and after I got back from the laundry shed, I had a basket full of warm, dry shirts, destined for those hangers. In my experience, the number of hangers and the number of shirts in the basket rarely, if ever, match up. It’s like a perspective on socks in the dryer, and where they all go, too. But this was hangers and shirts. For the first time, I think in my life, the number of shirts and hangers corresponded exactly. Weird how that works. Too strange for my tastes. Sort of spooked me. I thought about it the next morning, as I sat down and looked at the Pisces chart. It was a small sign, not a big sign, but small coincidence in my life that indicated a number of elements were going to start coming together. Items that have behaved badly in the past? Those things start to work more properly. Since I was doing good with numbers, i.e., e.g., &c., hangers to shirts, I figured I might as well buy lottery ticket. That didn’t win. But sometimes, the smallest of victories is a gentle reminder that the tide has turned, is turning, or will turn soon. Watch for your numbers. (And if you win the lottery, I’m requesting a finder’s fee of 1%.)

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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