After - what feels like - a long and dark winter, finally, a little bit of sun.
Fat City, Fit City:
Sprawl, urban density and what the lab coats say. I’m either coastal, country, or inner-city. No so much on the urban sprawl.
UCE rant:
I’ve been getting a ton of spam, way it goes.
Which is why, one is required to be a member to post a comment here, just the easiest way to deal trackback spam, comment spam, and just spam in general.
So I did something I usually advise not to do, I clicked on the “unsubscribe” link. Which took me straight to a web page that said, “You’ve unsubscribed from our list.” Or something like that. But being suspicious person, I checked the code, the source code for that web page. There was no action in it. Didn’t grab my e-mail address and unsubscribe, nothing like that. Just a web page with a nice background, that said I’d been unsubscribed. But I wasn’t.
Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!
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