Or developing pictures, which begs the question, can digital images be developed?
(click on the image to make it bigger)
Big Sky:
Forget that other place called “big sky,” I’ll always think about West Texas.
The night I stopped and hopped out of the motor home to snap a picture of the sign, it was cold. Possibly below freezing. The blur was probably caused by my hand shaking. But I’ve been meaning to get a picture of the new drive-in.
New. Drive. In.
Yes, a new drive-in theater. It’s a field, west of Midland, still in Midland County, I think, and there is a drive-in. New construction. New place. And that’s just so weird, too. It’s odd, to think of it in the first place, as this is a lifestyle that went away years ago. I’m thinking, like about thirty, forty years ago? Besides, who wants to watch a movie in a car?
But there it is, a new drive-in, out on the road.
(click to visit)