Texicalli, best use of (or recycled use) of a Taco Bell. Ever. Maybe. To many of the purists, anyway, the best use.
I was toying around with a new camera. I had a couple of my women with me. The waiter was a Scorpio, and for years, he’d been the cook., He looked at one of the girls and exclaimed, “You’re early, aren’t you?” She has a store down the street, and she frequents with alarming regularity.
Get a burger, get a Texicali sandwich, get a salad, get some waffle fries with cheese. Get whatever you’re little heart desires. While I was in the booth, I noticed the sign over the entrance.
The two women I was with, they never missed a beat. I was ancillary. More ways than one. Why I live like a monk. No, really.
I tried to grab a picture one way, and this is what I got:
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And with zero digital manipulation, this is what I was aiming for:
(click to enlarge)
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Laeti edimus qui nos subigant!
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