Comfort food

Comfort, TX: Buzz BBQ
I might have the name wrong, too. Turn off the Interstate in Comfort, TX. Down the road apiece, not too fur a piece, but a ways, there’s a place called Buzz’s. Or something like that. Half the dining area was closed off. One kid, didn’t look old enough to be working, was working. I looked up at the menu, chalkboard style. I looked over at the wall, a notice about child labor laws. Looked back at the kid. Up to menu again.

(click to engorge menu)

“Tuesday special!! Wednesday special!! Two exclamation marks!! Thursday special!! Wait, no Saturday special.”

I punctuated my comment with another comment, and the bored kid just said, “Po boy, special every day.”

I got one. I watched as he put it together, he sliced a whole link of sausage, tasted like an Elgin Hot Link (South Side Meat Market) and then sliced off some brisket strips, then added chopped brisket. He claimed it was three-quarters of a pound. I’m guessing, Sunday TV fishing show standards, three pounds. By my own reckoning, I’d put the weight at over a pound.

I didn’t even try to finish it all in one sitting. I just packed up the unfinished half, helped myself to another bucket of ice tea and motored on down the road. Amazing BBQ special – every day, too.

Excess, it’s something we do right.

Love for sale:

The Love Tarot book and card set
The Love Tarot – Major Arcana set, with sturdy box and book. The cards are slightly over-sized, being almost 3 by 5 inches. Along with the book, not a booklet, but a regular binding paperback manual, and it’s all packaged up in a nice box. I doubt the cards were ever sealed, and they certainly are like new. The text is by Sarah Bartlett and the illustrations are by Nancy Tolford. It’s just the 22 cards of the major arcana, but there’s an eery Victorian essence that resonates with the images. Traditional, yet, with just a sprinkling of new age, too.

The cover of the books claims, “Use the power of the mystic deck to guide you in love, romance and sex.” And here, I thought love romance and sex were all the same thing.

Applicability and suitability is not warranted or implied.

Shipping and handling: that little bubble mailer costs me a dollar at the store, USPS Priority is $4.05 with $0.50 for delivery confirmation, so that all totals a flat fee of $5.55. Other shipping arrangements can be made, but will be at the buyer’s expense. The delivery confirmation, that’s, like, insurance for both buyer and seller. Usual disclaimers apply.

The eBay listing is here.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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