For the Week starting: 3.15.2007

"An eye like Mars, to threaten and command.
A station like the herald Mercury
New-lighted on a heaven-kissing hill."
Shakespeare’s Hamlet (III.iv.67-69)

pisPisces: As Pisces draws to a close, I was fishing. "Does it always have to come back to that?" Sure, besides, this happened not but a few days ago. So I was fishing, and a neighbor wanders by, "Do the fish really bite right now?" Not really, wrong weather, right moon, wrong time of the year, nice enough for me to be barefoot and fishing, though. So I was. I took the comment as an omen that I really wasn’t going to catch much of anything.

The close of Pisces and all, and yet, I persisted. That’s the hint. Persistence. Works wonders. I was about to head inward, as in, towards the old trailer, but I thought about one more cast, just to see. And what did happen? Fish on. Wasn’t a big fish. But sometimes, even a little fish is better than no fish, and it was a healthy young black bass; therefore, I was pleased.

shjopTwo points, really, one is about Pisces persistence and the other is about what is a triumph. Maybe a small fish is no big deal, but some days, any thing’ll do. And just a little more persistence will pay off, one way or another. Maybe not in a big way, but it will generate a degree of accomplishment.

ariAries: I’d ignore the rest of the Shakespeare quote and I’d suggest that Aries just stick with the first line from this week’s introduction. "An eye like Mars to threaten and command." Yeah, except I’d spend a little less time with the "threaten" portion, despite the Aries "war-like" association, and I’d spend a little more time with the Aries’ C & C. Command and Control.

A tip I picked up from someplace, sounds a lot like the Art of War, but I’m not sure, however, the tip? Don’t pick a fight you can’t win. Don’t go into a struggle wherein you have found that you can’t seem to win. I know, long odds are usually good for you, and I know that you do have a certain tenacity, but still, there’s a sense that you’re not quite ready. It’s about birthdays, and the first of the Aries birthdays get kicked into gear, next week. But perhaps I’m being a bit premature, suggesting the war-like Mars and his influence be put to use in this struggle. Maybe I’d better stick to fishing analogies. At the beginning of the Spring Equinox, looks like March 20th, you’re ready to seize control and command. Until then? Maybe some planning is in order.

tauTaurus: "Dude, I’ve done it all. I mean, I’ve had my hair cut every way possible. Long, short, bald, even did a ‘fro and Mohawk, so this is nothing now." The kid explaining that didn’t appear old enough to have experimented thusly. But what do I know about hair and hair care? I’m not a professional. I tend to avail myself of whatever is in the shower stall, and call it good to go, at that. Makes life easier. And I’m all about making life easier in the Taurus camp.

subColors, layers, cuts and clips? All open to experimentation, if you so desire, but seriously consider some of the longer-term care required. Is this one of those Taurus looks that’s going require a can of hairspray, each and every time you take shower or bath? The cool look in the stylist’s chair, can you do that yourself? "Sure, it’s easy," the professional tells you. We’re professionals. We make this look easy.

gemGemini: To say that I live in a tiny space is an understatement. Miniscule is probably a better word. As a single person, though, much space is not required. Plus, at least usually, I tend to not lose loose items at home. Unfortunately, the other afternoon, when I was working on this, my cell phone went missing. Not much of a problem, as I can easily avoid and ignore the cell phone for hours, days, even weeks, at a time. I’m funny like that, can’t be bothered to take those important calls.

So when the phone disappeared, I wasn’t too worried. But then a buddy — not named Bubba — was supposed to show up, and our connection point was mobile phone to mobile phone, so I needed to find mine. What I had to do was call myself and listen for the buzz of the vibrator. Might be a short cut, and it might not be an approved method for locating missing-in-action hardware, but times being what they are?

shjopWe do what we must. It’s a Gemini thang, and it’s present now. The idea that you have you have to do something slightly silly in order to accommodate an oversight is the way it goes. Fortunately, as a good Gemini, you can come up with clever solutions to problems. I found the missing mobile phone. How it got stuck in the bottom of a cowboy boot, that remains a mystery, but I’ll figure that out, later.

canCancer: I hate mentioning brand names. But this was too good to pass up. We were sitting in the patio section of a local eatery, under the afternoon sun, still a little springtime feel to the otherwise slightly cool afternoon, munching on something. My buddy peeled out of his shirt, revealing a hairy chest, a hairy back, tattoos, and so forth, and his white undershirt. A wife-beater, as they’re called. Classic wife-beater, too. His arms flexed, and I admitted I was worried about him being topless, but he admitted there was undershirt, and, "Yeah, just so you can write about this, I did buy the ‘wife-beater’ at Wal-Mart. So what?"

First off, the guy is really peaceful, and secondly, the attire is merely a name, nomenclature for a particular type of clothing. Nothing more. "I mean," he continued, "if I bought it at Target, does that make it a better shirt, and you can’t call it that?" I wasn’t sure. I’m still unsure. As spring starts, and as you think about what you’re wearing, maybe think about the name, too. My buddy, although not a Cancer, he could be one for the purpose of illustration, was getting ruffled before I’d said anything. As the Sun rolls on towards Aries, I’d take that cue, maybe not worry so much about the name of an item. Or an article of clothing. Getting worked up into a huff before I’d mentioned anything?

leoLeo: I was fetching up laundry and a familiar Leo, a neighbor, was just pulling some of his laundry out of one of the machines. He’d unceremoniously taken my dried sheets and jeans, out of the dryer, and he’d loaded his own in place. I’d tarried a bit longer, I suppose, and all of the machines were full. This is part of a process, and sometimes I’ll wander over to toss a load in before I get a client call, then, when the hour is up, I’ll forget to fetch my laundry. This kind of laundry room behavior is familiar, I’m sure.

subIt had happened earlier in the afternoon, too, and I was pointedly doing laundry at time that wouldn’t inconvenience any of the other residents. The first time I just found my laundry piled up, but the second time, when I realized it was a Leo neighbor, I relaxed. If it had been anyone else, I’d pitched a fit. I don’t know if I’d gone postal, but I might’ve been aiming for a postcard or something. But seeing it was the familiar Leo? Not a problem. Which one are you? The one doing the inconveniencing? Or the inconvenienced? If it’s the former, or the latter, then I hope it works out that there’s a nice Sagittarius who understands.

virVirgo: I tossed a worm into the lake. Bobber never moved, other than the gentle action of the waves. A light breeze ruffled the surface, but no, no real action. I peeled out of my shirt and set it on the dock, watching the bobber, watching the ease and grace of the breeze on the waves, and finally, I reeled it back in. Worm was almost all gone, except for a part that I managed to thread on the hook pretty well.

Someone — something — had been dining on my worm. And whoever it was? Undetected by me. Sneaky fish. Surreptitious denizens of the deep. Sure, call it what you want. I threaded another worm onto the hook, tossed it back in about the same place and waited, paying a little more close attention to see if there was any indication of movement. None. A few minutes later? Empty hook. Again. Repeat the process.

shjopSome folks would get upset, but this is a (supposedly) relaxing way to spend a portion of the afternoon. I was feeding someone — something — in the lake. Never caught it that afternoon, but I went through a couple of worms before I caught on, and I switched tactics. Switching tactics might be the best way to deal with the stealth fish, or stealthy critters, in the coming days. I still didn’t manage to catch a fish, but then, I’m not a Virgo. I’m sure a Virgo armed with a new approach will win.

libLibra: I was talking to another angler, typically, not my kind of fish he was pursuing, but there’s a comrade in arms feeling, angler to angler, right? A pair of younger women jogged by on the trail, caught his eye. He then allowed as how the scenery in Austin was rather, well, it was good.

He’s not from around here. I tried, as politic as I could, to explain that the Texas women, with all their charms, are still dangerous creatures. Which led to a discussion about fish mating habits. Which led to funny ex-wife jokes. Which led to a wandering eye as more flora and fauna jogged by. Or wildlife. Or whatever is the term.

There’s a caution, though, and it applies to all members of the opposite sex, or same sex, but from another species, if you’re inclined in that way. Doesn’t much matter. What did matter was the way I kept gently reiterating the point about being polite since I’ve found that a little kindness goes a lot further than any amount of ire. Mars is a player in your chart. Mars heats matters up. I wasn’t bothered that the guy I was talking to was distracted. That’s his problem, not mine. I was accommodating. Such is my style. But I was trying to impress that the images he perceived on the trail, jogging by, one had to be a little careful. All depends on what you’re fishing for, I suppose.

scoScorpio: I was in a familiar place to eat. The server who served me was a Cancer, the manager who greeted with a wry comment was Pisces. And a floating server, already off duty, but stopped to chat with me? Scorpio. Some people would think I’m just rattling off signs. Some folks find it odd that I know the signs of the people I interact with.

All the water signs were represented. And what I noticed, from the witty but pointed greeting, and the way the dear Scorpio was carrying on? All the water signs are getting heated up. Could be the approach and arrival of Aries. Could be the Spring Equinox. Could be a number of items. When I looked at the Scorpio chart, I couldn’t help but look at the Aquarius portion, which, in strict terminology, is making a discomfiting angle to Scorpio. Which is part of the problem.

subMostly it’s just Mars, and as a Scorpio, you know that Mars shouldn’t be ignored. As I was heading towards the patio, nice afternoon and all, the Scorpio handed me a glass of ice tea, "Here, take your tea with you." To some, that might be a bit abrupt. To me, it’s just the influence of Mars, cutting through the niceties and getting straight to the point.

sagSagittarius: I noticed that a certain kind of fishing pole was on sale. I missed the published deadline for the sale, but at the store, the sales circular was still posted. I begged the price down to match the ad stuck up in the fishing pole section of the store. I didn’t really expect it, but I did get the price I wanted. Which was cool. It’s a nice enough pole, certainly worth $50 or $60, maybe not worth the regular retail price of $89.95, but on sale? For less than $40 — including tax and bait? That’s half off. A deal I couldn’t beat.

shjopSo a little nice chatter with the clerk, a little begging, perhaps illustrate a point about advertising claims, and a quick, "Price check in fishing, please," and see what happens. It’s all about making nice with the people who support you. It’s all about wheeling and dealing in a gentle, refined manner. Or unrefined, but still, being nice about it. Pick the easiest, most efficient, most expedient route to get what you want. It’s that simple. Play nice.

capCapricorn: "Don’t all country directions involve ‘the old cemetery’?" An Aquarius posed the question because the direction included, "go past the old cemetery, and then turn…" and I’m sure your imagination can just fill in the rest of the scenario. We were looking for a hunting lodge out in the hinterlands, really, not far from home, but distant enough that the March twilight was making us question the directions. Mars is visible in the east, shortly before sunrise, frying through Aquarius.

Which is one sign after Capricorn. Which would suggest to me, that one item on the list of Capricorn "do’s & don’t" would have to include double-checking some directions. Might not be driving directions, could be a simple set of instructions for any number of mundane endeavors, but I do suggest a second, outside opinion before proceeding.

Blame Mars, if you must. Here’s another example, humorous to me, one of the web-based "driving direction sites" suggested that the quickest and shortest route from Austin to El Paso was to go to San Antonio, then hang a right, all interstate, all paved, no cemeteries. And longer by about third, too. Less scenic, too, if you ask me, but no one did. However, that might just be common sense. Look at map, check local conditions, get a second set of instructions. You’ll be surprised at some good results.

aquAquarius: I was out of town, standing in line at a certain brand of coffee shop, me, at the counter, in line, and the guy behind me was grumbling. "It’s always busy, always takes too long at this one store." I smiled, not a grin, but I didn’t want to spend time listening to some guy complain about the help and how long it took to make his — whatever it was — combination of espresso, milk and sugary flavors. With whip.

Coffee drinks that involve espresso are labor-intensive. Way it is. Takes time. That’s all part of the process. The guy was going to rail on and on about management, business, and shoddy employee practices. All I could think was, "Take your business elsewhere." Which I would’ve done myself, except that I wasn’t in a hurry, and I tend to enjoy interaction with local people. Even the ones complaining about slipshod performance. I counted the number of people logged in with laptops, quietly working on important things and sipping coffee-flavored drinks.

subYou have a choice. Several choices. First off, consider that the coffee shop, the espresso-flavored drink, that’s labor intensive. Takes more than a minute or three to prepare, especially if it’s done right and with a little flourish. You’re out-of-town on business, or just traveling, or perhaps you’re in your own neighborhood, but you stop at place you don’t usually frequent. Which one are you? The way the week works? Astrologically, Aquarius to Aquarius? You could be either, any, of the characters. I’ll warn you though, if you complain about the obvious? You might get mocked.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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