Twice, now.

Highway Star (new link is good). And is there anything as fat as an old Hammond organ? Wasn’t that what it was? Huge pipes – metaphorically speaking.

Which might, or might not, have anything to do with the previous link and post that pointed to this week’s audio message.

Some days, the simplest solutions are the easiest.

“To crave impossibilities is lunacy; but it is impossible for the wicked to act otherwise.
“Nothing befalls anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear. Others experience the same things as thou, but either from ignorance that anything has befallen them, or to manifest their greatness of mind, they stand firm and get no hurt. A strange thing indeed that ignorance and vanity should prove stronger than wisdom.”
Marcus Aurelius (Book V, chapters 17, 18)

Top hundred?
Action heros. Profanity, but yeah, in the top 100? Beowulf. And yes, that’s a good version of the story. As are these classics, too.

I winder if Siegfried figures in there.

Personal faves have to include Zaphod, Kirk, the Blues Brothers, and Odysseus. But Beowulf? The original.

Between Butch Cassidy and Ferris Bueller? The Miller from the Canterbury Tales. Nice touch.

File under:
Oh that’s funny heading. Sure. Family fun.

Looks like they might not be as good as once thought. Studies say, you know.

The big pay-off:
That’s what it’s really all about.

Ongoing auctions
Jungian Tarot
This one, so it appears, the Jungian Tarot, is a bit of a rarity. It’s the original publication run, circa 1988, and the deck itself is in good shape. It’s been used, and the box might be a little weathered; however, the deck and the booklet are in good to excellent shape. The box still has a $16 price tag on it, and this was in dollars over 15 years ago. Adjust for inflation.

I never liked the cards too much, as they always felt “cold” to me, a little too analytical, and little less intuitive, for my tastes. There’s now a book that goes with it, and for a standardized Tarot deck, the cards are all there.

The eBay link is here.

Il Tarocco del Mondo Nuovo
Yeah, that’s a mouthful for me. It an Italian printing of Tarot of the New World. Combines some pretty strange elements, all in all. There are – I’m guessing – Spanish, or maybe Italian, explorers, carrying swords and sailing galleon-looking ships, then there’s the Ruben-esque New World artwork reflected in some of the cards. Printed with titles in four languages, and that includes English, but like the picture shows, this is an Italian deck of cards. Tarot deck, complete with the minor and major arcana, four suites and so on. Barely used, if at all. Just admired the pretty pictures. Colorful yet strange post-modern, classical take on the standard Tarot deck.

The eBay link is here.

Unclear on the concept:
The dove corporation, it’s a charity, the person says. “Can I speak to the lady of the house?” No such critter. “How about the man of the house?” That’s me, honey, this is the third call, and the first time I rudely suggested you not call back, the second time I missed the call, and this is a third time. I’m on the “do not call” list, and you’re posing as a charity just doesn’t work for me.

“Repeat what I just said,” I told the operator, which she declined to do, and that just pissed me off worse. Alienates me, worse than the call has already pissed me off.

That number? In case it shows up on your phone? 616-361-2855.

It’s – apparently – a right-wing nut-job pretending to espouse Christian morals. Right, we’ve seen what that’s like.

Maybe Beowulf could rip off that tele-marketer’s arm and beat her back to her mama.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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