For the Week starting: 5.24.2007

"They well deserve to have
That know the strong’st and surest way to get."
Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of King Richard the Second (III.iii.208-9)

    It’s the onslaught of Gemini time, and it deals with knowing where to get what you want to get. And getting it. Academic note, should include some point about the apparent lyrical and poetics of the play its self, Richard II.

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gemGemini: The May Gemini folks are just the best. We’ve got the Sun in Gemini, and for the rest of this week, Mercury is here, too, but it’s going to shift onward, early next week. Along with that shift, there should be a shift in your focus, too. Let’s take a look outside of ourselves.

Facing another year older? Got you down, just a little? It shouldn’t. I have more than my allotted share of Gemini clients. In part, I respect the sign, but more to the point, I’m amused by the Gemini mind. As you sort through the material from the last week or two, I mean, reflecting back over a whole year is too time-consuming, so let’s just reflect for a moment on the last month. The last couple of weeks. Or maybe just the last few days. Or whatever you were doing before you were doing this. There.

We’ve had our moment of reflection, move on. The trick is to not stand still too long. This birthday does give pause for reflection, but then, there’s also hint that some kind of movement — forward motion — is required. The hassle, is that the momentum is lacking. Birthdays and so forth? Yeah, there’s that. But if you’ll put it in gear, you can surprise even yourself. And not too much reflection, either.

canCancer: A buddy of mine has the tide and fishing times guide, programmed into his wristwatch. An onboard fishing computer. When’s best? I’ve found anytime is a good time to fish. Certain times, though are optimal for catching fish, or so it would seem. The tide and time charts? The results vary. I’ve never found a set of charts and times that works as well as my own innate sense.

However, one of the points that I look for, occurs in your chart, next Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday. I won’t pick any particular day, I’m not sure you can get away from work to fish, not all three days. I seriously doubt that. But the idea that one of those days is a good day to take a vacation, a mental health day? Not bad. Or whatever it is that you’re fishing for? It’s a good time to dangle some bait in front of your target. I’m not promising certain success, but I see a window of opportunity, and you’re best advised to jump on it, not to mix metaphors or anything.

leoLeo: Sunday evening, I stepped out to the lake’s edge, to my dock, to fish. There were two neighbors down there. Both had fishing poles in their hands. I’d be upset, but there was a little bit of rivalry and camaraderie, at the same time. Inwardly, though, I was a little irritable, one guy at one end, working a lure that I know wouldn’t work, and the other guy, at the other end, sitting on some catfish bait, that surely wouldn’t do anything but attract turtles.

Foolish gentlemen. Dumb neighbors. Besides, if anyone is going to catch a fish, it should be me. I know the area, every tree and stump, some of the rocks, and most of the bigger turtles, too. Plus the fish. Those fish should bear my brand. The bats created a giant stream of fluttering rodents in the evening’s air. The swish-swirl noise of the fishing line being cast out and reeled back in, the gentle susurrations of the lakes surface, lapping against the dock? I can share. Besides, like I noted, that one guy with the lure? That would never works. Too small. It’s about community and sharing, though, and besides, if either of those guys caught a fish? One of my friends? I’m sure they would put the fish back. I would hope so.

virVirgo: The true measure of humanity doesn’t occur when life is good. The best way to ascertain what a person’s nature is really like? Hand them a bait cast reel. Then, as it’s inevitable, the line gets snarled. How does that person deal with such an adversity? That’s a more accurate measurement of person’s temperament.

The other evening, I spooled up some new line on a little reel. Then, in the morning, I snarled all that nice, new fishing line into a mess as I was adjusting the reel’s controls. Wrong weight and drag, and it was a mess. Sort of. I stood there, in the morning summer sun, un-spooling all that new line, watching it curl in the river’s edge, and a paddle boat with a couple of young girls passed in front of me. Squeals and giggles. I smiled to myself, figuring I looked silly to them, but I was thinking about the Virgo scope, too.

Adversity. Not big problems, little problems. It’s how we deal with adverse situations, that’s what’s important. I doubt it mattered to the girls in the paddle boat, but that’s not the question, or is it?

libLibra: Mars is on the opposite side of the wheel from you. Good or bad? Well, let me tell you, it all depends. I was standing in the middle of the Barton Creek outlet, just below the pool, where the creek drains into the lake. Clear, cold water swirling around me. If I recall rightly, and I might not, I’m not supposed to eat the algae there because it’s high in trace chemicals that might alter my DNA.

As I was standing there in the late May sunlight, I noticed that tiny fish were starting to idle up next to me. In the creeks channel, a small bass swam downstream. The little sunfish were interested in whatever my steps were turning over. I was busy watching the small fish, studying their behavior, feeding patterns, and other visual clues, like how to mimic them for bait. Observation is part of being a good fishing guide. Plus, on a warm afternoon, the water is a delightfully cool. But really, I was observing just because I was fascinated by the little critters, and how they seemed so friendly. As soon as I moved to dive into the channel, though, they all scattered. Mars means jump, even if it disturbs your idle observations.

scoScorpio: Benadryl, it’s an anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter antihistamine. I keep a bottle of the generic stuff around. It’s less for allergies, usual use, for me, and it’s more for interaction with certain poisons. Like Poison Ivy. The shoreline is full of the stuff — Poison Ivy, not Benadryl. When I know I’ve brushed up against some, I usually take a quick pill, and don’t worry as that pill will kill the itch and avert any kind of reaction from me.

So I’d taken a couple of doses of the antihistamine, and I was feeling a little loopy. I was with a friend for a late lunch, and I explained that I’d brushed the poison oak, and I’d taken some meds, and as such, I might be slightly spaced out. She didn’t respond with much more than a glance that said it all. Her look suggested that, "Like there’s a difference between you on drugs and normal? Like we can tell a difference?"

She’s not a Scorpio, but for the sake of this scope, let’s pretend she is. And while we’re at it, let’s assume that I represent everyone else you with whom you deal. Do we all seem a little loopy? Sure. OTC meds are to blame? Maybe. Maybe that’s just our natural, non-Scorpio state, too. Scorpio dry wit and patience will save the day.

sagSagittarius: We’re going to approach, in another week or so, a turning point with Jupiter and the Sun opposing each other. In and of itself, this isn’t such a singular event. However, in the Sagittarius life, it is a singular happenstance because it does precipitate a shift. As a method of preparing for such a happenstance, I’d like to suggest that we get ourselves ready.

I’m looking a little further down the Sagittarius trial, like ten to fourteen days away, but the next seven? Excellent time to prepare us for our little singular event — that’s an astrological event. The phase of the moon and the sun’s relative position indicate that Sagittarius is in a "party now, pay later" mode. That’s fair enough, but I’d like to suggest that there’s a way to use some of the rampant good feelings and prepare for what you know is coming up. Start looking ahead, as you know there’s a bigger payoff — provided you do a little work this week.

capCapricorn: Hey, I got an idea, when I was looking at your chart, the Capricorn "week ahead," kind of a deal. Skip romance. Not for long, just for a few days. Skip mundane crap, too. Venus is opposite you, along with Mr. Mercury.

Take a chance and use some well-chosen, perhaps even rehearsed, words to smooth over a situation. In more common-place chatter, suck up to the boss at work. Even if you don’t have to. Consider that this is a nice time to say something like, "You’ve lost a little weight," or, "that tie looks nice on you," or whatever it is that makes a difference. Straight up.

You won’t see any relief in the immediate future. I mean, this compliment or similar kind of action? You won’t see jack for the time being. However, a kind word now? Might get you some points further along. Simple.

aquAquarius: The Local Colorado River Authority manages the system of highland lakes’ dams. In the spring, more water is released for water customers, downstream. The unverified report I heard was rice farming in the fertile bottom lands down south. So every evening, for a while, the water’s level, the river in front, is fairly high, up and over it’s usual lake boundaries. Spilling over the shore, and I’d guess it’s up maybe 18 inches or so, not that much. But one of my neighbors noticed and was shocked.

I was fishing, and I just demurred, instead of facts, I just admonished that it was high tide. "Do lakes have tides?" she asked, then looked at the level of the water, "I guess so." First of all, yes, lakes do have tides, but with dams on either end, the local lakes tend to be regulated water levels. Second, a lake’s tide can probably be measured in inches or millimeters, rather than by a foot or more. Third, believing everything some half-naked guy with a fishing pole in his hand says? While there is a shred of truth in what I said, I didn’t bother to go into the long explanation. Not worth the effort.

As the high tides do tend to run stronger towards the end of this scope, as the moon moves towards full, consider the source and tone of the delivery. Some is fact, some is fiction, some is fiction based on fact, and some is pure organic male bovine by-product. Keep your own counsel.

pisPisces: This is a story about a fish. Not a Pisces, really, probably an Aries fish. But the point is well-taken because it’s all about perseverance. I was fishing with light line, maybe 6-pound test. Caught a big bass. Before I could get a grip on her, she took the hook with her, broke off at the shoreline. A neighbor noticed and commented that it was, "A big fish."

Next evening, caught her again, broke the line after a decent amount of thrashing about. She was a head-shaker, and that snapped the 6-pound test line. A week later, I was testing a new rig, and I caught her. 14-pound line. She tried her old tricks, but that didn’t best me, not the third time around. Fooled her, that time, I did. Healthy fish. I took her picture and she’s back in the river, doing whatever fish do.

It took me three times, and I could’ve had her on the second time if I’d only read this Pisces scope first, and then I would realize that I needed an upgrade to catch a 5-pound bass. First time, my bad. Second time, I was stupid. Third time, I was smart. Doesn’t have to take three times to learn from a mistake, but I’m not Pisces and I am male, in my defense. You can make as many mistakes as you want, but I’d try to limit the number to one, maybe. Learn. Observe.

ariAries: The brain gets excited. The blood quickens, the sinews stretch and bulge. It’s that Gemini influence. The sun comes up earlier, and you’re up with it. The first rosy fingers of dawn start to wake you and it’s all forward motion in Aries land. It’s about the rush and crush of the daily grind. It’s about the job of getting the jobs done. It’s about the immediate action you can take, and see verifiable results. It’s about kicking yourself into a gear and working your way through that little list of items that needed to get done.

Each tiny portion of that list is part of a larger portion of the bigger projects, but you’ve got to take that good Aries energy and tackle the littlest bits and pieces. Gemini Sun kind of energy scatters the brain. Take that scattered brain, and put it to work at the bottom of the stack. You’ve got the drive, put it to good use. It’s okay to be a little scattered, you’re attacking the problems. One at a time. Bit by bit. By the time this scope rolls over to another? You’ll have come a long way.

tauTaurus: As this weekend approaches, you feel that there’s something coming up. You have a certain sense, just because. It’s going to happen. And it’s going to happen early next week. And, I’d like to think, it’s going to be just as good, if not better, than what you were hoping for.

There’s an odd echo, a weird little interplay of parts of charts that works to favor the Taurus. It’s good. It’s very good. It’s also a little from the left. Or from the right, sort of depends on where you’re sitting and how you view this. But it’s not coming at you from dead-center. It’s out of someplace where you least expect it. That being suggested, you start looking where you wouldn’t look, and it happens right in front of you, or arrives at the front door, while you were out in the backyard, digging around for whatever it was I was saying was going to happen.

Confused? Imagine it like this: I’ve got a fishing line in the water. It has a bobber, and maybe a worm or a cricket on hook, and as long as I watch that cork? Nothing happens. If I advert my eyes for one nanosecond? Boom, nibble, strike, bite.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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