For the Week starting: 6.21.2007
Poins: Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive
Falstaff: Kiss me, Doll.
Prince Hal: Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction what says the almanac to that?
- Henry IV, part 2, Act II, scene iv.
Mars: agitate and assuage. Pick one. Or the other. Might be both.
Aries: Consider a tasteful shade of ochre, not to be confused with beige, which is so 2006. Think about doing or redoing the color chart to reflect this change. Mars moves from Aries to Taurus, just after the weekend, and in that same time frame, just after the weekend, it’s getting easier. To me, a color is a just a color, like beige, or red, or pink, but to a more highly trained eye, there are multiple degrees of those colors, with subtle shades, hues, and combinations that baffle my mind. Mars works like that, too. Confuses with too many choices, and then, in the blink of an eye, as he shifts to Taurus terrain, there’s a calming influence. Too, there’s a chance that you did something you shouldn’t have — against my advice — and as such, now that Cancer is just about to start, you’re going to get caught. It’s a simple matter, really, of selecting the right color for the right place. While the names might be confusing, reordering and sorting it all out will help.
Taurus: Mars exits Aries, which, if you’re paying attention, means that Mars is sliding on into Taurus. Mars means activity. Mars can impart a degree of haste. Haste makes waste. Therefore, Mars is waste? Doesn’t logically follow, or maybe, my logic is flawed. But Mars does suggest we all hasten along a given route. Or that route. Or maybe, it’s over there, or over here, or maybe…. Or maybe, as long as Mars is starting to warm the Taurus backsides, it’s time to consider action. Movement, action and hasty, ill-timed motions? I’m figuring the problem has to do with the hasty and ill-conceived ideas. Half formed notions, sometimes, bereft of substantial backing evidence? Not such a good idea. It’s a matter of embracing the Martian energy and not letting it go too far. Reel it in a little, my fine Taurus friend. The ideas might be sound, but that doesn’t mean immediate action is required.
Gemini: I was watching a person paddle a kayak in the river, in front of where I live. Not an odd sight at all. Nor is it an odd site, but never mind that point. What struck me as strange was, a kayak usually sports an equal-looking kind of a paddle, blades of the same size, same length, to help in propulsion and steering. This one had an odd shape to the paddle, one side was regular-looking enough, but the other side was much shorter. This wasn’t just an affectation of the grip on the paddle, either. It was obviously a custom configuration. And for the life of me, I couldn’t see how that was necessary, or, for that matter, useful. From my limited vantage point, I could tell two things, 1) that this was a purposefully built paddle and 2) that it made no sense to me. Now, first thing that will happens is a Gemini mind will come up with a number of reasons for the shorter side. But more important, and perhaps more worthy of the Gemini use of brain power, consider how paddling around with one end of the stick shorter than the other? Think about how that would affect the forward momentum, with the two sides being unequal. Then wonder, couldn’t the driver — the paddle-person — wouldn’t it be easy enough to choke up on the paddle a little, to make it more even? I’m thinking that the Gemini stars are such at this point, that some kind of an adjustment is necessary. Either you need to change your grip, or maybe, modify the paddle. Either way, all I’m trying to do is get you to make an adjustment so you don’t go around in circles. Which, if I’d be in the Gemini kayak, I would’ve.
Cancer: “It was a perfect birthday gift, $50 and bottle of good tequila.” Since the Cancer birthdays are starting in earnest, I figured that line was worthy repeating. I think it covers what needs to be covered, too. The perfect birthday gift for a Cancer, I realize the part with the bottle of tequila might not work for some, but whatever the preferred vice is? Yeah, go with that. Nothing says “happy birthday” better than a little folding money. Doesn’t have to be a lot, just a little. Something to help ease our way on into the month of Cancer.
“Why this is very midsummer madness.”
Shakespeare’s 12th Night (or what you will) (III.iv.45)
In part, this is the very point to Cancer, too, the midsummer madness that’s taken a firm grip on what’s happening. Mercury eases itself towards a less difficult position, and that’s not going to solve all the problems in the world, or solve all the Cancer problems, but it’s going to go a long way towards making the various Mercury inspired problems easier to cope with. As a the birthdays and birthday party-type action commence, look for the little presents that might not be that much, but in some case, like the bottle and the bill, does wonders for the Cancer mind’s ease.
Leo: A couple of blocks from where I live, there’s a low office building, just off Barton Springs Road. When I wandered by the other afternoon, there were three trucks from an air-conditioning repair place, plus a crane truck, and there was much racket, as the crane was lifting a new compressor up onto the rooftop. I watched, for a few moments, and there were a half-dozen, maybe more, guys standing around, most them were wearing shirts that had the name of the company on the shirts. Seemed like a lot of people just to install a new compressor. But it takes a crane, a truck to haul the new unit, then several levels of service technicians, electricians and some supervisors, just to make it all work correctly.
Virgo: “Stop that!” I was listening, not really watching, as a buddy was dealing with a thrashing fish (Black Bass, three-plus pounds) in the back of the boat. “Oh, that’s got to hurt,” he was saying, addressing the fish, “look, you’ve hooked yourself in the head, too. If you’d just stop thrashing for a minute, I’ll get the hook out.” The tone was that of a patient parent, addressing a wild and reluctant youth. The fish was de-hooked, upheld for a photo-op, gently released into the water, and no fish was harmed. But dealing with an angry 3 pound bass is sort of what this week is like. It’s not all that bad, not really. You’re Virgo, you have size, speed and agility. No fish will get away, but you might want to be careful, when the fish is thrashing about, you might get yourself hooked, or the fish? It might take kindly to the words you’re using.
Libra: The problem with Mars is going to be over with, once the weekend is done. Mars, when he’s opposite you, he can impart a certain frantic nature to what is going on. But once he passes, then it’s better. All better. Mercury is still retrograde, and that’s going to cause a bit of an echo, though, for any of the Mars inspired problems. Toil, travail, wail, if you must, but the root of the problem goes back to the “M” planets, Mars and Mercury. Mars was like a stick, like one of my neighbors, actually, with a stick, striking down a paper wasp nest. Mercury is like the buzzing insects, still hovering around the place where the nest used to be. To me, I’m not allergic to the wasp’s sting, these flying predators are nothing more than a nuisance.
Scorpio: WAG Wild (something) Guess. Or Wives And Girlfriends. Not that the two should ever be mixed. I wasn’t sure about the meaning of the acronym, so I asked. It might’ve been a guess, too, but I liked the second version better, “Wives And Girlfriends,” as it could apply to a number of different situations that might, or might not, involve the second definition. And either one, could come into play, here shortly, as Mars begins to make his way through Taurus. Taurus is on the opposite side of the wheel from Scorpio. Therefore, and this is no guess, Mars is going to oppose you at some point. Mars oppositions can be frightfully difficult, if not handled with care. First, don’t confuse “Wives And girlfriends.” Just as a pointer, I mean, I live like a monk these days, just because of some untimely confusion about that first issue. But more important, really, is the second approach. With Mars starting up opposite you? And with Mercury still backwards? No guess work. No guessing. And especially, no Wild Something Guesses. Those can backfire, and not in a fun way, either.
Sagittarius: In engineering, there’s a term, “Jellybean component.” From what I was able to gather, a “jellybean component” is part of larger whole, and the item is piece, to me, that would appear to be off-the-shelf. Between Mars and mercury mayhem, what we’re looking for in Sagittarius is a simple jellybean (type) of component. A simple, off-the-shelf, easy to use, can be drawn from any manufacturer, just part that can be interchanged with any other part. Doesn’t matter if it’s made in Sri Lanka, China, Mexico, or even right in our own backyard. This piece is part of the integral structure of our chart, and while it could be something as simple an item found in any hardware store, it might be a little more complicated. It’s not like we’re not beset with a confusing array of choices, and it’s not like this hasn’t been a tad bit unpleasant with the Mercury problems. But there’s a solution, and it really can be easily found. Instead of trying a complicated route to get what you’re looking for? Given that Mars is shifting gears? Look for the easiest solution. Right off the shelf.
Capricorn: Mercury is in a backwards position, on the opposite side of the wheel from you. Over yonder, in Cancer. The — almost — full moon hits in Sagittarius, right next to Jupiter, next week. This lends nothing but confusion and obfuscation to the Capricorn charts for this next few days. While I’d love to clear it all up and make a crystal clear prediction, the point is, there is no clarity. It’s like muddy water. Here’s a fishing hint, which, oddly enough, might work for Capricorn, as well. When it’s dark out — like at night — or when the lake’s water is particularly churned up and muddy? A dark color bait seems to work rather well. Perhaps a little smelly, too, but most important, is the color. I tend towards a black plastic tube, maybe with some dark-blue metal-flakes as an adornment. It’s less about the fishing seeing the lure, the bait, and it’s more about the fish being able to sense the movement, in the dark water. That’s the clue, through and through. When the sight seems to be clouded, the next best solution is something that is nearly invisible and wiggles a bit. It’s almost counterintuitive, but results count.
Aquarius: Saturn forward, in Leo, Neptune, backwards, in Aquarius? Means that the two are almost exactly opposite each other at this point. Adds a certain kind of confusing friction to the weekend’s plans. Not always bad, but I would point out that Saturn — Mr. Reality — and Neptune — Mr. Dreamer — don’t exactly get along together too well. If at all. “You say tomato, and I say….” Your fine Aquarius self can insert any kind of animal, vegetable or even mineral as the last have of that similitude. Which is the problem, we’re comparing items that probably don’t even belong to same genus, much less belong in the same category. But this isn’t about taxonomy, or word play, it’s about that happens when Saturn does this nasty little wake-up with Neptune. Aquarius is like the slumbering giant, in this situation, and Saturn is the insolent youth throwing rocks at the window. If this is a confusing metaphor, then don’t worry about it. The idea is that the two planets are basically incompatible, and add a dash of Mercury mayhem on top of this planetary platter, and there’s no good that will come of it. However, I’ve seen this arrangement before, and what is likely to happen is that you’ll chase after one item only to find that it wasn’t what you thought it was. Patience, and a certain amount of perseverance will see you through. The point is to try and stay focused on a single objective. The ability to stick assiduously to one goal
Pisces: As the moon starts to complete its arc and heads towards being full, there’s another, more subtle influence in Pisces. Uranus is moving — or more pointedly — not moving — from a placement wherein it looks more like a star and less like a planet. Its stationary position is gradually turning retrograde. That means it’s going to impart a special flavor to Pisces. It’s at once unsettling and yet, since Uranus is in here for a long haul, it’s also a little calmer. Except for a few Pisces, but as a whole, there’s a gentle kind of excitement that should be pervasive. This is akin to that feeling when a rock star is visible, right at the edge of the stage, but still, officially, anyway, waiting in the wings — waiting backstage until it’s time for the big entrance. It’s before the crowd starts chanting and clapping, and there’s a hushed expectancy that seeps through the group. Likewise, in Pisces, there’s a hushed expectancy that’s a passing influence, courtesy of Uranus.