Fish Porn

Coming up on Monday’s weekly video, there will be a short “nature” clip. My friends have a Koi Pond in the backyard. The Koi were mating, so I got a short video clip of a female, tail thrashing, laying eggs. Fish porn. Only on

The mating cycle for this type of fish, I guess, is similar to other fish. The female is ripe with eggs. The males, there were at least two, were swimming up next to her, tails out of the water, thrashing her sides, trying to get the eggs out and fertilized. Raw, teenage sex, right there in the backyard. Young love, it’s so innocent.

Full Moon in Sagittarius, I’m sure that’s what triggered it.

Background checks.

Late tech news:
Not really new news, but curious, in an of itself. Can the guy hit three for three?

Goes with fish porn?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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