It’s from Riders in the Sky, a classic cover band?
“The road has got me hypnotized/And I’m spinning into a new sunrise”
Radar Love, Golden Earring
Side bar:
The truth maybe out there, but the wrong place to look is the news magazines.
Way right:
As if I didn’t know this already.
Perfect Companionship:
Always carry something to read. And I had Bonfire of Roadmaps.
When you live like a conquistador, you cease to feel
The daggers of the world that fill every pore”
Joe Ely’s “Europe Tour, 1987 (page 86)
Road dog to road dog.
“No matter what anyone says, my task is to be good. Like gold or emerald or purple repeating to itself, ‘No matter what anyone says, or does, my task is to be emerald or purple.'”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 7, No. 15
There was a small contingent of soldiers, Army be my guess, desert camo BDU, again a guess, and the gate attendant asked for a round of applause. There was tear in my eye, feeling very patriotic. Ft. Hood, Ft. Bliss, north of Austin and El Paso, respectively, Ft. Sam, Lackland, Randolph, all in San Antonio. Better be patriotic. I didn’t say I liked the politics, but I know you damn well better support the troops, no matter where you stand on the polls. Maybe vote next time?