Just a weird collection. Two billboards:
Van Horn and Ft. Stockton. I thought, though, the signs were on the NM side of the line, around Anthony.
I asked, I’ve received three different definitions for the term, gavacho, so it’s still slag, and I still kind of wonder.
Not just a breakfast drink!
More Quotes:
Not in the collection. But should be.
Adam Cartwright: Let’s go back to the Ponderosa, Pa. This isn’t any of our affair.
Bubba (Leo): Got two cents?
Grace (Leo): I’ve got six sense.
Unrelated aliens?
Hot Waffle Maker
- Aperture: ƒ/1.5
- Camera: iPhone 14 Plus
- Flash fired: no
- Focal length: 5.7mm
- ISO: 40
- Shutter speed: 1/120s