I got to thinking, bad place for me to be at night, alone, unarmed, in my brian. It’s not a nice neighborhood at all, especially after dark. So anyway, I was thinking about a work-related situation.
“Stuck in a dead-end job? Nobody at work loves you?”
If this were a dead-end relationship, no love, no fiscal responsibility, no remorse, one partner wouldn’t hesitate to leave. Any sign of abuse, wham, out the door, correct? Straight-up advice. Bad relationships need no excuse, just leave.
But how about work, as in, employment? I skew my answers a little, with work, I tend to suggest that one find another job before leaving. However, in a romantic relationship, or one that started as a romantic relationship, I tend to suggest that one just leaves.
Now, I’ll just tease out whatever I was thinking about.

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Copyright 2008 by Kramer Wetzel for astrofish.net. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior written consent from the author.