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Rodeo or Mexico
That’s a song, correct?
Maybe not I’m unsure. But the perfect spin for a quick Monday afternoon run to Mexico. Old Mexico. Not New Mexico. Passed through Poteet (Home of the Strawberry Festival), then passed through Bigfoot (TX). Can’t make this stuff up. We walked over the bridge at Laredo, walked about two blocks into Mexico, went to one pharmacy, and then wandered around the marketplace. Spent more money on gas, just getting to the the border town than we spent in Mexico, on drugs. Stopped and had a Mexican Coke. There was quarter deposit on the dollar bottle.
Found one cool gift, inexpensive, for the Gemini Sister. Other than that? Not any cheaper, other than certain pharmacy items.
The border bridge is nice, the passport control is problem free, it costs a dollar to walk the bridge from Laredo but only a few Pesos to walk back (thirty cents).
On the road home, the “bluebird” skies were flawless, the road straight and true, truck drivers courteous, and then, my friend driving?
“Crap, how long has that cop been back there?”
DPS pulled us over, 83 in 75 on 35. He walks up to my side of the truck, “Hey, you look familiar, do I know you?”
I pushed my sunglasses up.
“Yeah, I know you from some where,” he said.
I answered they he looked familiar, too, but I didn’t ask what his birthday was. I made note of the name on the tag. Couldn’t place him. I allowed as much.
“You ever been in trouble around here?”
That evoked laughter. Gales of laughter from the driver. Not around here, some place south of civilization, north of the border, in the Nueces Strip.
Driver got a warning, and I got teased, mercilessly about being in trouble. Ector County? Sure. Dallas and Tarrant Counties? Sure. Travis? No, never got caught. Get a little older, and one learns it’s easier to avoid arrest.
The driver? The epitome of the Red-Headed Capricorn?
“We had a cop come out and talk to us about insurance things, and what he said, when he approaches a car, his intent was always to give a warning, the action and reaction of the driver and occupants made the difference.”
For the record, I might have seen that officer as a client, but I never saw him in a professional capacity. Well, until yesterday.
Trouble? You? I thought you lived like a monk….