Latin Mass at Westminster. Cool. Afternoon matins at St. Paul, a place of worship for 1400 years? Yeah, that’s cool, too. Even if I don’t buy every bit of the faith, I like some of the precepts.
Some days, examples present themselves. Could, wouldn’t, shouldn’t pass this one up. St. Paul’s is a Central London icon, home to the religion, &c. Across the street, ducking in for a quick bite before afternoon matins. Space is a premium in Central London, and that one burger joint, like many other restaurants, the offices and bathrooms were upstairs. So I ascended unto the heavens, passed a frustrated manager struggling with a locked office door. Did my business, washed my hands, and as much as I like to save trees, I just hate those hand-blown hair-dryers for hands. I walked out of the upstairs bathroom and the manager and now a cook, were struggling with the locked office door.
I couldn’t help but think about the Sun, now in Cancer, Mercury, not retrograde but still lagging in Gemini, Venus, in Cancer, and Pluto, now in Sagittarius, opposite the new Cancer Sun. Struggles. Of a valiant, if pointless, kind. Like with a locked office door. It had one of those combination keypads, and I’m guessing the combination was changed. When we left the restaurant, the cook, the manager, and a waitress were still struggling with the door.
“Try getting aggressive with it.”
Oh yeah, right, the door will succumb to the added frustration.
I don’t know how clear the connection is with the weekly audio-visual file, but I was hoping it was. Hoping it was clear. The connection.
Oh, forget, just kick the door down.
The weekly horoscope audio file is available – updated for free.

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How about something less direct, in-your-face? Like, maybe, take off the hinges. Temporary access to office until door lock issue can be resolved. That’s what my day, nay, my week, has been like. Re-direct the energy to some more productive path. Use brain, not brawn. And stay cool.