For the week starting: 8.14.2008

"How many things by season season’d are
To their right praise and true perfection!"
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice [V.i.118-9]

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leoLeo: I was with a comely lass, expected proportions, and she was shoe shopping. It’s a sport I don’t understand, but then, she’s been with me in a sporting goods store, so it’s about even. "Shoes, like fishing poles, never too many," she once explained, "and the reel? Shoes and purse, you know, go together."

Makes sense, in terms I can understand. Shoes are like fishing poles, certain conditions require certain equipment. Explains why I was in the female shoe department with a date. Friend, anyway.

She looked at a red pump with toe cleavage and a four-inch stiletto heel. The salesman, he looked at me, made some kind of male-bonding eye contact, and then, to her, he proffered the shoe and its box, "Try it on. For him," he said, with a nod towards me. What I wanted to say? "Dude. No way. Sandals or barefoot," but all I could do was blush. She arched her eyebrows slightly, her mouth curling into a suppressed giggle. As a Leo, you’ll understand, birthdays and all.

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virVirgo: "I’m always afraid to sleep on an airplane," a Virgo was telling me. I don’t get it. If there’s a problem, it’s not like a passenger on a commercial jet can do anything about it. If there’s a need for an uprising of the passengers, I’m sure everybody would be awakened, so that’s out, too. No, it doesn’t make sense to me. But I’m one of those guys who can get on and fall fast asleep before the plane’s ever left the terminal.

Could be my bias, too. I’m freely admitting that it doesn’t bother me, and the Virgo doing the complaining, it could be an underlying issue that I’m not prepared to deal with. Or something. Afraid that they’ll miss out on something? Traumatized as a child? Or, what I’d like to think, worked over by Mars. And Venus and Saturn, all at the same time.

The less time you spend analyzing, and more time spent doing, that’s going to help. Realize, too, that this influence is still leaving you with a feeling that you’re not gaining ground on the problem, but you are, you just won’t be able to measure that forward progress, yet. But you might sleep easier by the end of the week. You might even be able to catch a quick nap on an airplane.

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libLibra: Mars enters Libra, over this weekend. It’s sort of a nice thing, in a Libra way, since it, Mr. Mars, makes a little squawk before entering your sign. Sort of like he gets heated up and then slows down, worked up and then, in Libra, he mellows out some. He likes the way Libra fits him. The problem is that Libra might not like the way Mars fits. Mars is all about activity and there will be an increase in activity.

Pretty simple. From standing still, to moving, presumably in a forward motion, in the blink of a weekend. What is important, as the weekend approaches, and before Mars arrives to heat up matters? Pick a direction. Goal, direction, method of delivery, pick that. Figure out what and where, make sure your aim is true, get the idea?

The only real warning that comes with this, what I’d be mindful of? Consider that the route and delivery might change before you get to the Mars action. Don’t pin high expectations on just one route, one way, one specified outcome. Mars does a little action before he gets to Libra and it could be like those computer driving directions, might want to check before blindly putting faith in you Mars orientation.

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scoScorpio: Don’t give in to temptation, and especially, don’t give in the the temptation to gloat. If you track that backwards, which not uncommon with my work, you can see that it means you’ve got a chance to gloat, and you’re going to be tempted to take it.

I’d suggest, I wouldn’t tell, but I’d urge you to consider how it looks, that gloating when you should be shutting up. Bragging about a big win moments before you lose it on the last lap. Just when you can feel and taste victory, just when you’re sure you have a momentous challenge suitably vanquished, just at the moment you’re sure you on top? Just when nothing can wrong? Yeah.

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. And to be fair, I’m sure, after this weekend is over? You get a chance to pull off the big win, just like I described. You’re still going to win, but giving in to that all-too-human desire the gloat, brag, and rub your opponents face in your besting of the problem? Not yet. Wait until next week. Win now, brag about it later.

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sagSagittarius: Just really seems busier than it is. Easiest way to describe the Sagittarius life at this moment, just busier seeming than it really is. I can still fit you in, in the next week, though, if you write in now. That’s part of what this week’s about, planning, preparing, and adequate management of resources. Which leads us to looking busier than we really are.

I get kind of frantic, and little overwhelmed with the inbound volume of work, and it’s all a matter of settling down long enough to organize the needful, mindful problems in a reasonable order. Which can done. It’s a matter of not getting excessively worked up about any single task. It will all work out. In good time — on time. Like it is supposed to.

It gets like this, see, I start to freak out because I didn’t get the scopes back on Tuesday afternoon from the print shop, so I can’t position them to run on Wednesday, although, technically, the scopes aren’t live until Thursday, and see, they should have them back to me by Monday, and now what will I do on Sunday? The frantic mental game isn’t one I can win.

Realize that, by Thursday, I’ll be better again, only, now I’ve got to start worrying about next week.

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capCapricorn: I’m not politically correct. I’m not going to be politically correct. I have no intention of pandering to whatever special interest group wants my attention, and gently stepping around issues so as not to earn the ire of a particular group, sub-group, or even one individual.

I was coming back from an afternoon of fishing, hot summer’s day, and I suggested we stop at a Wal-Mart to pick up some cold beverages, and I needed to replace a piece of equipment that was left in the lake, and there was one or two grocery items I wanted. On the south side, there is no afternoon shade, leave the windows down, hike a half-mile to the air-conditioned comfort of the superstore, and then, it’s still another quarter-mile to the back corner where the fishing aisle is.

Round trip is going to be over a mile, easy, which means, even in our exultant but exhausted state, my buddy was starting to complain. Bitter complaints about the miles walked. First, to the back corner for fishing gear, with hunting specials coming up. Then over to groceries, on the other side, then back to look at something, and it was a workout, in and of itself. I think my buddy was complaining just to complain, though, more artful and less heartfelt than it really was. Capricorn, but who’s counting? Are you going to be the laggard, dragging and whining the whole way? Or like me, mocking you, gently? Which will it be?

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aquAquarius: Ever notice that airline pilot uniforms haven’t changed in a lifetime? I tend to shuffle around on commuter airlines only because it’s less expensive and quicker for me. Easier, if you will. Most of the little planes have a standard policy, kind of hard to miss, that the pilots have to stand at the entrance/exit and say hello/good-bye. That’s when I started to notice that the uniforms have been unchanged in style since, near as I could tell? Almost 80 years. That’s a long time for a style to stick around.

Flight attendants, those outfits have changed dramatically. From stylish to revealing and back to praqctical. I’m not an expert on clothing styles, but for one service industry to stick to just one style for so long, made me wonder. Always with the dark slacks, white shirts and a tie, usually, and maybe some epaulettes with a symbolic rank, sure, not much has changed. Some items are worth changing, and sometimes, like these days, especially for the Aquarius, there are points that really don’t need to addressed. Like the airline pilots, does anyone really care that they — as a whole group — might be fashion challenged? And does that reallty matter, as long as they drive the plane right? Does the cause merit Aquarius attention?

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pisPisces: One of my buddies was lounging, flipping through a catalog, "We got to get a bunch of this stuff and give it to the homeless people around here, think much fun it would be!" He’s a little twisted, not really a Pisces, but that doesn’t matter, the idea had merit in that what he wanted to do was donate a bunch of Elizabethean/Goth garb to the local population and see what they would do to spice up the action.

Purely from an entertainment point of view. It’s all largely idle conversation to fill the afternoon at a coffee shop, but it beats beer and cigarettes for entertainment. That might be part of what this is about, and then, too, there’s the idea of dressing the myriad of mentally and dwelling challenged people, in a specfic period-type of attire, and watching what that does. Better yet, or the best idea so far? Instead of doing it? Just kick some ideas around.

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ariAries: Don’t give into the illusion, especially when you know it’s an illusion. There’s a sense that you want to be fooled, you know, play the straight guy, play the unwitting fool, believe in the magic when you know it’s all a trick?

Another expression, another way I like see this kind of energy in Aries? "Oh look! Bright shiny object! I want it!" Lovely notion. Doesn’t work. Great idea, just doesn’t ramp up and run like it’s advertised to do.

I’m not saying that everything won’t live up to you expectations, but I am giving you fair warning. Just because it’s new and improved, is it really better? Just because it’s all bright and shiny, does that mean it is something you must touch? Sure is tempting, isn’t it? Are you sure? Are you that sure?

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tauTaurus: Ask yourself, "When was the moment?" There’s a time, a place, a point wherein the the smallest of decisions makes all the difference. I stopped and bought a lottery ticket, one afternoon, and nearly a week later, I was at the lottery office, claiming my hundreds of dollars.

So the moment that changes an issue, a situation, a valid turning point in life, the littlest, tiniest, most insignificant windows, there’s one of those. Could be this afternoon, or maybe Saturday morning, I’m not sure. I could be sure by looking at individual Taurus astrology charts, but I am sure that there’s that particular moment, fast approaching. The trick is the seize the moment, realize that this is the time for your Taurus self to act.

The point of the point, the tip, the moment, you’ll know when your stars align this week, the deal is, you have to grab it. Have to take action, make a move. Could be a big deal, like agreeing to relocate for employment. But I tend to think it’s a much smaller action. It’s just that the Taurus action is required. Might not even be a big deal. But it is.

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gemGemini: There’s a local restaurant, looks over the Guadalupe, Comal, Blanco or Frio River. The multitude of streams — this is the heart of the land with eleven hundred springs — I can’t keep the names straight. Or maybe, like the limestone that’s the source for the springs, my memory might be a little porous.

However mutable the memory is, doesn’t stop this week’s observation, a guy with a prominent Mohawk, riding along in one of the streams, in a tube, along with 100s of friends. It’s just that the purple and brazen blue coloring, still spiked, that all stood out. Tubers are generally an intoxicated and ill-mannered lot, which makes dining at the restaurant overlooking the river that much more amusing. Folks riding in the river in the summertime, they tend to be water-alcohol-sun soaked.

So a real Mohawk hairstyle, that caught my attention. And a real one surviving a trip downstream? Even more so. Something sticks out this week. Pay attention. There’s an image, scenario, a basic incongruity in your Life of Gemini. Embrace. Most important, don’t be too shocked. It’s not that weird.

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canCancer: I was watching parents and children, doing whatever it is that parents and children do. I think it was outside of some shopping venue, but I can’t recall exactly. I just remember, might’ve been a restaurant, that there was a kid, age between two and four years old, and the kid was barefoot in the summer heat. The parental figure just looked down, with muffled exasperation, "Where are your shoes?"

The barefoot kid? "I don’t have any!" Okay, any parent has been through this. Patience, societal mandates, real or imagined, it all plays into the problem of the barefoot child. Then too, there’s the concern that the shoes were tossed, and, I’m guessing, they were a new item, recently. Arguing with a small child is like wrestling with a pig in muck. You only get dirty and sooner — or later — you figure out that the pig likes it. The kid was enjoying the interaction and the retracing of steps to find where the shoes were.

Ask any parent, well, except mine, as I was sterling child, but a preponderance of parents have similar tales of trials and tribulations with offspring. The spawn of their loins. There’s a certain amount of quiet resolve, a degree of acceptance and on some level, parental units must be amused by their children. That same well and reserve of patience and (figurative) breast milk is what is required, next couple of days. It’s not really difficult, just, just, just I’m not sure. Me and that kid? We were amused.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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