For the week starting: 10.23.2008

"My age is a lusty winter,
Frosty but kindly."
Shakespeare’s As You Like It (II.iii.55-6)

St. Crispin’s Feast Day: Oct 25. Observed by the cobblers of Scarborough.

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scoScorpio: Buddy of mine is a welder. If it’s metal, or just metallic, or even Metallica, he can join it together with fused metal. Oxy, TIG, Mig, I’m not even sure what all the systems are. I was thinking about his welding because his work is both strong, and in a relative way, pretty. The seams are joined properly, the welds are even, the surface results look good. And hold. Strong and pretty. All with the proper application of heat.

Understand that sometimes it’s done with electricity, arc welding, but it’s all about the same. Still hot stuff. I got off thinking about him because Mars is like a butane torch. Hot enough to braise, but probably not hot enough to melt. Not quite. Burn? Sure, if it’s mishandled. Like any of the tools on my buddy’s truck, handled in an inappropriate manner? Can burn. Maim, even. Mars is like a torch, I was thinking of a simple butane torch. Mars is frying along in Scorpio. So what are you going to do? You can join things together — in such a manner as to last forever, or you can burn stuff. Which is more appealing?

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sag Sagittarius: About ten days, maybe most near two weeks away? We’ve got the weirdest little heavenly hint. Has to do with a lot of Sagittarius material. I could sing, "These are a few of our favorite things," but I think the antecedent might be lost. Will be lost. Oh, never mind. I’m not a singer, not by any measure.

Pick about three favorite things. Items, actions, well, we are Sagittarius, probably more an action item than a thing, but pick about three. Three of our favorite things? Got an image in your Sagittarius mind’s eye? Three of those things, now, discard two of those three. It’s about figuring, now, what some priorities are for them, two weeks hence.

We got a weird as can be time, a place in time and space where there’s a much more narrow focus required. Instead of working with that when it happens? As the bottom falls out, or the sky falls, or whatever? It’s matter of already having our priorities in place. Pick one of those three favorite things. Then plan on concentrating on just that one. It’s easy, if you get a head start now.

cap Capricorn: Growing complexities in your life can be a problem. Solution? Simplify. For the next seven to ten days? Couldn’t think of better time to excise superfluous extraneous material that just doesn’t belong.

And there are many ways to get rid of excess.

Personally, I prefer a monk-like existence. I like to keep it simple. Minimum of equipment, minimum of baggage, minimum of operating gear. Fewer moving parts means fewer things break. Instead of buying, consuming, and "getting," try to unload some, This is against conventional astrological lore, but then, you’re an exceptional and unconventional individual, try unloading instead of loading up.

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aqu Aquarius: This exercise has been faithfully recorded in more than one medium on the website. It’s not a big deal. It’s an accident that occurs frequently for fisherman. Fisher-people, really. All of us (Aquarius) can relate. It’s the matter of getting hooked by our own hooks. Happens. Way it goes. If it’s a lure, say, a nice topwater lure with a pair of big treble hooks? And one of those little barbed fingers works its way into our precious Aquarius flesh?

Easiest course of action, instead of ripping it out, and taking a large piece of Aquarius flesh with it, on that barb? Consider following my advice, it’s easier to punch it through. Cut the hook off, so only the barbed end is in the Aquarius flesh. Then gently push the curved bit of metal right on through, not catching on the barb, and not taking a pound of flesh. Much easier that way.

I’ve performed this surgical procedure a number of times. On myself, on other fishermen. It’s just easier not fight the hook’s barb. Likewise, when this week presents a hooked situation, try something a little unusual in the solution. Like removing a hook with a barb? Same deal. Cut and push, not retrieve.

pis Pisces: There’s a really nice topwater lure sitting on the top of a stack of books, and those books are on top of my desk. Little dusty in here, need to correct that. The lure is still in its original packaging. The hooks are safe from harm’s way, or out of harm’s way, or something. Can’t catch on shirts or fingers, those being the two principle points of contact for the hooks, and that’s what I’m warning about. Getting stabbed with one’s own fishing lure isn’t a big deal. Happens to me a lot.

Sharp hooks are far more effective than dull ones. Likewise, new equipment tends to perform better. And new equipment that I might use next spring? That’s months and months away. What should I do? Should I take this out of the package, drop it in the top of the correct tackle box, then hope that it doesn’t get tangled up between now and next spring?

I’m ready for some kicking topwater action, but that’s not happening until we get through next spring’s spawn. For a Pisces, this has nothing to do with bass spawning, or red drum, or even fish. This is about the planets, and how the planets are dropping packages, like that lure still in the box, and what you can choose to do? How about leave the lure, with its sharp treble hooks, in the package? It’s a topwater that was on sale now, and will be very valuable later. But right now? Instead of making this complicated? Why not just leave it where it is? Think of those hooks. Sharp hooks.

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ariAries: As I get a little older, I’ve grown to realize one of my most precious resources is time. I don’t have a lot of time to squander. More important than money, more important than computers, books, or even more important than music, time is the single resource I have to manage effectively.

I was figuring, you know, as an Aries, that you could follow me on this idea, about managing your time effectively. The first tool I used, and it served me well for years, was a simple "Month-at-a-glance" type of calendar. Since then, the tools for effectively managing my time have changed from simple paper calendar — operated with a pencil — to various and increasingly complex devices from original PDAs to computers to both smart phone and computers.

Still, the point to the exercise is to make sure that I leave enough blank places in my schedule where I can do what is necessary to feed my soul. Reading, writing, generally avoiding real work, all of that is part of what’s required. As the first of the holiday crush hits? Time. It’s what you can manage.

tau Taurus: There’s a textbook I keep on hand; I picked up my copy at the used book store. A little beaten, cover’s worn, and I use it as a handy reference for information on my travels. I saw a new copy of the book, in the store, the other afternoon. Discount copy. Discount store. New edition, but I looked at the cover, same text, just a new picture and an updated author’s picture. Guy’s a lot older in the new picture.

Other than that? The text is the same. I was tempted, I’ll admit, and I hefted the new edition, but the copyright notice indicated that it was the same material that I’ve already got in a well-worn copy sitting on my desk. Question is, should I get a new copy? The words themselves haven’t changed, and in the new copy, even the pagination is the same. Each page corresponds to a the same page as before. Nothing’s changed!

I hefted the new copy of the text, looked at the steeply discounted price, it was still more than I paid for the used copy, and while the store’s tracking software, I’m sure, would register it as a sale, and it would incrementally help that author, if he’s got a new hardback version — my older version is softcover — he’s already doing okay. Besides, the older, soft version works just fine with me. These are the questions a good Taurus needs to ask before embarking on that new project. Is the old good enough?

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gem Gemini: This surely makes me look good but it doesn’t do one bit of good for you. Therein is the problem, and I don’t have a facile answer for the Gemini question. At some point, though, you’ve got to decide when enough is enough.

What’s the Gemini breaking point? When have you had your fill? When is enough really enough? There’s a time to make a stand for whatever you believe in, and that time is rapidly approaching. Or maybe it’s passed by and you didn’t deem the issue worth making a stand for. About. Whatever. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal?

When I first wrote that, I thought of it as a statement, but the question mark sort inserted itself before I could edit, and I though, it looked nice. Even better? Even better. Are you making a bigger issue out of tinier issue, or is your point really valid? Tough questions. I think, though, if you look at it, it might not be the big, hairy deal you’ve painted it to be. But that could be me.

can Cancer: Curb your enthusiasm. It’s quite all right to be cautiously optimistic, but don’t let it show. It’s that simple. Let’s paint a Crab-like Cancer face on top of the inwardly smiling individual. Maybe not dire or dour so much as a poker face. Bland. Nondescript. Unrevealing. Some folks would call this a "poker face," but not me. That’s such an overused expression, I’d stay away from the term.

Besides, the connotation of "poker face" implies that there’s a game of chance. Luck, betting and beating the odds, and no. Not at all. This bland exterior on a happy interior is about recent and upcoming events. Act taciturn and unmoved. I’m not saying that you’re involved in ahigh-stakes game that should go your way, I think of this more as a long-shot sure-thing. Something where you’ve already figured the odds are in your favor, only, the trick? Don’t let anyone else in on your secret, hence the unmoved face. Curb the outward display of happiness, that’s all.

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leo Leo: As the most regal and grandest fire sign that there is, a Leo (The Leo) does not suffer change gracefully. Especially if this is change wherein an outside force is acting upon your Leo self, and you don’t feel like this is a change that you would like to make. I’m not saying that you have to change, but over the course of the week, there’s going to be an indication that a change would be helpful.

A change in the Leo demeanor, a shift in point-of-view, a modified cruise route. This isn’t that big of a deal. When me and buddy hit one lake, we always accelerate away from the dock, barrel along the lake’s southern flank, and hit a certain inlet first. Do it every time. Same as always. However, last week? We launched and just drifted. Pictures might be up on the web site.

But it was a successful venture, never hit the usual places. It wasn’t so much of a change as just not doing nearly as much. Didn’t burn a lot of fuel racing around. Just drifted — not even that far from the launch ramp. So when I talk about a small change, a course correction for Leo, it doesn’t have to be a big deal.


Virgo: Saturn is known as a staid and conservative planet. Saturn’s influence in the Virgo section of the sky, it’s easy, "Predict bad things — can’t go wrong." I’m paraphrasing an ancient astrology reference. But I’m also not inclined to always hew to the letter of the message. I wonder if the upcoming Saturn and Uranus transit doesn’t have a lot to do with new and improved Virgo implementation.

There’s always one, and I can hear that Virgo in the back, "So what are we implementing? Does this mean more hard work for me? See? He really doesn’t like Virgo at all." The last two questions are an attack on me, rather than facing what the problem is, and as a rhetorical device, a useful way to get around the original question. Yes, it’s more work for Virgo. Yes, it’s a new idea that needs to be launched, like, really soon, and yes, it’s going to get off to a stuttering start.

As for as the rest of the Virgo questions? Ah, c’mon, I’v dated more Virgos than any other sign. Please. Still have the Virgo love here. But that doesn’t mean that you’re going to be able to get out of having to pull an extra shift or two — just to get this all into gear.

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libLibra: Studies — scientific studies, done by scientistsstudies have proven that the horoscopes are accurate approximately 83% of the time. Then, there’s a statistic that suggests 46% of all statistics are made up on the spot. However, whether it’s fact or fiction? There’s a weird feeling floating along in Libra. Not really good, but then, not really bad, either. A little off to one side, but then that’s also sort of the tone, a little to the left or the right, but not quite centered.

As much as I’d like for you to be balanced and all together, I can’t promise that’s going to happen. It is good to realize that you’re just a little to the left — or right — of where you want to be. I’d like to suggest, too, that you use my sure-fire, crack-team of scientists, the ones who do the scientific studies, and you can quote them. Nothing is better than having a self-appointed expert back your case.

Individually, I’m unsure of what the Libra case is, but collectively, nothing beats having an expert witness stand up for you. Or, you can do like me, and I can usually find two sources that will infallibly back me: Shakespeare and the inter-web. It’s out there, on a web page, evidence to support your cause-Libra. And, I’m sure, I can come up with a Shakespeare quote to match it, too.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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