Drum Roll

Have to work on that when there’s time.

More Drum:
Rim shot?

Running themes, good idea?
– Alternatively, “Running, gag, bad idea?”

I’ve plugged the point of the side-project for while, but there was another element that leapt out at me, after I’d run a series of images for a week. The concept was “circles and spheres,” I responded by pulling up a recent montage of specific images from a park.

They are circular concrete insets that mark a specific date, and the park itself is also quite colorful, made more so by both its proximity to my company’s mail box and the park’s (stated) artistic goal.

When I set it all up, it wasn’t a problem, as I was interested in the material, the images. While the camera work was from a few months ago, maybe a few weeks ago, the images seemed like a good idea as a montage, perhaps all of them combined, but then, the writing would be too small to read. Not that it matters, part of the point of the interplay of light and shadow, color and substance? Part of that is pure luck.

The purported question, though, too much, in the running theme department? I think so. Week is too long for any set of images to work.

Missing element:
First big holiday together without my father. Sister honored his abscence with a memorial space, a couple of photos, a small bag of coffee and some lemon custard.

Later that night:
“I have a rich inner life,” I explained.

“So do I,” Sister said, “and I like to tell everyone about it.”

Yeah, well, I write about it.

“She’s talking without breathing, she does that a lot. She’ll pass out – you would think.”

“I’ve been experimenting with this ATM thing; it’s great, you go to a machine and it gives you money.”

Welcome to the 80’s.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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