Good Walks

Modern Concrete Co. Good Walks. In the wan winter sunlight, the middle of the day, the sunlight slanted and tilted to one side, lopsided light. Long shadows at noon.

Good walks. Modern Concrete Co. There’s a point, an image and idea, sort of run together.

Modern Concrete Co. And its tag line, “Good Walks?” I was thinking of some way to run the two together, I knew a few good walks. I’ve walked a few good walks. Then again, the purpose of the journey, sometimes, the stated purpose, getting there, that’s less of an issue than just going.

Trying to connect the dots on this one, and it’s just not working.

Just say “no.”

Xmas Day:
Always one. Two songs, Willie Nelson’s Bloody Mary Morning and the Flatlanders (Jimmie Dale Gilmore) Dallas.

I wore a Santa hat Xmas day, flight to Dallas. Seated and flipping through the holiday catalog, a guy boards the plane: weathered hand, black cowboy hat, and tightly fitted around the hat band? A Santa hat. Like mine.

“High Ho! My men!” He greeted me, then he extended a fist, for a shake.

I looked up, we bumped fists. His right ring finger had a huge gold ring, shape of Texas.

Getting off the plane in Dallas? I noticed he was wearing jeans tucked into his knee-high cowboy boots. The uppers on his cowboy boots? Bright red.

I love Texas and Texans.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • ssmith04 Dec 27, 2008 @ 14:19

    Brussels Sprouts? Yes. Yes. Yes. I think I’m married to the only man in creation who not only likes them, but makes a request for them on a regular basis.

    Walks…not all who wander are lost….

    Check the voting. You’re ahead by 3 votes!

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